Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 574: No turning back

Just a few questions highlight Xiaonan's importance.

Minato wanted to know more details, but he had to take Konan back to the village first. After resting for three hours, the two regained some energy and continued on their way under the cover of night.

It is still unclear what kind of trouble Xiaonan's joining will cause Ye Zi.

Rain Ninja Village.

The night was dark, and at this time, Ye Zi was preparing to return to the stronghold from Yuren Village.

Konoha Village has many means of obtaining information. Xiao Nan was aware that Xiao Nan would bring a lot of information to Konoha, but it could not change anything. At the most critical moment, Minato appeared to rescue Xiao Nan, and in the immortal In this mode, Minato couldn't be sensed, lost his trace, and lost his direction, so he couldn't continue to pursue him.

After that, Ye Zi did not waste time pursuing aimlessly, but immediately found other core members of Akatsuki who were staying in the Rain Ninja Village.

Kakuzu, Juzo, Kisame, and Scorpion...

Ye Zi clearly told the four people that Nagato was dead and Xiao had no reason to continue to exist, and then extended an olive branch to the four people.

Jiaodu, who only cared about money, expressed no interest, because all Ye Zi's funds were invested in preparations, otherwise he could spend some money and let Jiaodu work as a mercenary.

The mist ninja traitor Juuzang may have begun to get tired of the never-ending tasks and battles. When Ye Zi gave him a choice, he refused the olive branch offered to him.

Kisame, who was also a rebel ninja, made a different choice than Juuzou. He chose to accept the olive branch offered by Ye Zi.

The remaining Scorpions also chose to follow Ye Zi, for unknown purposes and thoughts, to face what might be a brutal battle.

Although Kakuzu and Juuzang both refused, Ye Zi did not cause trouble for them. After all, the two of them were different from Konan. There was no reason to be enemies with him. At most, they would not interfere in the next battle.

Ye Zi still had many things to deal with, so he took Kisame and Xie and set off directly to the stronghold late at night.

In the night rain, three figures headed into the distance.

What's your reason? Ye Zi looked forward.

The wind and rain fell behind me in the wind. As I walked quickly, my feet landed on the ground, causing waves of water to splash.

The cold voice penetrated directly through the sound of wind and rain and entered the ears of Kisame and Xia. The two were silent for a moment and each responded.

Xie said coldly: There are many strong people in Konoha, so there will be very good materials.

Kisame replied expressionlessly: Fight.

After hearing the two people's answers, Ye Zi didn't say anything and hurried on silently.

He could understand Xia's desire for material, but Kisame's reasons seemed rather pale, but he didn't care.

Generally speaking, the strength of Scorpion and Kisame is top-notch and can be placed in the battle circle with generals.

The three of them were speechless all the way.

Five days later, Ye Zi returned to the stronghold with Xie and Kisame. After settling them, Ye Zi went straight to the laboratory.

In the laboratory, Nanako and Yu buried their heads at the workbench. From the time Ye Zi came in until now, their hands have not stopped, making potions.

Ye Zi was wise enough not to disturb him, but Nanako and Yu noticed Ye Zi's arrival, looked up, silently summoned them, and then continued with what they were doing.

Orochimaru stopped immediately and walked towards Ye Zi.

How is the progress? Seeing Orochimaru approaching, Ye Zi directly stated his intention.

Come with me.

Orochimaru did not answer, but took Ye Zi to the specially created underground room, where the heretic demon was located.

When he came to this room, relying on the lights on the walls and ceiling, Ye Zi, who was standing on the high platform, took a quick look. In the huge room, there were countless clones standing in neat rows, and the white figures were densely packed. Surrounded in the middle.

With so many clones present, the room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

On the branches that look like dead trees, there are clones that are being shaped.

When Ye Zi brought the heretic demon here, he never stopped making clones.

How many are there?

Looking at the clones at the bottom, Ye Zi did not go down the stairs, but asked Orochimaru beside him.

There's no precise number, but it's about 40,000. Orochimaru said calmly.

Ye Zi nodded slightly and asked, What is the production volume per day?

Orochimaru replied: About two thousand five hundred.

Hearing Orochimaru's answer, Ye Zi groaned and asked again: Can the production of medicine keep up?

Orochimaru sneered and said lightly: I can't keep up. Not to mention the limited materials, there is also a serious shortage of manpower. At most, I can only make about 30,000 potions.

Thirty enough. Ye Zi retracted his gaze downwards, looked at Orochimaru's side face, and said seriously: Thank you for your hard work.

Hearing this, Orochimaru stared intently at the clone army below, his cold expression not changing at all. After a moment of silence, he said coldly: If you are willing to wait, maybe you don't have to do that at all. The price is It’s something that no one can bear, but as long as you and I cooperate, one day we will knock on the door of truth, and by then, there may be a sure way to do it.”

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Ye Zi laughed at himself, lowered his eyelids slightly, looked at the smooth ground, and said calmly: When I practice Sage Mode, I choose the fastest and most dangerous way. You should know that I won't do it. Keep waiting, and...instead of believing in an uncertain future, do your best to seize the opportunities that exist.”

When he first practiced the sage mode in Ryūchi Cave, Ye Zi took huge risks and mastered the sage mode in the shortest time, while Orochimaru chose a safer and safer way.

Both men eventually mastered Sage Mode, but Orochimaru took longer and the steps to master Sage Mode were more cumbersome.

The different choices clearly indicate that Ye Zi is unlikely to follow Orochimaru's advice.

Is it worth it? Orochimaru suddenly asked.


Ye Zi responded without hesitation, turned around and strode up the stairs he came from, as if heading towards a path of no return.

Listening to the footsteps that were getting further away, Orochimaru stared expressionlessly at the clone army below for a long time, and then he let out a faint sigh, which was extremely rare.

The number of clones cultivated using the heretic golems has reached 40,000, and they are still being produced. With the support of the chakra of the eight tailed beasts, it is no problem to continue to create clones.

The number of clones continues to grow, but the production of enhancement potions cannot keep up. After all, there are only three people in the entire laboratory who can make potions, and the Heretic Golem can produce about 2,500 clones a day. Even if Orochimaru and the others separated into shadow clones, the progress of making potions would not be able to keep up with the number of clones.

In this regard, Ye Zi did not force it, but just asked Orochimaru and the others to complete it as soon as possible.

After Nagato's failure, Ye Zi didn't want to follow in his footsteps. He could only succeed, not fail.

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