Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 582: At any cost

This intruder is Bai Jue.

Following Ye Zi's order, he came to investigate the enemy's situation, but after just taking a glance at the coalition forces stationed in Konoha, he was discovered.

Is it possible to use Earth Escape and Barrier together? It's amazing.

After realizing that he had been discovered, Bai Jue ran away without hesitation.

The coalition team that came as quickly as possible missed the target.

Bai Zetsu, who was unable to invade Konoha Village, had no choice but to return to the stronghold and tell Ye Zi the news as soon as possible.

Because of the discovery of Bai Jue, the ninja coalition realized that Ye Zi might make some moves, so they immediately ordered their troops. As long as they were told what they had to explain, they could immediately set off for Ye Zi's stronghold in the country of Taki.

Within the stronghold.

In the huge room, there were coffins standing in rows, divided into five rows, with ten in each row.

The distance between the coffins is very neat and looks quite comfortable.

In front of the coffin, there were two people standing, Ye Zi and Orochimaru.

Orochimaru, you have also transplanted Hashirama's cells, so you should have no problem controlling these selected dirty bodies. Ye Zi said calmly, looking at the coffin in front of him.

The dirty earth bodies contained in the coffin were the strong men that Bai Jue had tried his best to collect from various ninja villages. Originally, there were hundreds of dirty earth bodies collected, but Ye Zi eliminated many and carefully selected fifty strong ones. By.

On the one hand, Orochimaru cannot control hundreds of them. Even if he can control them, with such a large number, the accuracy will be greatly reduced, which is not conducive to the ability to exert the dirty earth body.

On the other hand, there are already 70,000 clones, so the elite as 'generals' do not need too many. Reducing the number can make it easier for Orochimaru to control. The people who were originally reincarnated from the dirty soil are not in their prime. If they cannot do well, If used, its value will be greatly weakened.

Orochimaru smiled sinisterly and said calmly: You don't seem to have such concerns, so why bother asking.

Ye Zi nodded slowly. He was still willing to believe in Orochimaru. Now that he had come to this point, if Orochimaru hadn't been there, many things wouldn't have gone so smoothly.

Without Orochimaru, there would be no filthy earth reincarnation technique. Even if there was filthy earth reincarnation technique, without Orochimaru, there would be no suitable candidate to control these filthy earth bodies.

I'm very lucky. Ye Zi turned away, looked at Orochimaru's pale profile, and said lightly: When I came to this world, the first person I met was you.


very lucky.

In order to raise a large amount of medical expenses in a short period of time, he made a desperate move to fight black boxing, but he did not want to be tricked by the organizer and died at the hands of an old bird. Fortunately, God saved him, and his soul traveled to this world, allowing his life to be maintained. Go down.

Along the way, there were bumps and bumps, walking on the tip of a knife, and you could die anytime and anywhere. I also stepped into the gate of hell many times, but in the end I survived and finally reached this step, away from my goal. It seemed like there was only one step left.

If you hadn't met Orochimaru...

Hearing Ye Zi's words, Orochimaru's pair of snake eyes with a cold light showed a trace of emotion. As cold and ruthless as he was, he was not a completely cold-blooded animal.

Ye Zi's tone was as calm as water, but Orochimaru heard the emotion in Ye Zi's words, and wasn't he the same?

If he hadn't met Ye could he have touched the door of truth so quickly.

You know, I don't need to thank you. Orochimaru did not look at Ye Zi, but stared at the cold coffins.

Ye Zi withdrew his gaze, looked at the coffin in front of him, and said solemnly: No matter if I succeed or not, remember what you promised.

Of course. Orochimaru replied without hesitation.

Ye Zi nodded slightly, turned and walked towards the door, saying as he walked: Orochimaru, although you don't need to thank you, I still want to say thank you.

Orochimaru's expression remained unmoved, his gaze still falling on the coffin.

We are almost ready. When Bai Jue comes back, we will set off immediately.

Before the door closed, Ye Zi's last words drifted into Orochimaru's ears.

Orochimaru was the only one left in the dimly lit room.

Fifty coffins stood around him, adding a chill. Being here, it was inevitable to feel chilly.

You should have had better choices, but you insisted on carrying those burdens. Hum, after all, people like you and me don't need the understanding of others at all. We can see the road clearly, so we will naturally go all the way to the end.

Orochimaru's cold whisper echoed in the quiet and cold room.


Bai Jue brought back worthless news, and Ye Zi, who was fully prepared, immediately decided to attack Konoha immediately.

There is only one last step left. Even if all the ninja villages unite, he must make the plan succeed at all costs...!

The number of clone legions is approximately 70,000.

If the cultivation continues, the number can exceed one hundred thousand, or even hundreds of thousands, but it will not be able to consume all the tailed beast chakra in the heretic golem, and the number of potions is only thirty thousand.

The ratio between the number of clones and the number of enhancement drugs is two to one, which is acceptable. However, if the cultivation continues, the ratio will become three to one, which is completely unnecessary.

The dirt body army controlled by Orochimaru, the clone body army with 30,000 potions, and...nearly a hundred snake team members whose average strength is at the Jonin level. Finally, there are Ye Zi, Uchiha Susumu, Kisame, and Scorpion Four. people.

After clearly informing the members of the Snake Team who the enemy they needed to face was, Ye Zi did not see the slightest fear on the faces of the members of the Snake Team. Come to think of it... they were already qualified ninjas and could be prepared to sacrifice for him at any time. Prepare.

Nearly a hundred members of the Snake Team lined up and were divided into seven teams.

Ye Zi stood at the front of the queue, looking at all the members of the Snake Team who looked extremely calm. As they were about to set off, he asked: Are you scared?

The calm voice reached everyone's ears, but what they received was silence from all members of the Snake Team.

Answer me. Ye Zi said calmly.

Don't be afraid! After a moment, everyone responded in unison, with a very firm tone.

Ye Zi slowly closed his eyes, and complex emotions that were difficult to calm down emerged in his heart. After a long time, his shaken heart completely cooled down. He slowly opened his eyes, his expression was cold, and he said in a deep voice: Then …Just fight for me.”


Still a firm response.

I want to fight for...Master Ye Zi, even if it costs my life, I will not hesitate! Kimimaro looked at Ye Zi seriously and thought in his heart.

Not everyone agrees with Kimimaro's thoughts, but they are indeed ready to realize it.

The battle... begins.

Ye Zi glanced at everyone present, turned around suddenly, and walked towards the exit, with the members of the Snake Team silently following behind.

At the entrance of the stronghold, Orochimaru and others were already in place, waiting for Ye Zi to come out with the members of the snake team, and then they could set off immediately.

As a group of people walked through the corridor, two figures emerged from the corner.

Nanako looked at the people leaving, pursed her lips, and looked worried. She didn't know why... her heart was filled with panic, and there was always a lingering shadow hovering over her.

She had a bad premonition, feeling that after Ye Zi walked out of the stronghold, there would be no chance of seeing him again.

This premonition that made her very uncomfortable was like a pair of big hands pushing her hard, trying to get her to stop Ye Zi, but her feet seemed to be rooted, unable to move.

Nanako-sama... Yu stood aside, looking at Nanako who looked strange, and stopped talking.

Ye Zi, who was walking at the front of the team, suddenly turned his head slightly, and then looked forward again.

At the entrance, white light flooded in.

That is the light from outside, like a bright guide.

For him, there is no longer only one important person.

For the ultimate goal, he can do whatever it takes, but he must not let the people around him get hurt in the slightest.

Nanako was unfit to fight and was left at the stronghold, and Ye Zi left ten people to protect Nanako.


Walking towards the gradually enlarging white light, Ye Zi said something silently in his heart.

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