Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 611: Information obtained

The palm wrapped with thunder is not weaker than the blade. Even if Ye Zi has black thunder, he may not be able to withstand it. The reason why Ye Zi is so calm is not because of the black thunder.

Shura Dao!

On both shoulders, a pair of strong arms grew out of thin air. Under the slightly surprised gaze of the Fourth Raikage, he stretched out a hand and jammed the wrist of the Fourth Raikage, but the sharp palm could not move an inch forward.

The other hand of Shura's arm quickly pulled out the long sword, and saw the sword's light flashing away. With a slight sneer, the left arm of the Fourth Raikage was broken off.

The Fourth Raikage's face trembled slightly and he kicked Ye Zi in the abdomen.

There was a loud bang, and the two figures retreated in different directions.

The Fourth Raikage sprinkled bursts of blood on the retreating ground. His left arm was empty, and the area above his right elbow was also red.

Ye Zi was kicked in the abdomen by the Fourth Raikage and suffered some internal injuries, but with the self-healing ability of Hashirama cells, this injury was nothing. His Shura arm held the severed arm of the Fourth Raikage. , the other Shura arm is holding a long knife.

Looking at the Fourth Raikage indifferently, Ye Zi slowly sheathed the sword.

I don't know how Bai Zetsu's progress is going. If there is a chance, we can use the power of the Rinnegan to seize the Raikage's memory, so that we can know Kushina's location immediately.

Ye Zi's thoughts moved, but he didn't want to give the Fourth Raikage any chance and rushed towards the Fourth Raikage.

However, Lei Ying will not cooperate obediently. Mu Dun's speed cannot keep up. It is extremely difficult to imprison him. It seems that we can only break all his limbs first.

Seeing Ye Zi attacking again, the Fourth Raikage was so nervous that he didn't even have time to stop the bleeding from his broken arm, so he just retreated.

He has always been a man who goes on a rampage and never backs down. When he really encounters a strong enemy, he cannot implement his own tactics. When it is time to retreat, he has to retreat.

Ye Zi will not give the Fourth Raikage a chance, and the Fourth Raikage needs a space.

He kept backing up, and blood continued to flow from the broken arm.

At this moment, Ye Zi activated the ability of the Samsara Eye.

All things are attracted by heaven!

Ye Zi's eyes were extremely calm, and with the suction force of the All-Seeing Heaven, he forcibly pulled the Fourth Raikage over, and at the same time formed a seal with his hands.

The Fourth Raikage was pulled by gravity, his feet were more than half a meter off the ground, and he flew in the direction of Ye Zi.


The Fourth Raikage gritted his teeth and tried to break away from this force. As long as his body could sink and his feet touched the ground, he could resist this force.

The art of inorganic reincarnation...

Ye Zi's expression was indifferent, and he made seals. On the ground where the Fourth Raikage flew, it suddenly surged like water. In an instant, it turned into several sharp rock knives, cutting towards the Fourth Raikage's body. Right arm and legs.

When the rock knife came into contact with the Fourth Raikage's body, it immediately shattered into rubble.

Seeing this, Ye Zi raised his brows slightly. He used the All-Seeing Celestial Drawing and the Inorganic Reincarnation Technique to cut off the Fourth Raikage's right arm and legs neatly, but he forgot about the Fourth Raikage's defensive power.

It should be said that the Fourth Raikage is not a weakling, and he cannot do whatever he wants.

However, the Fourth Raikage has no chance of winning.

Ye Zi knew this clearly, and didn't the fourth generation Raikage do the same?

To put it harshly, it was just a death struggle.

After the rock knife of the inorganic reincarnation technique collapsed, the fourth generation thunder shadow continued to fly towards Ye Zi.

Since you can't break free, then simply attack!

The Fourth Raikage was furious and wanted to use this strength to directly attack Ye Zi. Even if he died, he would at least severely injure Ye Zi so that his death would not be worthless.

There is nothing wrong with thinking like this, and this may be the only thing he can do.

Powerlessness and frustration, these emotions that should exist, were severely pushed aside by him.

Either they are not afraid of death, or they have already prepared for death.

No matter what, I will tear off your arm!

With this thought in mind, the Fourth Raikage was highly concentrated.

However, Ye Zi would give him this opportunity?

Wanxiang Tianyin can be combined with Wood Release or Inorganic Reincarnation Technique, or it can be combined with Shenluo Tianzheng.

Ye Zi stared at the Fourth Raikage with cold eyes, and placed his right hand lightly on the handle of the knife. He was not a filthy earth body and had endless chakra, but he had enough chakra, even if he abused it at this time.

Shinra Tianzheng!

An invisible repulsive force flew towards the flying Fourth Raikage.

Gravity and repulsion suddenly collided together, and the Fourth Raikage, who was caught in the middle, withstood the powerful forces from the front and back.


The Fourth Raikage's body suddenly trembled and froze in the air. The blood surged up in his dark face, and he spit out a mouthful of blood in vain. The surface was also slightly sunken.

The two forces of Wanxiang Tianyin and Shenluo Tianzheng acted on him, causing terrible damage to him. If it weren't for the thunder escape, if it weren't for his amazing physical fitness, the two forces would have crushed him directly. meat pie.

Although this impact would not kill the Fourth Raikage instantly, it could blur his consciousness for a moment.

Ye Zi's figure flashed, he drew his sword out of its sheath, and like a bolt of lightning, he headed towards the Fourth Generation Raikage who was frozen in the air.

In the thunder light, white light shone.

As he passed by, the Fourth Raikage's right arm and legs fell to the ground.

Ye Zi cut off the other three limbs of the Fourth Raikage in a very short period of time, turned around and returned the sword to the sheath. At this time, the effects of the All-Seeing Heavenly Influence and the Shinra Tenzheng disappeared, and the Fourth Raikage fell backwards. On the ground, his consciousness was slightly blurred, and his whole body lay in a pool of blood.

I overestimated you.

Ye Zi said coldly, and with a teleportation technique, he came to the side of the Fourth Raikage in the blink of an eye.

He thought it would take some effort to capture the memory of the Fourth Raikage, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

Without any hesitation, he stretched out his hand towards the Fourth Raikage's head.

The Fourth Raikage lying in a pool of blood saw Ye Zi's actions, and his consciousness suddenly became clear. He knew what Ye Zi wanted to do, which was to commit suicide.

Ye Zi has a Sharingan. He can clearly capture even the slightest trembling of muscles, and he can also see the chakra flowing in his body. How can he give the Fourth Raikage a chance to commit suicide? His movements suddenly quickened, and he pressed his palm on the Fourth Raikage. The soul of the Fourth Raikage was ripped out of the Raikage's head.

The Fourth Raikage's body trembled, and his eyes gradually darkened.

He is obviously a strong man, but he often suffers in the hands of Ye Zi. Whenever he has any thoughts, he will be stopped by Ye Zi.

After pulling out the soul of the Fourth Raikage, Ye Zi sucked the soul into his palm, and the information he wanted to know immediately entered his mind.

Ye Zi slowly closed his eyes. After a moment, his eyelids were slightly raised, revealing a hint of cold light.

That's it.

At this moment, Ye Zi already knew the location of Kushina, including the number of personnel deployed there. As for the strength, he was not so clear.

Ye Zi glanced at Minato, who was fighting fiercely with Jiraiya, and ignored him. After identifying the direction, he headed in the direction of Kushina.

Minato's heart suddenly tightened when he noticed this scene.

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