Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 612: Survival by cutting off the tail

Before coming, Minato had thought that this would be a fierce battle, but he never thought that they would be defeated so cleanly. Moreover, they were in full condition when they came, while Ye Zi had experienced several battles and was already in high spirits before the fight. He took advantage of it, but he still failed miserably.

Onoki and Ai, who were at the top of Ninja Village and had the title of Kage, were actually powerless to resist when facing Ye Zi.

Minato, who suppressed Jiraiya in the battle, felt heavy. They were the most advanced combat force in the coalition, but they could not defeat Ye Zi.

If you want to stop Ye Zi, you will probably have to win with numbers.

That's the ability of the reincarnation eye to capture memories...

Seeing Ye Zi leave first, Minato was slightly nervous. He saw Ye Zi extracting the soul of the Fourth Raikage and knew that Ye Zi must have grasped Kushina's location.

Nervous as he was, he focused more on facing Jiraiya-sensei first.

He has the flying thunder god technique, and also has the communication network established by the Yamazaka Haiichi behind him. At this time, it would be the best outcome for Ye Zi not to deal with him with Jiraiya-sensei.

As long as Teacher Jiraiya is sealed as soon as possible, he can use the Flying Thunder God Technique to get back to the rear first, and Haiichi's communication network can keep in touch with him at any time, which is one of the advantages.

Ye Zi's speed was very fast, and after a while, he disappeared from the perception range of Shuimen Immortal mode.

Minato's thoughts were spinning rapidly, and his expression gradually became serious. After repelling Jiraiya with a frog knock, he said in a deep voice: Jiraiya-sensei, I can't continue to waste time here.

bring it on.

Jiraiya nodded heavily. He also hoped that Minato could seal him as soon as possible and then stop Ye Zi.

Minato, you are my proudest disciple. I believe in Toad Immortal's prophecy, and I believe that you can stop Ye Zi and end this war.


Minato pursed his lips, then took a deep breath, his eyes as sharp as knives.

For the weak earth body, immortality is the only advantage, and self-destruction can be used.

For the stronger dirt body, the inexhaustible chakra is the only advantage, which can make the strong stronger.

If it weren't for Jiraiya's inexhaustible supply of chakra, Minato's strength would have ended this battle very quickly.

At the moment, Minato also has the upper hand in the battle, but Jiraiya also has a sage mode, and there are also two toad sages for assistance, which makes it not easy for Minato to end the battle as soon as possible.

But when the situation became like this, Minato had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​conserving his energy as much as possible.

Yes, from the beginning, when Minato faced Teacher Jiraiya, he consciously saved chakra, because he knew that the main enemy was still Ye Zi. If too much chakra and physical strength were wasted on Teacher Jiraiya, he would not be able to fight against him. When Ye Zi, the winning rate will become even lower.

Now Ye Zi is heading towards Kushina. With the time factor, Minato has no choice. Fortunately, he has asked Kushina about the sealing technique, otherwise he would not have time to wait for the sealing team to come and help seal Jiraiya. Also a teacher.

After changing his mind, Minato's offensive suddenly changed significantly, becoming faster, stronger, and more fierce!

Seeing Minato's obvious changes during the battle, Jiraiya smiled bitterly in his heart. He was not stupid, so how could he not see the clues.

This kid is actually hiding his clumsiness, or in other words, he is unwilling to spend too much chakra and energy on him.

Kushina, Ye Zi, Minato...

Sure enough, we seniors are there to be surpassed by our juniors, right, Tsunade, Orochimaru...

Jiraiya suddenly showed a hearty smile.

Even if he sinks into darkness, he is still willing to yearn for the light, and even more wants to see the light.

Life is full of dissatisfaction, and sometimes I have thought about a better situation, that is, a new Sannin will take over their mantle.

However, this is an extravagant hope that cannot be achieved. Now, he firmly believes that Minato can bring a better future to the ninja world.

The predictions made by the Great Immortal Toad are not wrong.

Jiraiya watched quietly as Minato condensed the bright light of the Great Jade Rasengan, and his gray eyes seemed to be filled with light.

The battle continued, but he knew Minato would soon seal him away.

The journey of resurrection from death will once again sink into darkness.


After staying away from Minato, Ye Zi moved very fast. Not only did he grasp the location of Kushina, he also knew through the memory of the Fourth Raikage that there was a complete communication network behind the ninja coalition, which could play a role in the war. Excellent function.

Unplugging this communication network will bring considerable benefits to one's side, but compared to Kushina, destroying the other party's communication network is less important.

It was this idea that allowed Haiyi and others at the rear to escape a disaster.

I don't know where Bai Zetsu is now. Forget it, I already know Kushina's location anyway. Nothing will happen without him.

Ye Zi stared at the road ahead indifferently, his whole body wrapped in a blue thunder stream, turning into a lightning bolt rushing forward.

Thunder escape possession can greatly increase the speed, but it will also continue to consume chakra. It is a bit of a luxury to use it on the road, but Ye Zi has the support of a rich man with a fortune of hundreds of millions, how can he care about these small sums of money?

Soon, Ye Zi was far away from the battlefields of the war and came to the rear of the coalition forces alone.

His goal was very clear, so he was completely uninterested in the coalition's command center and the camp where the wounded were placed. He moved his eyes away from the camp lined with tents, then passed by the side, crossed the camp, and continued deeper.

Minato had already passed the information that Ye Zi was heading towards the rear of the coalition forces to the command center. At the same time, he also told Shikaku about the sacrifices of the other three shadows.

This is undoubtedly the worst news and makes the situation develop for the worst.

When he heard the news, Shikaku's head hurt a little.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals.

The Four Shadows are the top combat power of their own side, and Ye Zi is the top combat power of the enemy. However, once the top combat power of both sides collides, the result is not even remotely satisfactory.

No matter what, it would be good to make Ye Zi injured...

The wood is done and the matter is settled.

It was useless to think so much. After Shikaku learned the news, he immediately deployed his own troops with Minato's authorization.

Among the many battlefields, only the vanguard team was in a worrying situation, while the rest had the upper hand.

Now Ye Zi is coming towards the rear, and even the four shadows working together can't stop Ye Zi, so with the current strength of the rear, it is definitely unrealistic to deal with Ye Zi.

The purpose of this war is to save Kushina and win the war. Before her own side wins, Kushina must not allow any loss.

Therefore, we can only deploy an elite force from the battlefield where we have the upper hand to return to defense.

I don't know what impact such a decision will have on the current good situation, but the coalition forces have no choice. Ye Zi's sharp blade is hanging on his lifeline, and they need to stop this sharp blade at all costs.

After the deployment was completed, Shikaku asked the guarding ninjas to take Kushina to move as quickly as possible. As for them, they chose to stay.

Everything that needs to be arranged has been arranged, this is the gecko tail docking!

Next, we can only do our best and listen to fate.

Was it Ye Zi who captured Kushina first, or was it the coalition forces that defeated Ye Zi's clone army and dirty soil army first.

If Kushina is captured by Ye Zi, it is not certain who will win and who will lose, but the situation will definitely become extremely serious.

If the coalition forces defeat the clones and the dirty soil army first, as long as most of the troops are mobilized back to defense, Ye Zi alone should not be able to change anything.

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