Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 614 They

A lone wolf that smells the scent will never lose its prey.

There was no need to save chakra, so Ye Zi moved forward extremely fast. To put it bluntly, in terms of pursuit, no one could get rid of Ye Zi.

Ray gave him speed.

Nao gave him endurance.

Even if he keeps up with him for three days and three nights, he can still catch his prey.

Ten minutes later, Ye Zi quickly brought the team's position within his perception range due to the completely disproportionate traveling speed of the two sides.

Ye Zi's perception range is further than that of the perceptive ninjas in Kushina's team. When Ye Zi sensed them, these perceptive ninjas were not aware of Ye Zi's existence.

found it…

About five hundred strands of chakra broke into the range of perception, and Ye Zi's eyelids raised slightly, finally letting him grab the tail.

Among the five hundred chakras, only one stands out like the moon among the stars in the sky, and that is Kushina's chakra.


When Ye Zi sensed Kushina's team, Kushina also sensed Ye Zi's arrival at the same time, which was the same for both parties.

he came.

Kushina's expression at the front of the team changed slightly, and she finally came.

Upon hearing this, the fellow ninja knew who Kushina was talking about, and immediately asked: How far away is it?

About six kilometers. Kushina bit her lip.

Speed ​​up and act according to the plan. The ninja in charge of this team made a prompt decision and started the plan he had made in advance.

As soon as his order was issued, the ninjas at the back of the team immediately divided into more than fifty people and stopped immediately. They were the first group of people who stayed to delay Ye Zi's footsteps.

Others continued to move forward with expressionless faces, but their hearts were not so calm. They knew exactly what staying behind meant.

The ninjas who were the first to wake up and stay behind quietly stared at the backs of their departing companions, a silent and tragic emotion quietly caressing their hearts.

They all withdrew their gazes and turned to the direction where the terrible enemy was coming. Death... was waving at them, but they had no regrets.

The person responsible for cutting off the rear stayed behind, and the remaining people quickly distanced themselves.

There was silence in the forest, the muffled sound of feet stepping on tree trunks was endless, and figures leaping forward in an orderly manner.

There are five hundred of us. If we work together, maybe... Kushina's eyes showed a trace of intolerance and sadness. She was unwilling to sacrifice so many people to protect herself.

Even the Hokage and the others have failed, so what can we do alone. The masked man following Kushina interrupted her and said calmly: I was once a member of the Gen, and the title of Raiga is You won’t understand what it means in the root.”

Perhaps with your strength, you can compete with Thunder Fang to some extent, but we will only be a burden. The result of a desperate attempt to stay will obviously be total annihilation.

Please understand one thing. The reason why we are willing to sacrifice is not for you, but for the victory of this war!

I hope you won't let our efforts go to waste.

The leader of the team, who rarely spoke at all, seemed to be keenly aware of Kushina's inner feelings and hesitations, but rarely spoke a lot.

The accompanying team members naturally heard what the person in charge said, and they all remained silent.

They will accept the outcome happily, yes, they will accept it happily.

Kushina's eyes trembled slightly, her hands slowly tightened and clenched into fists. Even if some things were said clearly, whether they could accept them was another matter.

Even if the person in charge explained it, Kushina still couldn't accept that so many people died to save her.

The masked man turned his head slightly and glanced at Kushina. Just when he was about to say something, the ANBU member who was following Kushina on the other side suddenly spoke.

This ANBU member was the one who informed Kakashi to see the Five Kages at that time.

In my opinion, Raiga is more like a ninja.

The meaning of this sentence is that Kushina's mentality and actions at this time are not like the qualities that a ninja should have.

Those who are willing to protect her can die in peace because they realize the priorities of the situation and are willing to be the focus.

Even if they can be aware, the people being protected should value their efforts.

The person in charge silently withdrew his gaze. At this time, he no longer needed to say anything.

Kushina was silent and slowly loosened her fist. Her perception range was not much different from Ye Zi's, so the two of them had established a continuous connection.

He could feel her, and she could feel him.

Not only that, she could also feel the disappearance of lives one by one.

Those who were left behind could not avoid welcoming Ye Zi's arrival.

When Ye Zi saw the fifty or so ninjas, how could he not know what their role was. They were just to stay behind and slow him down. This was also a choice that ninjas often faced in battles.

However, based on the comparison of strengths between the two sides, it is obvious whether the effect is good or bad.

The power is no longer on the same level. How long can only fifty people hold Ye Zi back?

Not to mention Ye Zi, even Minato could kill these fifty ninjas responsible for breaking up the rear in thirty seconds.


Before the cold voice fell, the sound of sharp blades cutting blood vessels and blood splashing echoed through the silent forest.

Kushina, who was several kilometers away, suddenly trembled slightly. She knew exactly what the rapidly disappearing chakra represented.

The masked man following Kushina noticed something strange about Kushina, frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice: Are they all wiped out?

Kushina did not speak, but nodded with difficulty.

That man is too strong.

The masked man's face turned ugly, but this was something that others couldn't see.

Fifty people were killed so easily.


Even though the speed was already the fastest, the masked man still couldn't hold back and reminded him again.

Soon, the remaining people were divided into fifty members, and they started over and over again to slow down Ye Zi so that they could approach the special combat unit step by step.

As long as there is assistance from special combat forces, there may be a way to stop Ye Zi.

According to Kushina's reminder, the team always separated fifty people in time to try to slow down Ye Zi. The effect was low, but it was still effective.

However, according to this trend, I am afraid that even if everyone's lives are filled in, Kushina will not be able to be sent to the special combat unit.

When the team members were reduced to only fifty people, Ye Zi, who was not stained by any blood, came to them.

The advancing team stopped, and the distance between the two sides was only 500 meters.

Ye Zi and Kushina looked at each other calmly, the expressions on their faces were as calm as water. However, whether the two people's hearts were as calm as the expressions on their faces was unknown to outsiders.

The lives they had intertwined led to two different paths due to different ideals and goals, but in the end, the two people still met head-on.

Will it open up a new path, or collapse into a dead end?

A powerful enemy was ahead, and the last fifty or so ninjas in the team were on alert, preparing to fight.

At this time, a familiar chakra suddenly broke into Kushina and Ye Zi's perceptions.

Didn't hear the news, didn't see the potential.

A figure appeared beside Kushina out of thin air.

Ye Zi looked at that figure, his eyes slightly focused.

If there is a tripartite confrontation, it must be the three of them.

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