Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 619: Multi-party collaboration

People will always grow, whether it is the accumulation of time or the growth of a moment.

Minato and Kushina looked at Obito's back and vaguely felt that a change unknown to them had taken place on Obito, giving them an indescribable touch.

So when Obito said that he would find the caster, it actually made them feel that they could entrust this important matter to Obito.

Then it's up to you. Minato took a deep breath and said seriously.

Obito nodded heavily and glanced at the venue without any disturbance. After seeing the situation clearly, he took one last look at Kushina.

Looking back, his expression became extremely serious, and he said in a deep voice: Kushina-sensei, you must protect yourself, you must protect yourself!

Before he finished speaking, without giving Kushina any chance to respond, she used her divine power to slip into the different space and disappear.

He was going to find Lin, and he gave Lin a Flying Thunder God Technique. It was clear that he could use the Flying Thunder God Technique to reach Lin directly, but he did not choose to use the Flying Thunder God Technique. Instead, he chose to have a flying thunder god. Side Effects of Kaleidoscope Eye Technique.

The reason is... Kamui consumes less chakra than the long-distance Flying Thunder God Technique.

At this point, any bit of chakra is precious, even if it speeds up the process of losing the light in the eyes, it doesn't matter.

Nowadays, what does it mean if it is just the brightness of the eyes?

As long as you can win this war...even if it means your life, take it if you want!

Listening to what Obito said when he left, Kushina's eyes trembled slightly, she bit the corner of her lip very slowly, and gave a heavy 'hmm' to the empty place.

I will never let all the sacrifices become meaningless. Kushina said to herself in her heart, and in her mind, a picture of Ye Zi watching her cry silently emerged.

The picture is like a scroll slowly unfolding in the space of thoughts, exuding a bright and gentle light.

She stretched out her hand, carefully put away the brightly radiating painting, and then gently hid it in the deepest part of her heart. Then, when she slowly raised her head, her body was already covered with a layer of hard war called 'heart'. First.

On her body, suddenly, a windbreaker emitting golden light condensed. It belonged to the chakra of the Kyuubi and her chakra. The two merged together, emitting powerful chakra fluctuations.

Orochimaru, who was controlling Tobirama, was shocked when he saw this scene, and said to himself: What a strong chakra, but... the role of the chess pieces is to maximize their value, so how can you get what you want? The chess piece on one side is almost here, that is Madara Uchiha...

At this point, Orochimaru's cold and ruthless eyes flashed slightly, and he said calmly: Ye Zi, I will do my best to fulfill the agreement, but if the plan still fails, don't blame me.

In the quiet cave, Orochimaru's slightly hoarse voice was left alone, muttering to himself.

His pair of enchanting snake eyes fell quietly on the chess pieces on the ground.

At the same time, Tobirama, who was on the battlefield, immediately formed the shadow clone's seal after Kushina turned on the Nine-Tails mode.

Bang bang!

In the two bursts of white smoke, two people who looked exactly like Tobirama appeared.

There are still a lot of people in the coalition, and the role of the dirty earth body is naturally to kill the enemy as much as possible. Their value lies in constantly reducing the number of coalition forces.

Facing Kushina in Kyuubi mode, as well as the powerful Minato and the Third Hokage, Orochimaru could not let Tobirama confront them head-on. Instead, he had to use the characteristics of the Flying Thunder God Technique to let Tobirama kill the enemy with one heart. .

Fortunately, the number of dirty earth bodies has become smaller now. Even if Tobirama's consciousness is suppressed, the accuracy of control will not be affected, and the dirty earth body can still exert its due strength.

After the shadow clones were separated, the three Tobirama dispersed with an astonishing speed teleportation technique, dodged the golden chains controlled by Kushina, and headed towards the battle group.

Seeing Tobirama ignore them and rush towards the battle group, Minato and the other three felt slightly nervous as they didn't know Orochimaru's plan.

Do you want to use the Second Hokage's Flying Thunder God Technique? I have to stop him, otherwise...

Minato's expression changed, and he quickly formed a seal, separated into two shadow clones, and went in three different directions, each chasing Tobirama.

Leave it to me, the Second Hokage, and you go deal with the gold and silver brothers in Cloud Ninja Village.

Before the figure disappeared, he left behind a sentence.

Hearing Minato's words, Kushina and the Third Hokage looked at each other, and then walked towards the two gold and silver brothers who were killing each other at the same time.

On the battlefield here, there are only a few tough earth bodies left, namely Tobirama and the Jinyin brothers.

The strength of these two dirty earth bodies is terrifyingly strong. Coupled with the inexhaustible chakra characteristics of the dirty earth bodies, the wheel battle is ineffective at all. Unless they are also faced with top combat power, they will not be so easy to win. .

Tobirama separates two shadow clones and combines them with the Flying Thunder God Technique to increase the efficiency of killing enemies.

After Minato mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique, he rarely used shadow clones to increase the enemy-killing efficiency of the Flying Thunder God Technique, because the shadow clones would divide chakra, so using shadow clones just to increase the enemy-killing efficiency would be a bit of a loss. .

However, Tobirama has an earth body, so there is no need to worry about this, so he decisively uses the shadow clone. In order to stop Tobirama, Minato has no choice but to use the shadow clone.

Fortunately, even the filthy earth body was not immune to the side effects of multiple shadow clones, which made Minato feel much more relaxed.

Two strong men who can use the flying thunder god's technique shuttle through the crowd like lightning. The difference is that one wants to kill and the other is saving people.

Even Tobirama, who created the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, probably never thought that one day a junior would use the improved Flying Thunder God Jutsu to stop his Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

There are many special and special things in this war, and all of them are given by the forbidden technique of reincarnation.

With Minato's intervention, Tobirama, who had been killing enemies since the beginning of the war, was restrained.

Should I say it's a yellow flash... Orochimaru, who was hiding behind the scenes, frowned and felt troubled by Minato, And... the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Since the Gold and Silver Brothers came out of the dirt, Orochimaru didn't need to worry too much. Their subjective intention was to kill like crazy, so Orochimaru felt quite at ease. Moreover, these two people did display terrifying strength, which can be called Unstoppable.

However, the two invincible people also encountered difficult enemies.

Kyuubi's chakra!

The gold and silver brothers looked at the shining golden Kushina, and their expressions changed.

They were swallowed by Kyuubi and survived by eating Kyuubi's flesh. In the end, Kyuubi couldn't bear the two of them and vomited them out. From that time on, they had Kyuubi in their bodies. chakra, thus being able to use the incomplete tailed beast transformation.

Because the state of tailed beast transformation is incomplete, the power obtained is not as powerful as the jinchuriki, but the advantage is that it will not lose its mind.

The two people who possess the Nine-Tails Chakra are most familiar with the Nine-Tails Chakra coming from Kushina in front of them.

The Gold and Silver Brothers can feel the Nine-Tails Chakra on Kushina's body, and the latter can also feel the Nine-Tails Chakra on the Gold and Silver Brothers.


Golden chains were flying all over the sky.

Kushina looked coldly at the two gold and silver brothers. At this moment, she was Kushina Uzumaki, a Konoha ninja who had performed many S-level missions.

On the other side, Obito was quickly approaching Lin's location.

If you want to find the location of the filth reincarnation spell caster, you need to use Lin's ability.

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