Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 592 Result

Kakashi, who had changed, finally saw a chance to win.

But this is just the beginning. It is still very difficult to defeat Hatake Sakumo.

At the very least, the moment a change is made, it is no longer a one-sided situation.

Kakashi's thunder is superior to wind. After finding the right fit with his own feelings, the power of wind and thunder on the short sword obviously made thunder the home.

As a result, his sword was a little faster, but the invisible slashes were weaker than Sakumo's. The wind attribute slashes he slashed were all suppressed by Sakumo, and left wounds on his body.

Kakashi didn't care at all. From the moment he saw the chance of victory, he was focused on victory.

One way, two ways, three ways...

Ten ways, twenty ways, thirty ways...

When there were more and more wounds on his body, Kakashi's clothes were immediately dyed red with blood.

On the surface, Kakashi is at a disadvantage. In fact, Kakashi has turned around from a situation of being defeated, and is on par with Sakumo, and there are faint signs of overcoming it.

He didn't care about the increasing number of wounds on his body, and only thought about how to defeat Sakumo.

The blades tangled together in the air, and the sound of skin cracking was inaudible. When Kakashi had more than fifty wounds on his body, he finally gained the upper hand for the first time since his fight with Sakumo.

Kakashi's eyes suddenly lit up, and his gaze seemed to be able to penetrate Hatake Sakumo's short sword.

Finally... found an opportunity to counterattack.

The arm tensed like a spring, and the bright light flashed towards Sakumo's right hand holding the knife. When the blade touched the skin, it easily cut off Sakumo's arm.

The arm holding the knife suddenly flew into the air, and Sakumo's stiff, dirty face barely showed a smile.

Well done, Kakashi.

The calm tone was full of relief.

The moment the arm holding the sword was cut off, Sakumo was defeated.

Facing his father's rare praise, Kakashi couldn't help but remain silent and gritted his teeth. He knew that just cutting off his father's arm holding the sword was not enough. In order for the sealing class to successfully seal his father, at least his father's body must be removed. reach a state of collapse.

The black mask covered most of his face, and Hatake Sakumo couldn't see Kakashi's expression clearly, but he knew that Kakashi must be in pain at the moment.

On the road ahead, don't fall down easily.

At the moment when they were about to part, Sakumo maintained a stiff smile.


Kakashi's eyes were slightly moist, and after nodding heavily, the short sword flashing with white light slashed through Hatake Sakumo's chest.

After passing by, a large number of fine shreds of paper separated from Hatake Sakumo's body and flew in the air.

Kakashi turned his back to Hatake Sakumo and raised his head.

The sealing squad who were always paying attention to the battlefield performed their duties immediately, and Hatake Sakumo was the first filthy body to be sealed since the war began.

Nearly ten thousand coalition forces were able to suppress the clones, but as soon as the dirt body appeared, the situation immediately changed. For a while, the two sides were in a stalemate, but the casualties of the coalition forces were increasing, and the progress of sealing the dirt body was only one.

The record can be described as dismal.

The sealing squad and the medical squad, which play a supporting role, try not to participate in the battle. Their mission is to seal the dirty earth body and heal their companions, and will not take the initiative to attack and kill the enemy.

Kakashi defeated Hatake Sakumo at the cost of dozens of minor wounds, and then asked the sealing team to seal Hatake Sakumo, and then the medical team came to treat Kakashi in time.

Fortunately, this place is far away from the main battlefield, otherwise even if it is treatment, it will not be safe. Of course, when medical ninjas usually treat the wounded, the first step is to move to an environment suitable for treatment.

There are so many wounds on Kakashi's body. Fortunately, most of the power of Hidden Blade's slashes is offset, so every wound is not visible. However, there are too many wounds, and he was active for several minutes after being injured, which resulted in blood loss. A bit much.

Even after the trauma was cured by the medical ninja, Kakashi still felt a little tired. He glanced at his sealed father, and then at the coalition forces fighting the dirty earth body and the clone army. He gritted his teeth slightly and turned towards Kimima. Go to the place where Lu broke out.

He was very concerned about Akai's situation and didn't know how he was doing now.

When we arrived at the place where Akai was, the ground was pale, with powder that looked like ashes piled up more than two meters high, mixed with various broken bones, like a corpse cemetery.

The place where he and Akai fought was some distance away from the battle circle, so it did not attract the attention of the clone army and the dirty earth body, but it would be a matter of time before they would be noticed.


Kakashi came to the powder pile and called Akai's name.

As soon as he finished speaking, a position on the white powder pile two hundred meters to the right moved slightly in vain.

Kakashi was very keen and noticed the faint movement directly. He quickly ran over and opened up piles of pale powder and broken bones. When he dug down to a depth of one meter, he realized that he could not hide inside. Akai, who was moving, seemed to be fine and uninjured.

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Kai was fine.

Are you okay?

Looking at Akai who had pain on his face, Kakashi asked.

Akai forced a smile and gave a thumbs up. He opened the seventh door at the last moment. With pure strength and punches, he was able to resist nearly a thousand bone pillars that were bombarded at high speed in a short period of time.

However, opening the seventh door will have sequelae, that is, you will fall into a period of weakness, and as long as you are touched lightly, you will experience unbearable pain.

It can be said that the moment Akai was buried, he probably felt the most painful pain since birth. If his will was not strong enough, he would have fainted from the pain, but Akai resisted.

If Kakashi hadn't come over, Akai would most likely have died a miserable death by being buried alive.

Did you open the seventh door?

Kakashi has a deep understanding of Akai's Eight Gate Dun Armor. After all, he had originally thought about practicing Eight Gate Dun Armor. However, the conditions were too harsh and even he could not master the Eight Gate Dun Armor. However, because of this, he had a general understanding of Akai's Eight Gate Dun Armor. The degree of mastery of the Eight Gate Dunjia.

Well... Akai nodded slightly.

Then I will be here to guard you until you recover.

Kakashi suddenly looked around. The clones had noticed him, and most of the enemy's dirty earth bodies were restrained by the main team.

Fortunately I won...

Looking at the clones coming this way, Kakashi tightened his grip on the handle of the knife. If it had been dozens of seconds late, Akai's situation might have become extremely dangerous.

If Akai had not opened the seventh gate, he would most likely have asked Akai to chase Ye Zi, and as the captain, he must stay on the battlefield.

Kimimaro used his life to delay a terrible enemy.

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