Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 610: Ninja Technique

Onoki died, and now, only the Fourth Raikage and Minato were left.

After settling the grievances he had made, Ye Zi's mood was as calm as water, and he did not get any pleasure from Ohnoki's death.

He turned slightly sideways and looked at where the Fourth Raikage landed, a hint of murderous intent slowly forming on his calm face.

Two more.

The low and cold voice of self-talk disappeared in the wind.

Minato was restrained by Jiraiya, and Ohnoki and Agatha died, so the Fourth Raikage fought alone.

Even the Third Raikage was defeated by Ye Zi. What could he do if he was weaker than the Third Raikage?

The definition of strength and weakness lies in contrast.

If the enemy is strong, oneself must be weak.

Knowing that Ye Zi is stronger than him, why not do anything?

Knowing that he is weaker than Ye Zi, can he just turn around and run away?

A figure covered with lightning sprang out of the pit, flew into the air, and then landed heavily on the ground, throwing up a burst of smoke and dust.

That old guy Onoki...

The Fourth Raikage clenched his fists, his eyes were extremely fierce, staring at Ye Zi who had a calm expression.

Even though he knew that Ye Zi was very strong, so strong that he alone could not compete with him, but the situation was like this, he could only force himself.

Fearless is exactly what he is like at this time.

The weapon of the Fourth Raikage is Thunder Release, his body, and his pair of fists as big as casseroles.

call out!

Shrouded in the turbulent thunder flow, he turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed in front of Ye Zi in the blink of an eye.

Thunder escapes, spitting out the knife when encountering a beard.

While the Fourth Generation Raikage was running at high speed, he flexed and stretched his arms, and the power transferred from this was concentrated on his fist, condensed into a dazzling edge, and swung towards Ye Zi's face.

This lightning-fast punch could not pass Ye Zi's eyes.


Ye Zi raised his palm and caught the punch from the Fourth Raikage, and was forced to take a step back by the power contained in it.

After all, the Fourth Raikage is not comparable to the old man Onoki who is about to step into the coffin. At this time, he is in his prime, and his strength, speed and other qualities are at their peak.

However, this full-strength punch was not only blocked by Ye Zi with one hand, but also only forced him to take a step back, let alone hurt him.

Ye Zi's physical fitness is not as strong as the Fourth Raikage, but he has Sage Mode, and he can burst out chakra at any time, producing strange power similar to Tsunade's.

The sage mode coupled with the explosive power of chakra is the fundamental reason for being able to steadily catch the full force punch of the Fourth Raikage.

After catching the Fourth Raikage's fist, Ye Zi's first thought was to use the Hungry Ghost Path to directly absorb the Thunder Escape possession of the Fourth Raikage.

But when he wanted to put his thoughts into action, the fourth Raikage's other hand clenched into a fist and came towards his face. However, his movements and reactions were faster. He came from behind and kicked the fourth generation Raikage. On Dai Raikage's abdomen.

There was a muffled sound, and the fourth generation Raikage's muscular body flew straight out.

Ye Zi's body turned into lightning and chased the Fourth Raikage who flew backwards.

When the Fourth Raikage adjusted his body and landed on the ground, Ye Zi was already bullied. The long sword suddenly came out of its sheath and slashed towards the neck of the Fourth Raikage.

The Fourth Raikage's reflexes are also among the best in the ninja world. They are not as good as Minato, but they are not much worse. Otherwise, how would he be able to control such a high-speed lightning escape mode.

When he saw Ye Zi slashing at him with a knife, he squatted down suddenly to avoid the long knife slashing at his neck. Then he stepped on the ground with his heel, and the momentum generated pushed his body and slammed into Ye Zi's arms. .

However, Ye Zi jumped on the spot and chose to avoid the collision of the Fourth Raikage. If it was to absorb the chakra of the Fourth Raikage's thunder escape coat, it would be a bit more than worth the gain to resist the collision.

The two sides passed each other, and in the blink of an eye, the Fourth Raikage was dozens of meters away, while Ye Zi landed firmly and turned around to look at the Fourth Raikage.

The Fourth Raikage, who was maintaining his momentum, turned around forcefully while running. His lower body suddenly sank. He pressed one hand on the ground and drew three deep grooves on the ground with his feet. He forced himself to stop. After the momentum, he bowed his upper body slightly, kicked his feet to the ground, and shot out towards Ye Zi like an arrow from a string.

However, Ye Zi also took the initiative to attack and rushed towards the Fourth Raikage with his sword.

Two rays of different colors collided fiercely at a speed beyond the naked eye.

Ye Zi wanted to kill the Fourth Raikage with one sword, but the latter, while avoiding the long sword, closed the distance with Ye Zi and kept attacking Ye Zi with his physical skills.

This deceptive fighting method makes the long sword lose its advantage and becomes a liability.

Bang bang...!

The muffled sound of fists and feet clashing was heard at a very fast pace.

The speed of both parties was too fast, and their fists and kicks always separated at the first touch, which made it impossible for Ye Zi to use his Hungry Ghost Dao at all.

In desperation, he could only retreat while parrying the fierce attack of the Fourth Raikage, but it seemed that he still had some strength left.

Has the knife become a burden?

Ye Zi retreated, trying to distance himself from the Fourth Raikage so that the long sword could have room to slash. However, the Fourth Raikage was like a piece of candy that could not be shaken off, biting Ye Zi tightly, and He attacked Ye Zi fiercely with all his strength.

After retreating for about ten steps, Ye Zi suddenly quickened his pace, causing the Fourth Raikage's rhythm to be disrupted for a moment. At this time, Ye Zi's eyes flashed slightly, and he took the opportunity to move, reverse his wrist, and use the hilt of the knife to thrust towards the Fourth Raikage. The shadow's slightly bowed back was knocked down.

The powerful hilt of the knife hit the Fourth Raikage's back, knocking him directly into the ground, stopping his attack and causing the ground to crack like a spider web.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Zi distanced himself slightly, and then decisively returned the knife to its sheath.

In this case, let's use nintaijutsu to get rid of you.

Now, with Sage Mode and abundant chakra, Ye Zi can defeat the Fourth Raikage even with ninjutsu. If given a chance, with the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path, he can instantly make the Fourth Raikage lose his fighting power.

Unfortunately, the Fourth Raikage's style of attack was to retract the attack immediately if it failed, and then start the next attack. This kind of attack that connected very quickly made the Hungry Ghost Path unable to find the point.

However, Ye Zi does not have to use the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path. He is not afraid of the Fourth Raikage just by relying on physical skills.

After returning the sword to its sheath, Ye Zi rushed towards the Fourth Raikage who was lying on the ground, jumped in the air, raised his right leg high, and then slashed down towards the Fourth Raikage's back like a battle axe.

The Fourth Raikage suddenly rolled to the right several times, dodging Ye Zi's kick. Then he quickly stood up, placed his left hand on top of his right hand, and knocked Ye Zi's head with his right elbow.

Ye Zi's eyes narrowed and he turned sideways to avoid the elbow attack. Then he stretched out his hands to grab the Fourth Raikage's arm and forcibly stopped his forward movement. The Hungry Ghost Path ability was activated instantly.


In just one breath, the fourth generation Raikage felt that the thunder flow on his body was weakening a little. He realized that the chakra of the thunder escape coat was being absorbed by Ye Zi. The left hand that was pressed on the right fist came together to form a knife. , slashed towards Ye Zi's Tianling Gai.

In order to forcefully stop the momentum of the Fourth Raikage, Ye Zi used both hands. At this time, the palm knife struck him. He had no hands to resist the palm knife, but his expression remained calm.

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