Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 637 Black Rod

Illusion is an effective way to restrain speed-type ninjas. If used properly, it can cause enemies at high speed to suddenly stop, thus giving them an excellent opportunity to attack.

Of course, this needs to be based on the illusion that the enemy can hit.

Facing an extremely fast enemy, without special means, it is often difficult to make the enemy fall under the illusion.

Ye Zi's illusion skills have not reached the level of entering a palace, but as his special method, the kaleidoscope eye can greatly increase his success rate.

Based on his perception ability, Ye Zi sensed the movements of Akai and Tobirama through the dust and mist, and the wind escape seal formed with one hand immediately took effect.

A strong wind emerged from the body, blowing away the dust and mist, creating a favorable environment for the performance of the illusion. Suddenly, Akai, who was preparing to attack him, appeared in front of him.

The chakra in Ye Zi's body slowly flowed, his scarlet eyes were slightly focused, and dots of red light emerged from the kaleidoscope, looking straight at Akai in front of him.

Using the ability of the kaleidoscope eye, the illusion is activated by looking at each other, just at the right time when Akai comes face to face.

The distance between the two sides is quite close, and if Akai wants to launch an offensive, he must focus on Ye Zi. When the two are in a straight line, Ye Zi relies on the ability of kaleidoscope eyes to give Akai a great chance. Sex is trapped in an illusion.

In itself, Akai, who is good at physical arts, is quite weak in resisting illusions. Usually when he encounters opponents with high attainments in illusions, he avoids sight to achieve the effect of evading illusions.

Originally covered by dust and mist, he launched an attack without hesitation, but Ye Zi used a small wind escape in time to directly blow away the dust and mist, and used illusions directly on him.

Just by looking at each other, Akai fell into Ye Zi's illusion without any resistance.

His body that had fully charged up suddenly trembled, and there was an obvious sense of stagnation for a moment, but he still rushed towards Ye Zi, and the movements of his limbs already showed an extremely uncoordinated feeling, and his speed was greatly reduced.

It felt like a rubber band that was stretched to the extreme. It was about to rebound with great force, but when it rebounded, it relaxed most of the tension, so that there was a full sense of gap between the front and back.

Tobirama was very keen and realized that something was wrong with Akai in an instant. With his rich experience, he directly judged that Akai was under an illusion, which was extremely fatal in close combat.

Ye Zi saw that Akai had been hit by an illusion and the accumulated attack was extremely weak. How could he miss the opportunity? The black stick in his palm stabbed Akai's heart without hesitation.

Mercy is the most deadly emotion between enemies.

Facing the once extremely satisfied student, Ye Zi's heart seemed to be covered with a thick and airtight iron armor, cold and ruthless after many years of fighting.

Similarly, Akai will always regard Ye Zi as his beloved teacher, but in the many battles with Ye Zi, he never hesitated or showed mercy, and those punches and kicks were full of his extremely firm will.

This feeling of contradiction is probably something that only Akai can accept.

Both of them knew the meaning of the word 'enemy' and how to write it.

The indifferent black rod broke through the air, and with the help of illusion, it easily came to Akai's chest. If this stab was implemented, it would kill Akai directly.

At this time, Akai was still in a state of illusion, as if he was completely unaware of the black stick piercing his heart, giving people the feeling of stupidly hitting the black stick.

At this very critical moment, Tobirama, who was only one or two bodies away from Akai, used the Flying Thunder God Technique to move in front of Akai, and then patted Akai's shoulder with one hand, trying to take Akai away. , but it was too late.

At this moment, the sharp end of the black rod pierced directly into Tobirama's chest, disrupting Tobirama's chakra flow. Tobirama's plan to take Akai away to avoid harm failed, and he evolved to protect Akai from harm.

Although the two bodies were far apart, only the flying thunder god technique could block Akai's damage in time. Even the most outstanding teleportation technique could not do this.


After being stabbed into the chest by the black rod, Tobirama suddenly felt that the flow of chakra in his body was disordered, and his body was instantly out of control.

This black stick...

His face changed slightly and his body froze in place.

When the black rod pierced his chest, he didn't panic at all, because he was immortal in the filthy earth state, but when the effect of the black rod took effect, he secretly felt bad.

There is no difference between having an uncontrolled body and fish on the chopping board.

The target changed, but the black stick hit the target after all, so it didn't matter.

Ye Zi's eyes turned cold and he retracted his palm, but the black rod stayed in Tobirama's body and imprisoned Tobirama's body at the same time.

Afterwards, Ye Zi condensed the black rod again and stabbed Akai in front of him, preparing to kill the two enemies at once. However, he was not the only one who was good at using the flying thunder god's technique.

Minato also left a mark on Kai. Although Tobirama failed, he bought enough time for Minato. He appeared directly beside Kai and took Kai away who was trapped in the illusion state.

Such rescue made the second black stick that Ye Zi had gathered come to nothing.

Seeing Akai being rescued by Minato, Ye Zi, who was used to the difficulties of the Flying Thunder God, felt unfazed. He did not take back the black stick. He moved his feet, moved a short distance away, and pierced Tobirama's chest with his backhand. The back strengthens the confinement of the black rod.

It wasn't over yet. The second black stick was inserted. He retracted his hand and then bent and stretched, hitting Tobirama's back with an elbow and knocking him to the ground. Then, two black sticks of the same length condensed into the palms of his hands. , one pierced the back of Tobirama's head, and the other pierced Tobirama's neck, pinning him to the ground.

After completing these actions, you can basically declare that Tobirama is unable to fight.

The four black rods completely disqualified Tobirama from struggling, and the power contained in the black rods also made the cracks in his body become denser, like mottled old peeling wallpaper, with pieces of paper dimming from there. It peeled off slowly on the dull face.

Damn...I can't move at all.

Tobirama also tried to struggle, but he couldn't do anything and could only lie on the ground like a waste.

Ye Zi did not look at Tobirama who was lying on the ground and rushed towards Minato and Kai who were 600 meters away. Even though Minato had the Flying Thunder God Technique and could easily approach Tobirama's location, Ye Zi was not worried at all. Minato will help Tobirama remove the black rod.

Because as long as the black rod is touched, it will disrupt the flow of chakra in the body. If there is only one black rod, Ye Zi will not ignore Tobirama so easily. And there are four black rods. If Minato wants to If he pulls out the black stick for Tobirama, it will definitely give Ye Zi an excellent opportunity.

Illusion is a powerful weapon against speed-type ninjas, and the black rod's effect of disrupting chakra is the nemesis of the Flying Thunder God Technique. It only needs to be stabbed to make the user of the Flying Thunder God Technique fall down directly.

When Ye Zi rushed towards Akai and Minato, Minato had already lifted the illusion for Akai.

Akai, who recovered from the illusion, saw Tobirama nailed to the ground by a black rod at a glance, and Ye Zi rushing towards him and Minato.

There was no time to think too much, and Minato had no time to explain. The battle between the two sides was still going on.


Ah, I’m so tired, I’m going to sleep, hahaha, let’s continue during the day.

I found that when the update stopped, the average subscription actually increased by eight points. Oh my god, if the update stopped for a month, would it be eligible to be included in premium channels?

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