Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 583 Alone

The largest war in the history of the ninja world began.

Because of one person, the five major ninja villages united, assembled an army of 60,000, and marched into the country of Taki.

However, everyone in the coalition understands that the enemy they have to face is not just Ye Zi.

The restless emotions are hidden in the deepest corners, and the determination to win appears on the surface.

When the army is not moving, the Sensing Force separates an elite team as a reconnaissance team and sets out first. Before fighting, it is necessary to keep track of the enemy's dynamics so that it can respond one step ahead.

The coalition forces are moving forward in a mighty manner. The main attacking close combat team is the first team. It is led by Kakashi and is the land vanguard. It is located at the forefront of the entire army. Faster than the first team is the surprise attack team led by Konan. , they marched from the air.

Xiaonan's magic paper technique can give her the ability to fly, and the surprise attack force has the smallest number of members. They are basically members with flying psychic beasts, and their strength is good. They can attack from the air to a large extent. Stay out of sight of your enemies.

The mission of the surprise attack force is to cross the enemy and launch a surprise attack from the rear, so they are the fastest. They will not be easily exposed before the first team comes into contact with the enemy. Instead, they will be exposed when their own troops are exchanging fire with the enemy. Will fall from the sky and join the battle.

How to deploy the air force and army in a timely manner requires a complete instant communication network, and the Yamanaka clan, combined with Konoha's black technology, can establish a communication transfer station for all personnel.

It is precisely because of the particularity of the secret arts of the Yamanaka clan that most of the resources Konoha invested in research were used on how to assist in strengthening the secret arts of the Yamanaka clan. The results of the invested resources are also very obvious, not to mention that they can be obtained. The information on the dead, this instant messaging network alone, can be of great value in war.

The sensing troops and medical troops were divided into countless small teams and were integrated into each brigade to play a supporting role.

The other teams of the main attacking force followed closely behind the team led by Kakashi.

No one knows what is waiting for them ahead.

Whether to survive until the moment of victory, or to fall in the first round of confrontation.

The first team of the close combat type faced the greatest risk among all teams, but they were all aware of it.

There has been no news from the reconnaissance team and the surprise attack force. We lack enough intelligence to roughly judge the enemy's movements. The only thing that is certain is that...the enemy must be ready. Shikaku stood in front of the table with a calm face.

The figures sitting at the back were all looking at the map on the table, which was the map of the Kingdom of Fire. On the map, there were smooth stones, representing various troops.

If it hadn't been for the barrier warning of White Zetsu's invasion when they were in Konoha Village, otherwise they wouldn't be so vigilant when marching now.

Presumably Ye Zi saw the coalition forces gathering and could not sit still and wait for death.

There are many possibilities waiting for the coalition forces, and they must always be aware of ambushes. The task of the first reconnaissance team and the sentient ninjas scattered among the team is to avoid these potential risks.

It is undeniable that Ye Zi is indeed very capable, but delaying the march speed because of worries about this and that would be too much. Ai, the fourth generation Raikage, crossed his arms with a cold look on his face.

War is not a child's play. If you make one mistake, you may lose thousands of subordinates. Onoki disagreed with Ai's words.

Ai frowned, but did not continue to say anything.

After waiting for so long, he finally gathered an army and wanted to kill Ye Zi as soon as possible. However, in order to avoid potential risks, the march was greatly slowed down. Although he knew that there was nothing wrong with this decision, he just couldn't calm down.

There's news! Suddenly, Yamanaka Haiichi, who was wearing a semi-enclosed helmet, suddenly said, The enemy has been discovered.

How many enemies are there? Ai Wenyan asked first.

This question is what everyone here wants to ask.

Shanzhong Hai paused for a while and said in a slightly surprised tone: There is only one person, Ye Zi.

Alone? Minato raised his eyebrows.

After hearing the news, the room fell into silence.

There can't be only one person. Let the investigation team continue to observe. How long will it take for the first team to contact Ye Zi? Minato was the first to break the silence.

Based on the distance and marching speed, we will be able to contact Ye Zi in about five minutes. Yamanaka Haiichi replied immediately.

So close? Where is the location? Lu Jiu frowned slightly.

On the edge of the sunset hill forest. Shan Zhonghai said.

So close? Lu Jiu was slightly startled.

Sunset Hill Forest is still some distance away from the border. Beyond it is the Valley of the End and the Forest of Dusk. The surrounding terrain is the characteristic mushroom forest of the Land of Fire.

Lu Jiu picked up a stone, dropped it on the Xiluo Qilin on the map, and said solemnly: The enemy cannot be only Ye Zi. Assuming that the enemy's army has arrived at the Xiluo Qilin, it means that the enemy is knowing When the news came, they immediately raised troops just like us.

Ye Zi must be aware of our alliance, but he does not defend the geographical advantage of the country of Taki and takes the initiative...

Shikaku took a deep breath and looked at everyone present.

Are you sure... Ohnoki's eyes were cold.

Let the first team be vigilant at all times. Don't act rashly when the situation is unclear. Minato's face was solemn. This war must not only be won, but also won beautifully.

The perception team responsible for the investigation found only Ye Zi. In other words, there was only one person within the perception range, Ye Zi. Outside the perception range, the situation was unknown.

The cost of acting rashly is likely to result in meaningless sacrifices.

Yes. After hearing the order, Yamanaka Haiichi immediately informed the first team.


Xiluoqiulin is famous for its pillar-shaped stone pillars, thick or thin, tall or short. Many stone pillars stand here.

On top of the tallest stone pillar, Ye Zi stood quietly, looking at the surging black line on the distant horizon.

He knew exactly what that meant.

The cold wind carried fine pieces of sand, blowing through his black bangs, and the hem of his black robe was blown loudly.

One minute, two minutes...

The black lines gradually become thicker, until they are blurry, and then again clear.

In five minutes, all members of the first team arrived in front of Ye Zi.

Tens of thousands of ninjas stopped and looked up at Ye Zi on the stone pillar.

Is there no update from the reconnaissance team yet?

Kakashi looked up at Ye Zi on the stone pillar with a solemn expression. Not only him, but everyone present did not believe that Ye Zi would attack them alone, but they didn't know what his plans were.

Among the members who were included in the first team, there were many ninjas with superb sword skills and amazing physical skills. Kai was a leader in physical skills, so he was naturally among the team.

He stood next to Kakashi, silently looking up at Ye Zi on the stone pillar, and then slowly clenched his fists.

Something went wrong. Without the latest instructions, the tens of thousands of ninjas in the first team did not act rashly.

According to the information provided by Yun Ninja, Ye Zi has an illusion trick that is extremely terrifying and must be guarded against.

Ye Zi stood on the stone pillar and looked down coldly at the nearly 10,000 enemies lined up in front of him.

After experiencing the Battle of Yunlei Gorge, his strong heart has been condensed to the extreme. Even if there are 100,000 enemies standing in front of him, he is not afraid at all.

However, he was not arrogant enough to face the vanguard of the coalition forces alone.

Right here... it will be decided.

Is it success or failure...

Ye Zi's eyes gradually turned cold and stern as he muttered to himself. After a moment, his arm suddenly moved and he pulled out the 'blood' from the scabbard.

There is no need for accidental results. I will succeed. This is inevitable.


The ground at Ye Zi's feet bulged, and Bai Jue slowly revealed his figure and smiled.

How? Ye Zi looked at him and asked.

In position. Bai Jue replied.

Ye Zi took a deep breath. With his eyesight, he could clearly see the people in front of the enemy team.

Akai, Kakashi, Hinata Hizashi...these familiar Konoha ninjas were suddenly in front.


Skull hurts. . T.T

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