Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 618: Disappearing People and Opportunities


The light bulb hanging on the wall flickered on and off, causing the light in the room to flicker.

Nanako, who was sitting quietly on the chair, looked up at the light bulb on the wall that was about to be replaced. She remained silent. After a moment, she slowly looked away.

Normally, she would have stood up and replaced the unsightly light bulb, but at this moment, she could bear the flickering light.

Almost everyone left, leaving the entire stronghold empty. She had already done everything she could do for Ye Zi. For a moment, she lost her direction and didn't know what to do.

All the time in the past was spent on things that should be done. When there is no need to do those things anymore, it becomes at a loss.

You will come back safely, right...

Nanako's slightly rough hands slowly clasped together, rested lightly under her chin, closed her eyes and prayed silently.

She didn't know where the road Ye Zi was looking at was, she didn't know where the place where Ye Zi wanted to return to her roots was, and she didn't know that Ye Zi was heading towards a destination that she could never reach.

She actually knew nothing about Ye Zi from the beginning, even now.

Although Ye Zi's heart was opened, the last door was locked without a key.

Most definitely.

However, she doesn't need to know too much, and she doesn't need to deliberately understand Ye Zi in depth. She just wants Ye Zi to be good, and that's fine.

In the room, a person silently prayed for Ye Zi.

Outside the room, there was a team silently guarding her.

There were not many people left in the stronghold, and they were left to protect Nanako. Compared to their teammates who died in the war, they were relatively lucky.

Regardless of the outcome of this war, Ye Zi would not let Nanako be harmed in any way. He had tried his best to arrange a retreat, but he did not say goodbye to Nanako properly.

However, he did not think of Hei Jue, the hunter standing at the back.

In the quiet room, a few extra breaths appeared out of thin air.

In the dimly lit corners of the wall, there were several bulges, slowly condensing into a human form, but they were Bai Zetsu clones.

A total of five clones appeared in the room, looking at Nanako's back quietly and walking towards her step by step.

Nanako knew nothing about this.

The guards outside the room were also unaware of the situation in the room. Only the youngest Xiang Phosphorus realized that something was wrong. She was a perception type. Although she was still young, her abilities had already taken shape and she was not far from the room. , so the few waves of chakra that appeared out of thin air in the room did not escape her perception.

No, sister Nanako is in danger. Xiang Ling's expression changed and she panicked.

Hearing Xiang Lian's reminder, the people headed by Yu jumped and rushed to the entrance of Nanako's room without hesitation.

They pushed the door open as quickly as possible, but there was no sign of Nanako in the room.

Damn it!

Not seeing Nanako, a look of panic suddenly appeared on Yu's face. Then, as if he thought of something, he took a few strides to stand in front of Xiang Lian, and put his hands on Xiang Lian's shoulders. Because he was emotionally excited, his strength was gone. control.

It hurt to eat Xiang Phosphorus, but he endured it.

Where are the people? Yu asked excitedly.

Xiang Ling endured the pain on his shoulder and replied with difficulty: I, I don't know, they suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly.

Hearing this, Yu let go of Xiang Lu's shoulders in despair. She had always been very assertive, but she didn't know what to do.



Minato took Kushina to the battlefield where the special combat troops were.

The appearance of the two of them immediately attracted Tobirama's attention.

Huh? Flying Thunder God Jutsu? Tobirama looked at Minato. During the battle, he could still pay attention to the surroundings at any time, and he lived up to the name of the Second Hokage.

At this time, the clones had been almost eliminated, but the coalition forces were unable to take down Tobirama and the Gold and Silver Brothers. They faced each other head-on, suffering heavy casualties.

Sensing Tobirama's gaze, Minato also looked at Tobirama and said in a deep voice: The Second Hokage-sama.

Who are you to be able to use my Flying Thunder God to such an extent? Tobirama casually killed an allied ninja, then tilted his head and continued to look at Minato.

After the battle started, he firmly grasped all the movements in the field in the palm of his hand, but Minato appeared in vain. He could see it clearly. Coupled with the kunai in Minato's hand, he saw it clearly for the first time. It was immediately determined that Minato had used the Flying Thunder God Technique to arrive here instantly.

Not only that, but he came with one person and looked very relaxed, which showed that Minato could easily control the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Minato raised his arm, held the Jutsu kunai in front of his eyes, pressed his other palm on the surface of the kunai, and said seriously: I am the current Hokage...


Tobirama raised his eyebrows, and when he rushed into the enemy formation and faced many enemies, he still had enough energy to look at Minato carefully.

After a moment, he smiled slightly and praised: Not bad.

Then, as if he remembered something, he suddenly asked: Where is Sarutobi?

Since there have been four generations, the three generations have naturally abdicated, but they don't know whether they abdicated to give way to others, or abdicated by death.

Minato was about to answer Tobirama's question, but a familiar chakra burst into his perception, so he kept silent.

Are you looking for me? Second Hokage-sama.

A slightly thin black figure hurriedly broke into the battlefield, but it was Sarutobi dressed in black combat uniforms and holding the Vajra Wishful Stick in his hand.

Not only was Sarutobi alone, but many coalition ninjas followed him.

Sarutobi came to Minato, nodded to them, and then looked at Tobirama, who looked surprised.

You are getting old, Sarutobi. Tobirama looked at the elderly Sarutobi and sighed softly.

After all, so many years have passed. Sarutobi stared at Tobirama's face and sighed softly. This face was no different from the face when he said goodbye in his memory. The art of reincarnation in the dirty earth seemed to defeat the time and kill the dead. Imprisoned in the last moment.

Listen, the caster of the Dirty Earth Reincarnation is very capable. I can't unlock the Dirty Earth Reincarnation Technique on my own, so you have to find the caster and interfere with him so that I can have a chance to unlock the Dirty Earth Reincarnation Technique. Tobirama was filled with emotion, but he didn't talk nonsense. He directly stated his thoughts under Orochimaru's eyes.

He had not mentioned it before because, in his opinion, none of the ninjas he met were worthy of being entrusted.

How can we find the location of the spell caster? Sarutobi tensed up and asked immediately.

When Tobirama was about to speak, his body suddenly shook, and then he resumed his actions, but his consciousness was suppressed by Orochimaru at that moment.

You really can't be careless.

Orochimaru's voice suddenly emerged from Tobirama's mouth.


When Sarutobi and others heard the sound, their expressions suddenly changed.

If the Second Hokage is allowed to unlock the art of reincarnation, it will be in trouble. Orochimaru controlled Tobirama and looked at everyone with cold eyes. His eyes stayed on Kushina for a long time, and he didn't know what Ye Zi was now. Could it be that he missed the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki?

At this time, Minato and Kushina's eyes moved slightly, and they saw a fluctuation in the space beside them. A person slowly appeared from the twisted space, but it was Obito.

Obito, are you okay? Minato and Kushina looked happy when they saw Obito.

Obito nodded slightly, stared at Tobirama with a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan eyes open, and said solemnly: I will find the caster.

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