Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 613 Escape

This time the war is no longer a fight between ninja villages and ninja villages, but a war involving the future of the ninja world.

Everyone involved in the war hopes to win, and even if their close companions fall one by one, there is no time to grieve.

The command center is located at the rear, not far from the camp where the wounded are placed. It is far away from the battlefield and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the safest place.

However, when Ye Zi came here, it became the most dangerous place.

When a person faces the threat of death, if he can survive by breaking off an arm, then no one will choose to save the arm.

There were troops stationed at the rear of the coalition forces, and they were originally used to protect the camp and the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. However, under the threat of Ye Zi, Shikaku, with Minato's consent, used most of the troops in the rear to protect Jiu. Shinna, and asked Kushina and most of the troops to move and advance in a roundabout way to avoid Ye Zi as much as possible and merge with the special operations troops.

This decision put the command center and the medical logistics camp housing the wounded in danger.

As long as Ye Zi makes a move, the command center and camp will be wiped out, and those who remain will naturally not be spared and will only die.

Similarly, those who stay can try to delay Ye Zi for a little while, even if it is just one minute, ten seconds, or even one second, this may become an important factor affecting the final result.

If you stay, you will die, but isn't this where enlightenment lies?

After being prepared, he calmly welcomed Ye Zi's arrival.

However, the result was beyond Lu Jiu's expectation. He would think about the method Ye Zi would use to destroy the command center and camp, but he never thought that Ye Zi would directly ignore the command center and camp and choose to cross these two places. , directly pursue Kushina.

This is a war, and every party in the war wants to win the war, but what Ye Zi wants is not to win the war. His goal has always been to collect all the tailed beasts.

Even though he knew that wasting time to deal with the coalition's command center and logistics camp would increase his own chance of victory, Ye Zi didn't want to waste time here.

He expanded his senses and confirmed that Kushina was not here, then passed the command center and logistics camp and headed towards the wooden house in the intelligence.

Now that we know from the memory of the Fourth Raikage that the coalition has a complete communication network, if we go to look for Kushina at this time, we will definitely end up empty-handed, but Ye Zi has many methods.

If it exceeds the sensing range, use reconnaissance methods to pursue it.

Once there are too many people, they will inevitably leave traces when they move. Even if it is just a little bit, Ye Zi can find the right direction based on the clues left behind. As for deception methods, his time in Genli is not wasted.

Ye Zi ignored the command center and logistics camp, and although some members of the coalition escaped unharmed, Shikaku would not let Ye Zi pursue Kushina like this. He directly sent the remaining troops to intercept Ye Zi. , the total number of people in the team is one hundred and thirty-six.

Among them, there are only sixty-eight jounin who have reached the standard of combat strength, and the rest are all chuunin.

This approach makes you look like you are going to die while others let you go, but this is the best choice.

When Ye Zi arrived at the location in the information, the wooden house was no longer there, leaving a plowed ground. As he expected, the building had long been deserted, but he didn't know which direction it had moved.

Looking at the obvious traces of treatment, Ye Zi silently turned on the immortal mode to expand the range of perception.

However, even with the large-scale perception in Sage mode, he did not perceive Kushina's chakra, indicating that Kushina had moved to a place outside the range of perception.


Ye Zi did not sense Kushina's chakra, but instead sensed hundreds of chakras chasing from behind. Among these chakras, there was no stronger person.

Did you come here to die again?

Ye Zi thought indifferently, ignoring the coalition team that was about to arrive here, and began to check the traces left at the scene. He wanted to find clues as soon as possible to determine which direction Kushina moved.

Detection and pursuit are essential skills for root members, and they are also skills that need to be continuously mastered.

Ye Zi has a strong learning ability. He has not only mastered all the abilities of Anbu, but also mastered them to a high degree. However, as he became stronger and stronger, the techniques he learned in the root were basically useless. .

What I didn't expect was that it would be used here.

Although the other party carefully dealt with the traces when evacuating, judging from the traces at the scene, it is not difficult to see that the other party was still a little hasty when leaving, and the disguise method used was not clever enough to hide Ye Zi.

Nine o'clock direction...

Soon, Ye Zi judged the direction of Kushina's transfer based on the traces left at the scene. At this time, the team sent by Lu Jiu to delay Ye Zi's time also arrived at the scene.

Ye Zi looked at the direction of nine o'clock, with his back to the hundreds of pursuing ninjas. He turned slightly and looked coldly at the enemies with solemn expressions.

After just one glance, Ye Zi withdrew his gaze, and then took the first step towards the nine o'clock direction. When his first step fell to the ground, his figure flashed, and he rushed forward several times in an instant. Ten meters away, at the same time, the ground where the hundreds of ninjas who were chasing after them suddenly surged like liquid.


One of the more keen ninjas immediately reminded him and stepped back in time, but it was already too late.

When their team came here, Ye Zi was motionless, and they naturally stopped.

Ye Zi glanced back at them, and the time before he turned around and left was very short, but in this short period of time, Ye Zi used the technique of inorganic reincarnation.

The ground surged and suddenly turned into countless stone thorns, directly skewering the dozens of ninjas standing in front. For a moment, cascading screams spread throughout the forest, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Stone thorns formed a forest, not only stabbing dozens of ninjas to death in one encounter, but also blocking the way of the remaining ninjas.

This was a trick that Ye Zi casually threw away before leaving. After all, he didn't want to waste time on these weaklings.

Seeing their companions stabbed to death by stone thorns, the remaining ninjas were terrified, but they still knew what their mission was. They soon confirmed that their companions who had been stabbed by stone thorns were hopeless, so they decisively abandoned them and continued to pursue Ye. Zi left.

The strength of the two sides was not proportional, and there was no difference between pursuing them and dying, but they continued to pursue them without hesitation.

However, based on their speed alone, it would be a dream to catch up with Ye Zi.

Ye Zi, whose whole body was covered with lightning currents, was flying around in the forest, his pupils spinning around in his eye sockets. During the movement, he was always observing the places where traces might be left in the forest.

About thirty kilometers away from Ye Zi, a team of about 500 people moved forward in an orderly manner. The speed was not too slow, and basically everyone moved at the same speed. There was no one who was too fast. , and no one is too slow.

This team is the coalition team surrounding Kushina's transfer.

Among the five hundred people, there were only close to two hundred jounin. There was a reason why so many people were brought along.

Kushina, who was at the front of the team, had a dull expression. If Ye Zi caught up with her, according to the order, she could not stop and attack Ye Zi, but could only escape, while the accompanying group of people had to stay behind.

Facing Ye Zi, she would die if she wanted to.

This is why Kushina is in a depressed mood, and why there are so many people in this team.

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