Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 628: What’s on my mind

The spikes formed by Bai Zetsu's arms were pressed against Nanako's neck at close range. If Nanako took the initiative to hit the spikes, the spikes would easily penetrate her neck.

Nanako thought that if she died, she would not be used to threaten Ye Zi, so she chose death without hesitation, just because she did not want to embarrass Ye Zi because of herself.

Such a change, following Orochimaru's will, also made Black Zetsu and Uchiha Madara unexpected. The coalition forces watching the show would not help Ye Zi even if they despised it.

Silly woman!

How could Bai Zetsu, who had always been paying attention to Nanako, let Nanako commit suicide so easily.

When Nanako made a move, the solid spike had already liquefied, and Nanako hit a puddle of liquid, which was naturally fine.

If only a thought was needed to turn the spikes into liquid, even if Bai Zetsu reacted, he would never be able to withdraw the spikes. At this time, Nanako's plan to die would be in vain. This characteristic of freely retracting and retracting takes up Huge credit.

Now, life or death is not up to you.

Bai Zetsu breathed a sigh of relief, and then grabbed Nanako's neck.

After her death wish failed, Nanako suddenly showed a disappointed look. Because her neck was strangled, she couldn't say anything and it became slightly difficult to breathe.

Seeing that Nanako was safe and sound, Ye Zi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and her violently beating heartbeat showed signs of slowing down.

Orochimaru was very disappointed. On the one hand, he spent all his words to make Ye Zi not to compromise, and on the other hand, he made Nanako understand the situation. However, he did not expect Bai Zetsu to react so quickly, causing Nanako to fail in her death wish.

Tsk, tsk. Black Zetsu looked at the disappointed Nanako. He didn't expect this woman to be so strong. Fortunately, White Zetsu responded in time, otherwise it would be troublesome if this woman died.

Ye Zi, do you think they will let Nanako go if you comply with their wishes? Orochimaru said solemnly.

Ye Zi remained silent. There was only twenty centimeters between his palms. Once they were brought together, he could start to form a seal. If the seal of the reincarnation technique was formed, he would die.

In the sealed space, Nako was not like Orochimaru, who would try every means to stop Ye Zi. Instead, he directly stopped condensing chakra and scolded Ye Zi.

You know, if Ye Zi dies, he must die too, but he has no way to control Ye Zi's behavior. Even if he scolds Ye Zi now, he can't change Ye Zi's decision.

At first, he was a little panicked when he saw Ye Zi being controlled by something that appeared inexplicably in his body. Later, he saw that Ye Zi seemed to be able to handle it, so he felt relieved. Unexpectedly, after twists and turns, the other party actually took Nanako hostage and threatened her. Ye Zi, but Ye Zi really did this.

As a result, he couldn't sit still. While spitting and scolding Ye Zi, he tried his best to persuade Ye Zi.

However, no matter how hard he tried, it was still to no avail.

For a moment, he actually felt a little desperate.

He never expected that Ye Zi would be buried with him in this way.

You will definitely die after using that technique. Even if they still kill Nanako, you still know nothing about it. Orochimaru continued to persuade.

Certainty of death?

Ye Zi suddenly looked at Orochimaru. He had been thinking about any way to reverse the disadvantage, and then he thought of the art of reincarnation.

Even if Uchiha Madara is resurrected, as long as Orochimaru takes Nanako and retreats first, allowing the coalition forces to deal with Uchiha Madara, and then use the dirt reincarnation technique to resurrect himself, there is still a chance.

He was unwilling to accept Nanako's death in front of his eyes, but he could accept that he became a filthy earth body.

Facing Ye Zi's gaze, Orochimaru frowned suddenly, and then he saw Ye Zi turn his gaze to Uchiha Madara again.

At this time, Orochimaru realized that the body he was controlling was Tobirama, the filthy earth body, and Ye Zi gave up resistance for the sake of Nanako's safety. Now she no longer feels unwilling to do so. Why?

The art of reincarnation in the dirty soil? Orochimaru thought silently, Is this your plan?

The coalition forces who were watching what happened saw Ye Zi in trouble and sat back and did nothing.

If Ye Zi died, it would be the best thing. The death of one powerful enemy was better than the existence of two powerful enemies.

Most people were willing to see Ye Zi die, but one person was unwilling to accept this outcome.

This person is Kushina.

This scene reminded her of when she was in the Kingdom of Whirlpool, when Ye Zi risked death to stay behind in order to cover the retreat of Yanye and Orochimaru.

Now, Uchiha Madara is taking advantage of Nanako's safety and wants to coerce Ye Zi to give up his life, but Ye Zi seems to have compromised.

Although she knew that this development and result would be beneficial to the coalition, she just couldn't accept it.

Minato, can you do me a favor? Kushina came to Minato and whispered.

Minato, who was always paying attention to the situation in the field, suddenly heard Kushina's words and was stunned. He turned his head to look at Kushina and asked, What are you busy with?

I want to save Nanako. Kushina said her purpose directly without covering up.

Minato was startled, and then he understood why Kushina had deliberately lowered her voice, so that he also lowered his voice and asked, Why?

He didn’t say things like, ‘Are you crazy? ''you are silly? ’ instead of ‘what are you thinking’, he said the three words ‘why’.

Facing Minato's calm questioning gaze, Kushina pursed her lips and couldn't answer for a moment, because she didn't know why she wanted to save Nanako.

If Minato said the words 'you're crazy', she would just nod in agreement, and then continue to ask Minato to help him, but Minato asked why, but she couldn't answer.

Why do you have this idea and even implement it without hesitation? Is it because you don’t want Ye Zi to fall into this dilemma? Is it because he is more willing to defeat Ye Zi in battle and win this war than this?

I...I don't know why I want to save Nanako. Kushina smiled bitterly. For some reason, she thought of the time when Yan Ye was on the verge of death, and also thought of what Yan Ye said.

Because he is Ye Zi and I am Yan Ye.

Okay. Minato's blue eyes reflected Kushina's bitter smile, and he suddenly agreed.

Kushina was stunned for a moment, then her eyes lit up, and she looked at Minato with a hint of joy.

Minato sighed softly and gave Kushina a gentle smile.

He would agree to Kushina's request, maybe because he liked Kushina, or maybe he couldn't accept that Ye Zi would die in this way.

After making up their minds, the two quickly discussed it.

If you want to save Nanako, Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique is crucial, but if you want to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to transfer to Bai Zetsu, you need spatial coordinates.

If it were a kunai, it would probably give Bai Zetsu a chance to react in time, so this method was not feasible.

After a brief discussion, it was finally decided to let Kushina in Nine-Tails mode approach White Zetsu with a super-fast teleportation technique, and then Minato would use the Flying Thunder God Technique to move to Kushina's side, and use the Flying Thunder God technique to fly the two of them together. Take away the art of thunder.

At this time, Ye Zi's palms were only a few centimeters away from closing, and the subsequent sealing was just a few gestures.

Orochimaru was in a gloomy mood. Even if he could resurrect Ye Zi with the art of reincarnation, there would be too many changes, which he did not want to see.

Resurrect Madara, and then Madara will capture the Nine-Tails, resurrect the Ten-Tails, and become the Jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails. At that time, the conditions for resurrecting the mother will be gathered. Looking at Ye Zi with his palms together, Black Jue felt a little impatient.

As the plan gets closer, Black Zetsu can't wait, and so does Uchiha Madara.

He wants to use the 'Eye of the Moon' plan to create a 'peaceful' world. To complete this plan, resurrection is the most critical step. After that, he only needs to collect all the tailed beasts.

Now, the resurrection is at hand.

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