Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 626 Her Arrival

This was Uchiha Madara's back-up plan, but not only was this germinating 'seed', he also left a talisman on Ye Zi's heart.

That talisman is not a talisman that can control Ye Zi or directly make Ye Zi's heart burst, but a talisman that can amplify thoughts, such as...cannot die.

But for Ye Zi, this spell is better than nothing.

Once a person dies, there is nothing left. Ye Zi has long understood this truth, so he has experienced many near-deaths, but he has always been able to survive. He cannot escape from the will.

You...want to control me? Ye Zi's body froze in place, and his limbs could not move according to his thoughts. He could clearly feel that the human face that appeared in vain wanted to control him to form reincarnation. The purpose of the Innate Jutsu seal is to resurrect Madara.

If he used the art of reincarnation, everything would be over. How could he give up the struggle?

Ha ha.

The face on the arm was grinning widely, but his heart was filled with ups and downs. He thought he could control Ye Zi easily, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

He is the key to Ye Zi's recovery of his limbs, and the key to Ye Zi's ability to master Wood Release so quickly. He has long been fused with Ye Zi's limbs after lurking for so many years. He can obviously easily take over the control of his limbs, but Ye Zi's The will is too strong, and it forcibly rejects physical reactions.

As long as he controls Ye Zi's arms to form the seal of the 'Innate Art of Reincarnation', his mission as a back-up man can be accomplished perfectly.

A Fei, stop dawdling. Hei Jue said coldly.

A Fei is the name of this human face mask. When Ye Zi was in a coma, he was implanted into his body by Uchiha Madara as a back-up.

I haven't relaxed yet, Ye Zi is still very difficult to deal with. A Fei's facial features were slightly distorted, and most of the excitement when he first appeared was consumed by Ye Zi's stubborn resistance.

Hey. Hei Jue stared at Ye Zi coldly, thinking that Ye Zi did not obediently perform the duties of an important supporting role and was always so out of line.

After activating his backhand, Uchiha Madara was no longer anxious. He watched Ye Zi struggle and became slightly interested.

This sudden drastic change made the coalition forces have no choice but to wait and see what happens. After all, a fight between Uchiha Madara and Ye Zi would only bring benefits to them and no harm to them.

Orochimaru's body is not here, so he cannot help Ye Zi at all. He can only control the dirty earth body and be responsible for protecting Ye Zi's safety during his resistance.

It is precisely because Ye Zi has Hashirama and others beside him that the coalition forces would not want to miss this rare opportunity. After all, not only has Ye Zi not turned on the immortal mode, but the black thunder on his body with amazing defense has also disappeared. The most important thing is that He can't seem to move now.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that cannot be caught due to the presence of Hashirama and other dirty bodies.

Do you really want to go back? Uchiha Madara smiled coldly.

Hearing Uchiha Madara's words, Ye Zi's face changed slightly, and instantly became as gloomy as a cloud.

What factors made you change your mind and not believe in my ability to help you return to that world?

Ye Zi said nothing, concentrating on fighting against A Fei in his body.

Is it because you found a method yourself? Uchiha Madara continued to ask.

Ye Zi still didn't speak. How could he respond honestly to Uchiha Madara's question.

Madara Uchiha took it as Ye Zi's acquiescence, and said calmly: If you found a method on your own, I would be very curious. After all... even the Sage of Six Paths does not have this ability, including me.

Such remarks clearly revealed that he had been deceiving Ye Zi from the very beginning.

When Ye Zi heard this, his eyes were as cold as ice, and he said in a deep voice: I have never believed you either.

It's very wise, but it doesn't change the outcome. After all, you are just a pawn of mine. Uchiha Madara looked calm, as if he had a chance to win.

You seem to firmly believe that this thing called Ah Fei can take away control of my body? Ye Zi's tone was as calm as water.

Hearing Ye Zi call him something, A Fei suddenly felt unhappy.

Uchiha Madara curled his lips and said calmly: You can try to struggle.

Having said that, he also saw that A Fei would not be able to take control of Ye Zi's hands for a while.

Ye Zi didn't speak anymore, but wanted to take back control of his limbs. After that... he would cut off his own limbs without hesitation.

The coalition forces who were watching the incident suddenly became onlookers.

go back…

Listening to the conversation between Ye Zi and Uchiha Madara, Kushina's heart gradually agitated. How could she forget the self-introduction Ye Zi had made when she joined Orochimaru's team.

At that time, Ye Zi said that he wanted to find a way to go back.

Kushina didn't understand the meaning of Ye Zi's words and just thought it was an innocuous joke. But after so many years, when the word 'go back' appeared in the conversation between Ye Zi and Uchiha Madara, it made her think. Lian Lian.

She didn't know what the relationship between Ye Zi and Uchiha Madara was, but she finally figured out Ye Zi's one-sided thoughts and ideas.

What Ye Zi said when he introduced himself many years ago was not a joke, but his true intention.

Where to go back? Which world? Is this what makes you like this? Kushina looked at Ye Zi who was struggling and gritted her teeth slightly.

She had long wanted to cut open Ye Zi's head to see what he was thinking.

Yes, when she realized that she had never been in contact with Ye Zi's world, she wanted to learn more as much as possible. Maybe she could find out the reason why Ye Zi was getting farther and farther away from her, and also find out how to understand Ye Zi's world. A way to bring Ye Zi back.

However, until the two sides were facing each other, she still didn't know what Ye Zi wanted or where she was looking.

Even at this moment, looking at Ye Zi now, even if there were so many people around, she really wanted to ask Ye Zi clearly, but she couldn't.

He has obviously made up his mind. If he asks Ye Zi now, wouldn't he have the intention of going back on his word?

At this time, the battlefield fell into an eerie calm, as eerie as boiling water freezing in vain, and the person who caused all this was Uchiha Madara.

Hashirama, who also has the body of dirty earth, is helpless and wants to do something. However, he has been controlled by the art of earth reincarnation. At the moment, it cannot be expected that the coalition forces can find the caster of dirty earth reincarnation and create a chance for him to break free.

The situation is getting more and more troublesome. Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara, who ignored him.

Do people who have died return to this world to cause trouble?

Senju Hashirama didn't know that there was a member of the Uchiha Madara clan who was working hard to create opportunities for him.

Senju Tobirama, who has always been hostile to the Uchiha clan, did not expect that the person who could bring about a change would be a member of the Uchiha clan that he was hostile to.

If I knew it, I would have a lot of mixed feelings in my heart, and I can only lament that fate is playing tricks on people.

Time passed by, and Uchiha Obito was getting closer and closer to Orochimaru's location, but Orochimaru knew nothing about it. Even in sage mode, it was impossible to sense that he was in a different place. Obito of space.

Ten minutes later, A Fei was furious, but still couldn't gain any advantage. Fortunately, Uchiha Madara now had patience, otherwise he would have had difficulty communicating.

At this time, Bai Jue arrived.

He didn't come alone, bringing with him a woman who was in a coma.

Ye Zi saw the woman, his eyes slowly opened wide, and his face became extremely ugly.


I feel much better after a good sleep. I’m so hungry. I’ll try to update it after I cook some instant noodles.

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