Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 615 Disruption

After Minato sealed Jiraiya, he rushed over non-stop. Finally, relying on the flying thunder god technique, he teleported directly to Kushina's side within a suitable distance. However, he cut in from this critical moment. , there is not much chakra left.

We must take Kushina out of here as soon as possible, but with the remaining chakra, we cannot use the long-distance flying thunder god technique. We can only ask Kushina to pass some chakra to me first.

Minato came to the scene and quickly took a look at the surrounding situation. The original team of five hundred people now only had less than sixty people left. Fortunately, he caught up, otherwise Kushina would have to face Ye Zi directly.


Seeing Minato suddenly appear, the ANBU members around him felt much relieved.

Everyone, I'm sorry. Minato said guiltily.

For victory. The captain said calmly.

Please. Minato nodded heavily, then looked at Kushina beside him and said, Kushina, I need chakra.

Kushina was slightly startled, then silently turned on the Nine-Tails mode, then put her hand on Minato and transmitted chakra to him.

At the same time, Ye Zi made a move without saying a word, and more than fifty people around him also moved.

Minato's words of apology and please fit right in with this moment.

Even if the Hokage comes to the scene, this is still a battle that needs to be avoided at all costs. Therefore, in order to ensure that the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki can be taken away safely, they must first entangle Ye Zi.

In the way.

A hint of impatience appeared on Ye Zi's face. Minato's appearance was a change that he did not want to see, because the Flying Thunder God's Technique could take Kushina away at any time, which would make him fail.

If he hadn't come along the way and met so many people who came to stop him, how could he be in this situation.

Even now, he still wants to come and die.

The feeling that he was about to catch it but still couldn't catch it made Ye Zi quite uncomfortable, as if fishing for the moon in the water would make him slightly uneasy.

The long knife was drawn out, and thunder surged.

Anyone who stood in the way was killed with a single blow.

Earth escape, wind escape, and fire escape were all completely broken by Ye Zi's long knife wrapped with black thunder, and what followed was a body falling to the ground.

The ninjutsu attainments and superb physical skills that the ninjas present were proud of were vulnerable to Ye Zi.

Immortal mode is a level that they can never reach, and it is also a force that they cannot compete with no matter how hard they try.

If you can't hit or block it, you will die.

One meeting resulted in the reduction of more than ten people.

However, the remaining people were unafraid and continued to rush towards Ye Zi without fear of death.

Seeing their companions fall one by one, Kushina and Minato's hearts became heavier and heavier.

They know what to do now and what not to do now.


Minato turned his head slightly, looked at the trembling hand on his shoulder, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

He wanted to reach out and gently cover the hand that was shaking because his companions kept dying, but he didn't.

Kushina just watched helplessly as Ye Zi carried out a one-sided killing of the companions who had protected her all the way. If her eyes were originally bright, they must be dark now.

There are only two outcomes for this war to end, she dies, or Ye Zi dies.

If Ye Zi dies, the ninja world may usher in long-term stability.

If she died, maybe the ninja world would be destroyed.

Now, in order to take her life, Ye Zi kept getting closer and closer to her. The bright long knife full of murderous intent was getting closer and closer to her.

Would you... hesitate?

Kushina bit her lip hard, thinking silently in her heart.

Perhaps the answer to this question can only be known when the long knife pierces the body, right?

Maybe at that moment, her heart will completely die.

On the field, the one-sided situation suddenly changed slightly.

The person who caused these slight changes was a person who used Wood Release.

This person is not Ye Zi, but the ANBU member who follows Kushina. He is also the person who said, 'Ye Zi is more like a ninja'.

Dozens of wooden pillars surrounded Ye Zi, attacking from the side.

Wood escape?

Ye Zi raised his eyebrows slightly, surprised. The other free palm condensed a more powerful group of wooden pillars and bombarded the group of wooden pillars coming from the side.

Using the same moves against each other is the best way to show the difference.

The group of wooden pillars that were suspected of sneak attack were crushed and defeated by Ye Zi's wooden escape without any resistance. Then, Ye Zi's wooden pillar group moved towards the ANBU member who used the wooden escape without slowing down.

The ANBU member was caught off guard and was hit by Ye Zi's wooden pillar. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew away.

Sage mode can increase the intensity of ninjutsu. Even if it is the same wood escape, the difference in power is extremely obvious.

In the past, Ye Zi would have paid a little attention to the person who used Wood Release, but now, after he defeated this person, he ignored him.

Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique always made Ye Zi a little concerned. He killed those who blocked him one by one as quickly as possible. Soon, there were not many people left in the field.

However, precisely because of these people's fearless obstruction, precious time was created for Minato and Kushina.

The large amount of chakra that Minato had consumed in the previous battle was replenished from Kushina.

After the chakra recovered, Minato nodded slightly to Kushina, who retracted his hand. This time, Minato put his hand on her shoulder.

The reason why chakra needs to be recovered from Kushina is very simple. It is not to stay and be able to fight, but to take Kushina away with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

After killing the last irritant with his sword, Ye Zi's expression suddenly changed when he saw Minato reaching out and putting his hand on Kushina's shoulder.

Kushina looked at Ye Zi, her lips moved slightly, and finally she slowly closed her eyes.


Minato and Kushina disappeared from the spot without any warning.

Ye Zi suddenly stopped and stared blankly at the empty ground. After a moment, he swung his knife to his side, and a large group of trees in that direction was immediately cut off.

At this moment, he had to admit that what the enemies he encountered along the way did was not meaningless.

Minato's ultra-long-distance flying thunder god technique directly escaped Ye Zi's perception range. It was like a target disappearing from the radar, causing Ye Zi to lose his direction all of a sudden.

Where will it be?

Ye Zi sheathed the sword and stood silently, thinking about where Kushina would be taken by Minato.

At this time, he thought of Bai Jue, but Bai Jue was not around. After getting the information, he thought that Bai Jue's ability was not needed, so he didn't pay attention to Bai Jue's movements at all.

Now when he needed it, he realized a problem, that is, Bai Jue, who was entrusted with the task, never appeared, and he did not sense Bai Jue's chakra.

Thinking of this, Ye Zi frowned slightly.

If Madara hadn't removed the dirty earth body, he wouldn't have cared too much, but now that Bai Zetsu disappeared without appearing, he was a little wary.

After all... Bai Zetsu is Madara's person in the final analysis.

Until all the tailed beasts are collected as quickly as possible, Madara's presence is a thorn.

Now Minato used the Flying Thunder God Technique, which immediately disrupted the entire plan.

Ye Zi took a deep breath. Even if he was a headless fly, he couldn't stay here. As long as he moved, he would have a chance to sense Kushina's position.


I'm so panicked, there are only ten days left.

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