Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 627 Go to Death

The woman Bai Zetsu brought was Nanako.

Orochimaru also saw Nanako with the help of the eyes of the dirty earth body, and his heart sank slightly. He only felt that the current situation was fundamentally unfavorable to Ye Zi. If it were him, how could he care about Nanako's life and death at such a critical moment? I know what Ye Zi will do.

Here he comes. Hei Jue looked sideways at Bai Jue with a grin on his face. He didn't expect that Ye Zi would resist so stubbornly the backhand he had laid out. Maybe this woman could really play a key role.

Bai Jue nodded slightly and supported the unconscious Nanako. The other hand turned into liquid and slowly turned into a spike, gently pressing against Nanako's neck.

Ye Zi looked at this scene, his whole heart sank to the bottom, and he actually held Nanako hostage.

It's time to wake up.

Bai Zetsu's arm moved slightly, and the spikes pierced into Nanako's skin, and blood slowly flowed out.

After Nanako was in pain, Youyou woke up and immediately noticed her situation. Her hands were pressed behind her and restrained, and her neck was pressed with a sharp weapon. Then, she saw Ye Zi.

Ye Zi!

Nanako didn't dare to struggle too much and could only look at Ye Zi slightly panicked.


Ye Zi gritted his teeth, feeling slightly confused, which made A Fei feel like he was starting to control his arms.

Hei Jue looked at the extremely ugly Ye Zi, and could even feel that A Fei was beginning to gain an advantage in the fight for the body, so he felt that it was a wise choice to hold Nanako hostage.

Even if Uchiha Madara is not in a hurry, he can't help the old god. After all, his purpose is different from Madara. He has waited for countless years just to welcome his mother's arrival. How can he be careless.

If you continue to resist, this woman will die. Hei Jue's eyes turned into crescents and he sneered.

Several blue veins popped up on Ye Zi's forehead and sun, and he was gnashing his teeth. When A Fei appeared at first and wanted to take control of his body, it made him panic, but with his willpower, he fought to the end and showed signs of defeating A Fei, but he didn't. Thinking that the other party actually held Nanako hostage.

Bai Jue. Seeing that Ye Zi still didn't give up his resistance, Hei Jue's expression suddenly turned cold.

When Bai Jue heard this, he did not drive the spike deep into Nanako's neck, but punched Nanako on the waist and ribs. There was only a crisp sound of bones breaking, and Nanako suddenly screamed.

This punch directly broke two of Nanako's ribs.

Ye Zi's mind was shaken, and his hands that were lying vertically on his sides were gradually raised at a very slow speed.

Let her go.

Ye Zi's eyes were like knives, scratching the three of Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara treated this indifferently and said coldly: You know what to do.

After all, Ye Zi still has the filthy earth bodies of Zhu Jian and several shadow-level experts beside him. Before he is fully resurrected, the situation is very unfavorable with his current rotten body. Only by resurrection can he dominate everything. Qualifications.

In order to be resurrected, Uchiha Madara will do whatever it takes.

Ye Zi, leave me alone. Nanako's face was filled with pain, and there were bursts of pain in her ribs. When she first woke up, she roughly understood what was going on. The other party used her as a bargaining chip to threaten Ye Zi.

Ye Zi met Nanako's determined gaze, slowly shook his head, and said in a deep voice: You will be fine.

Before he finished speaking, the slightly raised arm made new progress. It was slowly raised at a slightly faster speed, and the palms of the hands were pulled closer to each other.

Have you finally given up the resistance? Hum. A Fei felt that Ye Zi's resistance was relaxing, and he continued to attack with all his strength without hesitation, trying to control his arms to form the seals.

Tobirama, who was under the control of Orochimaru, turned his head and looked at Ye Zi's slowly raised arm, knowing that Ye Zi was really shaken by this woman Nanako. The decisive and decisive man he admired had such a weakness.

Thinking of the previous decision to attack Konoha in order to recapture Konoha's body, it's not surprising, but Orochimaru thought it was stupid.

After all his thought and effort, everything fell apart just because of a woman's safety. Even if the matter had nothing to do with him, he couldn't accept the result.

He quickly glanced at Nanako, then stared at Ye Zi, and said coldly: Do you want to give up all your previous efforts because of a woman?

This sentence was not only said to Ye Zi, but also to Nanako.

Ye Zi's expression became slightly painful, and he was struggling in his heart. Will his efforts so far be ruined because of Nanako's safety?

Even though the hesitation in his heart never got an answer, the gradually moving arms showed his choice.

Although returning to Earth had absolute priority, he really couldn't sit back and watch Nanako die because of him.

Seeing that Ye Zi was indifferent, Orochimaru frowned slightly and reminded directly: Don't forget the art of reincarnation. Even if Nanako dies, as long as you can succeed, you can still resurrect her.

He didn't want Ye Zi to suffer failure because of a woman. This crucial reminder was not only to save Ye Zi, but also to push Nanako into a desperate situation.

But what he said is indeed correct. Since Ye Zi wanted to resurrect Yan Ye from the beginning, there is no difference between having one more person. In other words, it doesn't matter even if Nanako is dead now.

Not to mention that when a ninja encounters such a situation when performing a mission, he will always focus on the overall situation. Now that there is a forbidden art like the reincarnation technique that despises the cycle of life and death, why should he worry about death?

Ye Zi was slightly startled. Indeed, as Orochimaru said, as long as he didn't fail, he could also use the reincarnation technique to resurrect Nanako. But even if he understood this truth, he still couldn't calm down and watched Nanako die in front of his eyes.

He didn't even want to imagine such a thing.

Nanako and Kotonoha are both women who have sacrificed countless things for him.

Now, how could he be willing to let the cruel reality that happened to Yan Ye happen again?

He couldn't even protect a woman... How could he allow this to happen the second time after the first time.

The slightly trembling arms were approaching each other, and the palms also showed signs of closing.

Ye Zi! Seeing that Ye Zi still gave up resistance, Orochimaru's tone suddenly became more serious, and he said coldly: Do you want to lose something because of small things? Giving up so easily makes me feel that what you have done along the way is serious. Ridiculous.

Orochimaru, don't forget what you promised me.

Ye Zi took a deep breath, then looked at Bai Jue and said in a deep voice, Let her go.

This time 'let her go' was a compromising reaction.

Bai Zetsu's eyes flashed slightly and he looked at Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu.

Hei Jue sneered and said, Don't be anxious. When you complete the seal, she will naturally be fine.

Madara Uchiha crossed his arms with an expression of indifference. Like Orochimaru, he thought that Ye Zi was really stupid. Those who achieve big things don't stick to trivial matters. In his opinion, what does a woman's life mean in the face of important things?

It turned out that Ye Zi could resist A Fei's control. Even if he was not in a hurry, there would always be changes before he was resurrected. Now it seemed that with this woman as a hostage, the plan should be a certainty.

Ye Zi looked like he was giving up resistance, but he didn't give up completely. His head turned quickly, trying to find opportunities in the limited time.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that Nanako's expression was different and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

A desire to die sprouted in Nanako's eyes, and she showed a beautiful smile to Ye Zi, her lips moving silently a few times.

As a member of Gen, Ye Zi's lip reading is one of the skills he must master. When he saw Nanako's moving lips, he immediately read what Nanako wanted to say and also saw Nanako's will to die.

She didn't want Ye Zi to be controlled because of herself, so she chose to die without much hesitation.

No, Nanako! Ye Zi's face changed drastically.

Nanako, who conveyed her thoughts to Ye Zi, kept smiling and immediately hit the spikes on her neck.

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