Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 616: Running out of patience

Minato took Kushina away not simply to escape.

This war can only end if Ye Zi dies. It is not advisable to just run away.

However, it was extremely difficult for him and Kushina to deal with Ye Zi, and the chance of winning was not high, so he took Kushina directly to the special combat unit.

If the battlefield advantage there is established, they can use the strength of others to deal with Ye Zi.

The situation changed rapidly, Minato and Kushina got rid of Ye Zi, while Ye Zi rushed back to the battlefield.

Although the number of the surprise attack force led by Xiao Nan was small, it was far higher than that of the Snake Team. Since the war started, if Wu Xie and others had just held on to the situation, they would have been defeated in a short period of time.

Even though Scorpion and Jin were very powerful, the gap in numbers was too big and they were slowly losing ground.

When the situation became almost irreversible, the remaining members of the Snake Team took enhancement potions and used their lives to burst out the last afterglow, inflicting unimaginable damage to the surprise attack force.

Independent choice is also a critical choice.

All the members of the Snake Team were wiped out, but not only did they create a rare opportunity for several main members of the Scorpion, but they also delayed the coalition's surprise attack force in time.

On the first battlefield, the vanguard team, which had been unable to wait for the support of the surprise attack force, was almost completely wiped out. The result of the battle was that many dirty earth bodies were eliminated, but none of the extremely powerful dirty earth bodies like Hashirama could be eliminated.

Among all the battlefields, only the coalition vanguard team in the first battlefield suffered the worst defeat. Seeing that there was no way to recover, they ordered the remaining personnel to temporarily retreat to avoid the sharp edge and join up with those in other battlefields.

At this moment, signs of the entire army gathering for a general battle gradually appeared.

The team led by Hashirama Jitsuchi repelled the coalition vanguard, and then led the remaining troops to continue to crush the coalition vanguard in the direction of retreat, that is, the second battlefield, the third battlefield, and the fourth battlefield. …

Like a snowball, the coalition forces are on the left and Ye Zi's side is on the right.

Now, Ye Zi's troops on the right want to roll towards the coalition forces on the left, while the coalition forces on the left have to resist the rolling snowball.

In the end, the forces gathered by both sides will show off.

However, what Ye Zi wants is not victory in this war. What he wants is to collect all the tailed beasts and return to where he belongs.

Ye Zi, who had this idea, didn't know what impact it would have on the direction of the war. The only thing that was certain now was that the coalition forces still had a certain advantage.

The coalition's original advantage was obvious, but Ye Zi fought from the first battlefield to the rear of the coalition, killing countless enemies along the way, including many elites, including several shadow-level powerhouses such as Ohnoki and Ai.

This result directly caused the coalition's advantage to plummet, almost to the bottom. Fortunately, other battlefields had significant advantages. Even if the vanguard team suffered a disastrous defeat, judging from the current trend, the chance of winning was still very high.

Located on the first battlefield, there were corpses everywhere, and countless broken swords and hidden weapons lay on the bloody land.

After watching a boring battle, Uchiha Madara never left the spot. He was always sitting on the rock mountain, watching the fighting and smoke from the most intense moment to the battlefield where there was no living person at this time.

Blood dyed the ground red, and countless corpses lay quietly with weapons beside them. To the right, there was a pale forest of bones.

Uchiha Madara had seen this scene after a fierce battle countless times. Before the war was completely over, the body that fell on the cold ground would not be collected in a short time.

Because of this, the cruelty of war can be shown.

He was not interested in Hashirama being controlled by others, so he allowed Hashirama to leave. Hashirama wanted to stay and guard against Uchiha Madara, but he could not find a chance to forcefully break away from the control of the art of reincarnation. Although he was unwilling to do so, he We still have to leave the first battlefield and rush towards the second battlefield.

too slow.

Madara Uchiha stared at the hell-like battlefield below, with a hint of displeasure on his face.

He is here waiting for Bai Jue's arrival. He must first figure out the ins and outs of the whole thing, and then decide what to do.

The wind carrying the strong smell of blood came from a distance, blowing Uchiha Madara's long black hair. The cold eyes that were looking calmly ahead suddenly condensed slightly, and then his pursed lips curled up.

Finally here.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the ground beside him.

When he cast his gaze over, a human figure slowly emerged from the flat hard ground, but it was Bai Jue.

This time, it's not a clone, but the main body.

Facing Uchiha Madara's gaze, Bai Zetsu did not speak, but Black Zetsu said: Ye Zi does not intend to resurrect you.

Of course I know. Uchiha Madara smiled coldly, stretched out his palm to take a look, and said calmly: This is what this useless body is telling me.

Black Zetsu did not continue to speak, but separated from White Zetsu's body and became a separate individual. Then, he looked at Uchiha Madara and said: Nagato was killed by Ye Zi, and now the Samsara Eye is also with him. in the hands.

Go on, I'm listening.

Uchiha Madara turned back and stared coldly at the battlefield littered with corpses below.

Ye Zi only transplanted one samsara eye, and the other samsara eye was on a man named Uchiha Susumu. Black Zetsu didn't say too much nonsense, and got to the point directly, and the samsara eye was the key to resurrecting Madara.

Uchiha Jin? Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows. He had no interest in this war. Now, returning to the world in a state of filthy earth, he only thought about how to resurrect, and then launched a plan.

It's a bit complicated to explain. This man is not from the Uchiha clan, but his physique is very special and can perfectly accept Hashirama cells and Sharingan. Ye Zi transplanted a reincarnation eye to him. Black Zetsu explained. .

It's interesting. Uchiha Madara showed a little interest, because he knew what the conditions were for opening the Samsara Eye, and a person who could perfectly accept Hashirama cells and the Sharingan Eye had exactly the conditions to open the Samsara Eye.

Ye Zi transplanted a reincarnation eye into Uchiha Shin's body, probably because he wanted to use the reincarnation technique to resurrect a woman, but this person is definitely not you. Black Zetsu continued.

It's not up to him. Uchiha Madara's eyes turned cold.

Ye Zi hasn't caught the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki yet, do you want to continue waiting? Black Zetsu asked instead.

Uchiha Madara slowly stood up, stood facing the wind, and said in a cold voice: My patience has been completely worn away, and this rotten body makes me very unhappy. Do you think I still have the patience to continue waiting?

Black Zetsu and White Zetsu looked at Uchiha Madara's back with different expressions.

Since he repays his kindness in this way, let's take his life in exchange. I can do the Kyuubi myself. Madara Uchiha's tone was filled with murderous intent for a moment.

After he heard what he wanted to know from Hei Jue, he knew that Ye Zi did not come according to the previous plan at all, which was why there was this war, and why he would return to the world in a state of filthy earth. If he hadn't seen him He could also be used as a fighting force, and most likely Ye Zi wouldn't even think of resurrecting him with his dirty earth body.

Now, he knew that there were two people with the Samsara Eye. In other words, Ye Zi and Uchiha Shin were both chess pieces that could resurrect him, but he still chose Ye Zi.

Not only did he hide the backhand in Ye Zi's body in advance, but also because he was very dissatisfied with Ye Zi's actions, so he wanted to kill Ye Zi.

It seems that you have found a way on your own, but it is all in vain. Uchiha Madara thought silently. In his opinion, Ye Zi is destined to fail, because he will definitely succeed.

There is a woman I think I can use as a hostage. Hei Jue suddenly said.

Oh? Uchiha Madara looked back at Black Zetsu with an evil smile.

If nothing else, I should have it already. Hei Jue's empty eyes slightly curved.

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