Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 632: Old Enemy

So many people died, but not one was missing. However, Obito used his life to create an opportunity that was lacking for the coalition forces and for Tobirama and Hashirama.

Lin, who was rushing to the battlefield, silently prayed for Obito in her heart, but she didn't know that the man who wore a sunny smile all day long and determined to become Hokage was dead.

Although Obito died in a corner that no one knew about, the value that could be triggered has entered everyone's eyes.


The raging wave of flames extinguished by the Hao Fire Ball scorched the scorched earth.

Ye Zi and Zhu Jian used wood escape to protect the dirty earth army from harm, but some clones of the clone army were buried in the sea of ​​fire.

The wave of flames finally affected the coalition forces, but it was resisted by the joint use of water escape and did not suffer any losses.

After releasing the fireball, Uchiha Madara moved the target and evacuated the battlefield.

Ye Zi realized Uchiha Madara's plan, his heart sank, and he wanted to pursue him, but unexpected circumstances at the scene forced him to stay at the scene.

Finally the opportunity came.

In vain, Senju Hashirama felt that the control that restrained him was greatly weakened, and his gray eyes flashed with a little luster.

He grasped this rare opportunity without hesitation and used his own power to forcefully break away from the control of the Earth Reincarnation Technique and become a free Earth body like Uchiha Madara.

Tobirama, who did not have Orochimaru's consciousness suppressed, also seized this opportunity, but he did not have the power as powerful as Hashirama to forcibly break away from the control of the Jutsu Reincarnation Jutsu. Instead, he used the solution to the Jutsu Reincarnation Jutsu to break free. Under the control of the art of reincarnation of dirty soil.

Well done!

Tobirama regained consciousness and was in the hostile soil-body army, but he had no fear on his face and praised the coalition side.

Then, he looked at Hashirama, who had also broken free from the control of the Reincarnation Technique, sighed softly, and said, Brother, I didn't expect you to be restrained as well. The caster is really very capable.

Hashirama smiled bitterly and said: Young people are scary, but it's not too late now. I can finally do what I want to do.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned to look at Ye Zi who was about to chase Uchiha Madara but stopped again, with a serious look on his face.

The two brothers stood calmly surrounded by the dirty earth bodies, showing their absolute confidence.

Ye Zi turned around slowly, with frost on his face. Because he missed a crucial opportunity, the situation became worse and worse.

It was my negligence. Orochimaru controlled Nagato and came to Ye Zi without explaining the reason. Even he couldn't help but look apologetic at this moment.

Ye Zi neither held the responsibility nor bothered to ask for the reason. Like Orochimaru, he was the kind of person who would never forget something once it was finalized.

For example, if you make a wrong bet in rolling dice, no matter how much you lose, you will turn over the old page and usher in a new page like a calendar, without being bound by the past that has become a reality.

Uchiha Madara probably wants to find Shin and use Shin's Samsara Eye to resurrect himself. The current situation is very unfavorable to me. Even if it is a desperate move, once it fails, there will be no chance to turn around.

Ye Zi silently faced Hashirama's gaze, but used the magic lantern body technique to communicate with Nagato's dirty earth body controlled by Orochimaru.

What's your plan? If you want to chase Uchiha Madara to stop him, then I will try my best to hold back the coalition forces. Orochimaru was communicating with Ye Zi while looking at the body of Uchiha Obito.

If everything goes as planned, I wouldn't have to go through such hardships to get to this point.

Ye Zi looked at the battlefield. The morale of the coalition forces had greatly increased, while Orochimaru controlled the remaining dirty earth bodies to retreat back, away from the first and second generation Hokage. The two brothers saw the dirty earth bodies' actions, but did not stop them. He looked at Ye Zi quietly.

There is no doubt that they know that Ye Zi is the leader.

I must not fail.

While Ye Zi was talking to himself, he thought of Ye Rui, Yan Ye, Nanako, and many people.

Uchiha Madara and I have the same purpose. It would be of no benefit to me to stop him now. On the contrary, the coalition forces are now strong. If both Uchiha Madara and I lose, the chances will become slimmer and slimmer.

Ye Zi's eyelids drooped slightly, slightly covering up the fleeting cold light.

So, do you want to let Uchiha Madara succeed? Orochimaru frowned slightly.

Do I have a choice? Ye Zi sighed in his heart. If Minato Namikaze hadn't disrupted the situation, how could the situation have reached this point? If he had known this, he would have put in some effort to deal with Minato Namikaze first.

I think so, but Ye Zi is focused on the plan. After gaining strength, he will think that seeking revenge on Ohnoki is a waste of time, and how can he deal with the more difficult Minato Namikaze.

My only concern now is the control of the Heretic Golem. Ye Zi said.

Even if Uchiha Madara is resurrected, Ye Zi is not afraid of him. The only thing he is more worried about is that Uchiha Madara will seize control of the heretic demon. By then, once Uchiha Madara collects all the tailed beasts and resurrects the Ten Tails, It will become more difficult to deal with.

If the situation evolves into this, Ye Zi still has the ability and the capital to compete, but it will only make the road more difficult to walk.

Orochimaru was speechless and silent.

The clones and the earth body retreated, and the coalition forces realized that the first and second generations of Hokage had broken free from the control of the earth reincarnation technique. They were overjoyed and moved closer to them.

Obito succeeded. Minato smiled slightly. This was really crucial. Otherwise, with the power of the two previous Hokages who had unlimited chakra, the coalition would be unable to attack.

He could barely contain the Second Hokage, but the power of the First Hokage was incomprehensible.

The reason why the coalition forces were so passive before was entirely because the first Hokage's unlimited arrival in the tree realm was simply a bulldozer with no solution.

When fighting enemies, the First Hokage was a pain in the ass, but when becoming allies, there was no one more reliable than the First Hokage.

The old Sarutobi came to the side of the First Hokage and the Second Hokage, feeling filled with emotion.

Is his name Ye Zi? Is he from the Uchiha clan? Tobirama stared at Ye Zi coldly.

Minato shook his head, a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it.

If it's very complicated, I don't want to know too clearly. Anyway, if you want to end this dispute, you just need to deal with Ye Zi and Uchiha Madara. Tobirama looked at the embarrassed Minato and said calmly.

If only it were that easy...

Minato smiled bitterly in his heart and said, The enemy wants to collect all the tailed beasts to resurrect the ten tails. Except for the nine tails, all the other tailed beasts are already in their hands.

As he said that, he glanced at Kushina, who was watching Ye Zi silently.

Hearing this, Hashirama immediately sighed deeply and said in a deep voice, I'm going to stop Madara. Can you guys handle it here?

No problem. Minato said seriously.


Hashirama looked away from Ye Zi, and glanced at Minato and Kushina. He was quite curious about Ye Zi, but he didn't have time to find out about it at the moment, so he set off in the direction where Uchiha Madara left.

Even if he didn't know which direction Uchiha Madara had gone, the familiar chakra fluctuation was like a precise radar, always reminding him of Uchiha Madara's location.

The relationship between old enemies is difficult to resolve, and even the cycle of life and death cannot be shaken off.

Hashirama's movements made Ye Zi and Orochimaru's expressions change slightly, but they did not stop them.

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