Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 591 Homecoming

There are two sword lights that have terrified countless people.

There is no doubt that this is the same knife.

So, this is Kakashi's shortcoming.

The same knife skills, used by different people, will have different styles.

The sword light intertwined by Kakashi actually originated from Hatake Sakumo and was used to kill enemies. Although he was invincible, facing Hatake Sakumo was like a comparison between an adult and a child.

Counterfeit products may be of similar quality to genuine products, but they cannot surpass them.

One in front and one behind, insurmountable.

Don't you understand yet?

Hatake Sakumo's short sword forced Kakashi to keep retreating. As long as he found a gap, he could kill Kakashi with one strike.

Although Kakashi is at a complete disadvantage, he is often able to fill the cracked gaps in time to prevent the wall he is holding on from collapsing.

By guarding every crack, you can guard the balance of power.

If he cannot hold on, when the cracks open, it will be the time when the city wall collapses and he will perish.

Knife skills are dead, but people are alive.

The steady voice was drowned out by the sound of the knife.

Kakashi responded with silence. Now, he had no time to speak. His eyes could no longer keep up with his father's sword, and he could feel that he was heading for destruction step by step.

How to find a chance of victory in this avalanche of defeats?

Why is it that Hidden Sword's attacks are always one step behind his father's?

Why is it that no matter how tricky the angle is, it will be blocked easily.

Obviously the same move has been modified several points away, is it still impossible to escape from the existing track?

Clang, Clang, Clang…

White light loves and kills each other.

Sparks flew as the two daggers collided.

Every time they collide, an invisible slash will fly out, and eventually merge into the invisible. This is the most thrilling killing move.

Kakashi felt like he was being pressed down by a big mountain, his breathing gradually became heavier, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find a chance.

What exactly can we do to break this barrier?

In the midst of the entanglement, Kakashi's eyes were as sharp as a knife. Should he give up using his family's sword skills to fight his father? This may result in defeat faster.

He had concentrated his energy to the extreme, using the fastest speed and the strongest strength, but he still couldn't compete with Hatake Sakumo's sword.

If his experience from hundreds of battles hadn't allowed him to sense the coming crisis, he might have been completely defeated.

As time passed, his defeat became more and more obvious, and it seemed that in just one more minute, a knife would pierce his vitals.

Feeling increasing pressure, the sword light was getting closer and closer to his forehead, making Kakashi deeply aware of the breath of death.

Vaguely, he understood that blindly using the Hatake style sword technique that he thought he had mastered would not lead to victory. He had to make clear changes in it to find that little chance.

The key is, how to change?


The solid defense suddenly collapsed.

Hatake Sakumo broke through the barrier with one knife and stabbed in diagonally.

Kakashi's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly returned the knife to resist.

With a sneer, blood splattered.

A deep wound was cut on Kakashi's chest. He frowned and took a step back. When he got the chance, he built a defense line again.

... Hatake Sakumo didn't say anything, but when the sword stood on Kakashi's body, his state of mind, which had always been unaffected by anything during battle, caused waves.

This kind of turbulent change in mood has always been considered by him as an emotion that should not appear in battle, but now it appears, but it will not affect his offensive at all, because he is now in the dirty earth body, even if he wants to put down the short sword, The body will also faithfully launch the fiercest offensive towards Kakashi.

The only one who can defeat me with sword skills is you... Kakashi, even Ye Zi can't do that. Hatake Sakumo said suddenly.

Yes, even Ye Zi, who has performed basic sword skills to the extreme, cannot beat Hatake Sakumo in sword skills. His sword is fast and ruthless, but also very stable. These are two extremely different styles. , but Hatake Sakumo was able to fuse them together.

Used to kill enemies, it can exert the most terrifying lethality and make it impossible for the enemy to attack.

Ye Zi's sword is the ultimate in quickness and ruthlessness, and Hatake Sakumo's sword is also the ultimate in quickness and ruthlessness, but he is more stable in this extreme, so when Ye Zi and Hatake Sakumo During the fight, he could rely on his sword skills to fight Hatake Sakumo for hundreds of rounds without losing.

However, Hatake Sakumo's stability hidden in his fierceness allowed him to stabilize the sharp sword, while Ye Zi's sharp sword, which had not changed at all from beginning to end, would always have a moment of weakness.

At that time, without Xie's help, Ye Zi would indeed be defeated in the end. This is an indisputable fact.

But today is different from the past. Hatake Sakumo still dares to make such assertions at this moment because he doesn't know that Ye Zi is stronger now.

If the two of them were to have another duel, Hatake Sakumo would definitely be defeated by Ye Zi's sword within three hundred rounds.

Hearing Hatake Sakumo's words, Kakashi gritted his teeth and thought of the goal he had set.

To be better than Ye Zi...

But now, he was blocked by a big mountain, and he wanted to cross the mountain.

My own path...

White light filled Kakashi's eyes, it was wind and thunder.

What he is good at is thunder.

It can be said that in the ninja sword where wind and thunder blend together, the wind is just the icing on the cake for him.

Why must thunder be restricted and put on the same level as wind even though it is obviously stronger?

For some problems, once you have an attack point, your thoughts can be infinitely derived, like countless lines, giving birth to many thoughts and ideas, and finally find the correct line.

Kakashi's eyes gradually brightened. He had a strong grasp of the nature and form changes of the thunder attribute. However, after mastering the Hatake style sword technique, in order to pursue the ultimate fusion of wind and thunder, he could only change the level of thunder. Suppress it, hoping to reach the same level as the wind.

If Feng Lei could not defeat his father, why should he maintain this form?

Only when you hit a wall in front of the same swordsmanship style will you realize that the path you have chosen is wrong.

Is it here…

The corners of Kakashi's mouth curled up slightly under his mask, and Hatake Sakumo couldn't see Kakashi's smile, but he was keenly aware of Kakashi's change.

The momentum has changed, it's sharper. It seems you have found it. Hatake Sakumo thought happily, but the offensive did not stop at all.

His sharpness and stability are like the fusion of wind and thunder, combining the two qualities to the extreme. This is a sword technique constructed based on his ability.

Being able to fuse wind and thunder does not necessarily require a 1:1 ratio... People who are proficient in the Hatake Style Sword Technique have their own ratios, and you need to find the most suitable fit.

He didn't know if Kakashi had been found, but now that something had changed, the outcome would be different.

From a completely one-sided situation of defeat to a situation where a slight chance of victory may be found, it often changes in the blink of an eye.

The wind on Kakashi's sword has weakened... It should be said that it is not weaker, but the thunder is stronger.

The effect of this change is that his sword is a little faster and the invisible slash is a little weaker.

Chi chi chi…

During the exchange of blows, after the invisible slashes merged, Kakashi's body received a series of fine wounds, but his expression remained unmoved.

In this situation, within a minute, there will be hundreds of injuries on his body.

By then, he might die, but now he has seen a chance of victory.

As the swords and lights intertwined, Hatake Sakumo saw Kakashi's expression, and his eyes became warmer.

The only one who can defeat me is you, Kakashi.

He thought silently, as if he had already seen the ending.

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