Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 573 Importance

Ninjas devote themselves to war all the time, fighting constantly for their own country and village, never caring about other countries and villages, just plundering and plundering.

Seized and taken back, taken away and taken back again, the hatred generated by this will never end. The wars between countries and the battles between villages use blood and life to form an inescapable cycle.

There were countless innocent people involved in the war, and Minato knew it well. Even he, for the sake of the village, had taken the lives of some innocent people on his hands, and he had killed countless enemies in the war.

If your stance is different, what you do will inevitably be different.

For Minato, the village and his companions are the most important. For the sake of the village, his heart is cold when he kills the enemy.

For Konan, Yahiko and Nagato are the most important. They will do whatever it takes to get the world of their dreams, and they have implicated many innocent people. In order to collect tailed beasts, they will not even let go of a baby.

People often have a scale in their hearts to weigh things and compare gains and losses.

Although Nagato had a lofty dream, worked hard for it, and even gave his life in the end, Minato would not pity Nagato, so he listened to Konan's sad words and looked at Konan's extremely sad expression, and his heart filled with emotion. But there was no ripple.

Minato also wants the ninja world to become peaceful, or in other words, everyone wants world peace. Without war, so many people would not die. But this is not the reason for Nagato and Konan to attack Konoha. In this attack, how many people in the village died unfortunately, this is an indelible fact.

Due to emotion and reason, Konan, as a helper, should also pay the price for the dead companions in the village. However, the reason why Minato did not kill Konan was simply because a living Konan was worth more than a dead Konan.

If peace can be achieved by taking the lives of others wantonly, there will be no war. Minato looked at Konan, although his tone was not sarcastic, but the content of his words inevitably meant that he was mocking Konan for the worthlessness of his sorrow. .

Xiaonan couldn't explain why they could do these things as a matter of course. It was just that they recognized the reality in the heavy rain when they lost Yahiko.

How to determine whether it is right or wrong to achieve a peaceful world at the expense of a small number of people?

Maybe it's not them that's wrong, but the world.

People from different standpoints are like people from two different worlds. It is difficult to communicate and understand each other unless there is a door that can communicate, and this door can be called peace.

After a moment of silence, Minato looked at Konan who was crying silently and said calmly: Maybe it's inappropriate, but now I have many questions to ask you.

Konan looked up at Minato and said coldly: You rescued me because you wanted to get information from me, right?

Their relationship was that of enemies, and no one could have expected that Minato would save them so hastily.

Why Minato wanted to save her, this question probably doesn't need to be too difficult to explain.

After hearing Konan's words, Minato was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly.

He came to the Kingdom of Rain specially, and his original intention was to come to Xiaonan. It didn't matter whether he was dead or alive, as long as he took her back.

It was just that the situation had changed, causing him to temporarily change his mind and rescue Xiaonan from Ye Zi, in order to get the most detailed information as quickly as possible.

As long as the issue of life and death is not involved, Xiaonan's guess is not wrong.

Ha... A sad smile appeared on Xiaonan's face. If she still has a reason to live now, it would be to avenge Nagato and the others. Konoha wants to get information from her. If she has this opportunity, she will It's free cooperation.

Since we are no longer able to recreate the dream world, let that man... die as much as possible!

Xiaonan suppressed her smile, and a cold murderous intention appeared on her face that still had traces of sadness.

As long as I can answer whatever you want to know, I will not hold anything back, or I will tell you any information I know.

From this moment on, all she wanted in her heart was not to let Ye Zi have an easy time.

Minato was slightly happy that things were turning out for the best. It would be best if Xiaonan could cooperate like this.

Your companion is not... Before starting, Minato wanted to clarify that Nagato was not killed by them. Although he believed that Nagato died innocently, this explanation might make Konan more cooperative, so he felt it was necessary to clarify.

As a result, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiaonan.

I know that Nagato was killed by Ye Zi, which is the fundamental reason why I am willing to cooperate. Xiaonan looked at Minato who was slightly startled, and when she mentioned Ye Zi, her eyes were cold.

Facing Konan's cold eyes, Minato nodded slightly, put down the remaining dry food in his hand, and asked calmly: First of all, what is your purpose of collecting tailed beasts?

At this moment, he didn't need to know too much detail, but there were a few questions he wanted to clarify first. After returning to the village, he would ask Xiao Nan to tell all the information he knew.

However, the necessary procedures still had to be followed, and he would not believe it easily just because of Xiaonan's one-sided words.

First of all, the first question I want to know is what do you want to do after collecting all the tailed beasts?

As long as all the tailed beasts are sealed into the heretic demons, they will be able to obtain an invincible war weapon, which is the Ten-Tails...

Hearing Minato's question, Konan's image of Nagato appeared in his mind, his eyes darkened slightly, and he continued: Our original intention is to bring peace to the ninja world. For this purpose, we need a sharp weapon that can make all ninja villages surrender. That’s the Ten-Tails.”

What are the heretic demons? What are the Ten-Tails? Minato's heart tightened. Taking it literally, the Ten-Tails is the collection of all tailed beasts, but he had no idea about it.

The Outer Path Golem is the empty shell of the Ten-Tails whose chakra has been extracted from the tailed beasts, and the chakra of all the tailed beasts is sealed into the Outer Path Golem again, which is the Ten-Tails. You also know how terrifying the tailed beasts are. Assemble With the power of nine tailed beasts, it’s not hard to imagine what the ten tails would be like, right? Konan explained.

Not hard to imagine? It's simply unimaginable. It's precisely because of this that I feel that the Ten-Tails is as terrifying as Konan said.

Minato smiled bitterly and continued to ask: Do Ye Zi and your goals have the same purpose?

It's different, but this plan can be said to have been initiated by him. Xiaonan's face turned cold.

Minato suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked calmly: The condition for controlling the Ten-Tails... is the Rinnegan?

When Konan heard this, she looked at Minato in surprise. After a moment, she nodded slowly and said, That's right.

Is that really the case... Minato was silent. He actually thought of the troops in Ye Zi's hands that had Sharingan transplanted, and Ye Zi took away the Heretic Golem and Nagato's body, so he came up with this guess. , then one thing can be confirmed, Ye Zi definitely wants to control the Ten-Tails, and in this case, he will inevitably transplant the Samsara Eye.

After a moment of silence, Minato said in a deep voice: Rest for three hours, then set off immediately and follow me back to Konoha as soon as possible.

After a few questions, Minato decided to let Konan tell the whole story after returning to the village.

At this moment, he felt that it was a very wise decision to bring Xiaonan back.

Just these few questions made him realize the importance of Xiaonan.

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