Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 636 Two Flying Thunder Gods and Eight Gate Dunjia

The goal becomes clearer.

Hashirama, who broke free from the control of the dirty earth, went to stop Uchiha Madara, while the coalition forces had to deal with the dirty earth body army controlled by Ye Zi and Orochimaru.

There is an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

Sarutobi looked calmly at the few thousand clone legions left, as well as dozens of dirty bodies and Ye Zi.

The fire ball before Madara left burned many clones, but Ye Zi and Hashirama focused on protecting the dirty body.

The clone army itself is not a deterrent. Compared with the clone army, the dirty earth body and Ye Zi are the most difficult opponents, especially Ye Zi...

Those who want to effectively kill the enemy must allocate resources. Blindly using the numerical advantage to deal with Ye Zi and the dirty soil body will only cause more heavy losses to one's side. Only letting top combat forces deal with Ye Zi and the others is the most correct way. s Choice.

There are still many cutting-edge combat forces on the coalition side, such as Tobirama, Kushina, Minato, Sarutobi, Tsunade, etc... But the dirty body on Ye Zi's side is now more difficult to deal with, and only Chang is left. Men and the Gold and Silver Brothers and several other filthy bodies.

When Tobirama and Hashirama broke free from the control of the dirty soil, the coalition forces had an advantage in terms of both numbers and quality.

This war can be won!

Such a turn of events was brought about by a member of the Uchiha clan named Obito.

The momentum of the coalition forces is gradually increasing, and their hearts are filled with the same sentence - this war can be won!

Realizing that if they want to win this war, they must deal with Ye Zi and Uchiha Madara, the coalition has a clear goal and launches operations accordingly.

Although Minato and Kushina saved Nanako, this was just a trivial episode and could not change the essence.

Shortly after Hashirama left the battlefield, the two sides started fighting directly.

With the help of Haiyi's ability and communication with his thoughts, they quickly assigned their respective opponents.

Top combat power against top combat power, while others deal with the clone army.

Minato and Tobirama, two users of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, faced Ye Zi directly.

The battle was about to break out. Ye Zi could sense the chakra fluctuations of Hashirama and Madara in the distance behind him, and felt vaguely uneasy. However, if he got the Nine Tails first, he would be able to win, but it would not be that easy.

It was so crucial that Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama got rid of the control of Yutu Reincarnation.


Fairy mode on.

The black thunder possessed the body and opened.

Black thunder surged all over Ye Zi's body, and he stepped back more than a hundred meters away.

After he left the place, two figures appeared at the place where he was, one on the left and one on the right, but they were Tobirama and Minato.

A user of the Flying Thunder God Technique is quite difficult to deal with, and if there is another user, it will be even more difficult to deal with, but this is not the end yet.

Ye Zi retreated to avoid Tobirama and Minato's offensive. When he stopped, a green figure appeared behind him and kicked him in the back of the head with a powerful kick. This figure was Ah Kay.

In the duel with Ye Zi, it is unlikely that Akai will join, because Tobirama has a realist demeanor. Even if he is a companion, as long as he is not strong enough, he will think it is not suitable to participate, and he will insist on participating. Just a burden.

But when he knew that Akai could master the Eight Gate Dunjia skillfully, Tobirama simply agreed with Akai to deal with Ye Zi together.

For those who have mastered and mastered the Eight Gate Dunjia, not to mention the attack power, their speed is definitely not slow, at least to the extent that they can cooperate with the Flying Thunder God Technique. This is the fundamental reason why Tobirama agreed to join Akai.

Although Akai's attack from behind seemed like a sneak attack, Ye Zi turned on the immortal mode, which greatly increased his perception and was very sensitive to danger. A sneak attack from behind was actually not much different from a head-on attack.

Ye Zi didn't even look at him. He ducked Akai's powerful kick with his short upper body. Then he bent his right hand and elbowed backwards, hitting Akai's inner thigh.


There was a dull sound, and Akai grunted, then turned into a black shadow and flew backwards, hitting a rock mountain hard. For a moment, the pillar-shaped rock mountain collapsed into countless huge rocks, burying Akai inside. .

After a moment, the mountain of stones was broken by a force, and Akai emerged from the stone. It seemed that the injuries he suffered were not serious.

The inner thigh where Ye Zi's elbow hit her was red and swollen, but no muscles or bones were injured, which was beyond A Kai's expectation. He thought that even if it was the worst, he would suffer a bone fracture, but he didn't expect that it was just red and swollen.

Although his physical strength is amazing and he has opened eight gates of Dunjia, Ye Zi's strength in immortal mode is extremely strong. Even if he is hit in the front, it cannot be just red and swollen.

What's going on?

Akai was confused, but in the midst of a battle, he had no time to think about it. After coming out of Shizui, he made an offensive gesture and rushed towards Ye Zi again.

Ye Zi quickly glanced at Akai, who continued to rush from behind, and frowned slightly. After an elbow, he was still so alive and kicking. It seemed that the limbs that were regenerated at the speed of light after consuming life force were not as useful as those that had been tempered. The strength alone was not enough. Became very weak.

If it were the original arm, this elbow would not only break Akai's bones, but at least fracture them. How could Akai recover so quickly?

All three of them have good speed and their attack power is not weak. Do you want to decide the outcome based on speed?

Ye Zi's cold eyes flashed with cold light, and he crossed a position to the left, avoiding Minato's Rasengan. Then he stepped forward with his right foot, and a black rod condensed in his palm, which stabbed Minato.

After clearly seeing the trajectory of the black rod, Minato leaned his upper body forward, pressed his arms down, and pressed the Rasengan to the ground. Chakra exploded, and the entire ground suddenly cracked open, and a lot of dust mist was raised.

Ye Zi's eyes narrowed, but he did not change his mind. The sharp black rod penetrated the dust and mist, but fell into the void.

When the Rasengan hit the ground and exploded, Minato dropped a kunai on the spot, and then used the Flying Thunder God Technique to move away and avoid Ye Zi's black stick.

After the black stick pierced the air, the Rasengan exploded and dust mist hit his face, but Ye Zi didn't care, because in this battle of speed, perception is more useful than eyes, even if the vision is unclear, he can Use your senses like eyes.

I used to use a long sword, but now I use a black stick. It is far less handy than a long sword, but the black stick is very effective. As long as it stabs Minato and Tobirama, the battle can be solved in an instant, because the black stick has the ability to disrupt chakra. Ability, and has the effect of imprisonment, but the long knife does not work.

This is why Ye Zi switched to using a black stick, but for stabbing, it is not as fast as a long knife.

The dust and mist filled the air, and just as Ye Zi retracted the black stick, two figures emerged from the dust and mist.

This timing appeared after Minato disappeared and the black rod failed to be retrieved. It was like a tightly arranged queue. The timing was quite good. It could even be said that it was neither a minute earlier nor a minute later. It was a very good fit.

The two people who appeared in the dust and mist were Tobirama and Akai.

After Minato blasted the Rasengan, he was in a state of exhaustion. Facing Ye Zi's offensive, he was unable to make an effective counterattack, so he left a jutsu kunai behind to pave the way for his teammates' attacks.

Tobirama did not immediately move to the location of the kunai that Minato dropped. Instead, he first moved to Akai's side, and then brought Akai to the kunai's position, because Akai's explosive power was stronger than him. , if you bring Akai, the chance of the attack being effective is very high.

This was a combination of the Flying Thunder God's technique. It was as fast as lightning, but it did not escape Ye Zi's perception.

Ever since Tobirama suddenly appeared at Akai's position, Ye Zi had been on guard. Even if the dust and mist obscured his vision, he could sense the two chakras of Akai and Tobirama who appeared in vain in the dust and mist.

The kaleidoscope eyes in his eyes flashed with red light, and he formed a simple wind escape seal with one hand.

The power of Akai's physical skills is something that has to be guarded against, and in the battle between speed... illusion is the best auxiliary.

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