Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 634: The power to return to the top

That wild laughter, unbearable excitement, just because the lifeless body was finally reborn.

The plan that has been planned for many years, the moment it is completed, is always the cathartic point for the suppressed emotions to burst out.

As the white smoke lingered, the temperature gradually rose, hot blood began to flow, and the cracks on the body disappeared. Similarly, the non-existent eyes also turned into paper scraps and disappeared together with the cracks, leaving only a pair of empty eyes.

Sure enough... only a body with boiling blood is the real body.

Uchiha Madara closed his empty eyes, clenched his fists, and let out an exciting laugh.

The laughter lasted for a moment and was covered up by the sound of fierce water.

The arrival of the tree world collided with the waves, and huge white waves suddenly arose.

Madara Uchiha stopped laughing wildly, jumped back, and returned to the rock mountain where he was before.

Since one of the Samsara Eyes was on Uchiha Susumu and the other was on Ye Zi, after his resurrection, his body reached its peak, but he lost his eyes.

He couldn't see anything, but he could use hearing sounds and feeling chakra to judge whether the arrival of the tree world had been resisted.

The answer, of course, is that it cannot be resisted. Even though Kisame's Water Release is large-scale, it cannot suppress the endless arrival of the tree world. It only resisted for a moment. The impact of the wave passed, and countless tree roots remained strong, heading towards They keep coming.

When Scorpion and Kisame saw this, they quickly backed away.

If you can avoid the arrival of the tree world, there is no need to waste chakra to resist it.

On the rock mountain, Uchiha Shin, who was controlled by Black Zetsu, used the technique of reincarnation, and his life flowed out of his body rapidly. The strong unwillingness in his eyes was gradually swallowed by darkness.

The price for the art of reincarnation is death, an unavoidable death.

Uchiha Madara stretched out his right hand and gestured towards Uchiha Shin's body.

Black Zetsu understood, detached from Uchiha Susumu's body, dug out Uchiha Susumu's Samsara Eye and Mangekyo Eye, and then handed them to Uchiha Madara.

Taking the Rinnegan Eye and Kaleidoscope Eye handed over by Black Zetsu, Uchiha Madara opened his empty eyes, and then pressed the Rinnegan Eye into the left eye socket, and the other Kaleidoscope Eye into the right eye.

After pressing his eyes into his sockets, Uchiha Madara slowly closed his eyes and revealed a sneer.

After a moment, he opened his eyes, and the Samsara Eye and Kaleidoscope Eye inside had integrated with his body.

In front of Ye Zi's reincarnation, this kaleidoscope eye can barely be used. Uchiha Madara rolled his eyes and said coldly to himself.

The field of vision of a pair of eyes will definitely be better than that of one eye. It happened that Uchiha Susumu also had a kaleidoscope eye, so he simply transplanted it and used it.

Next... let's deal with these two miscellaneous fish first, and then meet up with old friends.

Madara Uchiha glanced in Hashirama's direction, smiled coldly, then reached out and tore off the old and eye-catching robe with his bare hands, revealing his strong upper body, and his lower body wearing black trousers.

After tearing off his robe, Uchiha Madara jumped off the rock mountain again. This time, his speed was very fast. While approaching Scorpion and Kisame, he also stopped the subsequent manipulation of the tree world.

The reason is simple. He has just been resurrected and can clearly feel the hot blood flowing in his body and his body full of vitality.

At this time, if you don't use physical skills to feel your body back to its peak, how can you calm down your inner excitement?

The tree roots stopped attacking, and Kisame and Scorpion also stopped. Then they saw Madara Uchiha approaching quickly. They were all shocked and felt the huge pressure coming towards them.

Even without the blessing of Thunder Release and Wind Release, Uchiha Madara's pure physical speed was extremely fast, and he was approaching Kisame and Scorpion in a short while.

Bone prison strangulation!

Scorpion's face turned cold, and he controlled the nine bamboo puppets to move in the air, forming a circle around Uchiha Madara. When the latter saw this, he raised his eyes, seemed to be interested, and actually stopped.

At this time, the nine human puppets suddenly stretched out a pale bone pillar towards Uchiha Madara's palms. The next second, the pale bone pillars spread out and spread out countless sharp bone spurs. Coming from all directions, filled with cold murderous intent, they covered Uchiha Madara like a dragnet.

Ha ha.

Uchiha Madara laughed and moved his body left and right, easily avoiding the surprisingly dense group of bone spurs.

This is fighting!

Accompanied by intensive banging sounds, Uchiha Madara seemed to be dancing on the tip of a knife, dodging sharp bone spurs.

Xie looked at this scene with a slightly ugly face. The derived bone spurs of Bone Prison Strangulation can stab the target continuously for at least ten seconds. But now seven or eight seconds have passed, and it is the time when Bone Prison Strangulation changes from strong to weak. But Uchiha Madara was unscathed.

The bone spurs fell into the ground, like countless snowflakes overlapping together.

When the few remaining bone spurs launched their final wave of stabbing attacks, Madara Uchiha seemed to have exhausted all his strength, so he stopped moving and stretched out his right arm to block an incoming bone spur.


The bone spur penetrated Uchiha Madara's arm easily.

After seeing the bone prison strangulation finally hurting Uchiha Madara, Scorpion couldn't be happy because he couldn't see that Uchiha Madara did it on purpose.

This is the body.

Feeling the pain coming from his arm, Uchiha Madara showed an excited smile, chakra exploded from his right arm, and the bone spurs that pierced his arm suddenly shattered into countless powders.

This is blood.

Then, he raised his right arm with blood flowing all over it, stretched out his tongue and licked the still warm blood.

This is what I want!

Uchiha Madara's eyes slowly widened, and invisible repulsive force surged out from around his body. The surrounding bone spurs stacked up like countless snowflakes seemed to be hit by a powerful unknown force, making a deafening loud noise, and turned into Countless flying powders flew around.

After shattering the surrounding bone spurs, Uchiha Madara disappeared from the spot. The next second, he appeared a hundred meters away and came to Kisame at super fast speed.

Kisame resisted the heavy pressure, used his palm as a knife, wrapped it with the solid chakra, and then slashed at the approaching Uchiha Madara.

However, Uchiha Madara was very fast at this time. He reached out and grabbed Kisame's elbow first, then smiled coldly and suddenly exerted his strength.


Kisame's expression changed drastically, and his arm was twisted into a ninety-degree angle by Uchiha Madara without any resistance, and he couldn't help but let out a low scream.

Then, Uchiha Madara used terrifying force to push Kisame to the ground, and kicked Kisame on the back. With a loud roar, the entire ground sank half a meter deep, and the cracks spread to hundreds of people. meter range.

With this kick, Kisame was killed on the spot.

After trampling Kisame to death, Scorpio controlled the human puppet to follow him, preparing to continue attacking Uchiha Madara, but saw Uchiha Madara glance at him.

Prison on the edge of the wheel tomb!

There was no momentum, as if an invisible fist struck Scorpion's core, knocking him away.

Uchiha Madara looked coldly at the scorpion that flew out, and the human puppets floating in the air fell to the ground one after another.

Controlling the invisible shadow in this world, he punched Scorpion's core, instantly killing the unsuspecting Scorpion. Without Scorpion's control, the human puppet would naturally fall down.

After defeating Kisame and Scorpion with overwhelming strength, Uchiha Madara turned around and looked in one direction, where a figure gradually appeared on the horizon.

On the rock mountain, Black Zetsu grinned after watching Uchiha Madara show off his power.

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