Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 639: Dilemma

With the magical power of Thousand Hands, the force of each palm is enough to collapse mountains and crack the ground, not to mention the continuous Thousand Palms, even Susanoo, who has amazing defense power, cannot withstand it.

Even though Madara Uchiha suffered a big loss from this move, he should understand that the Thousand Hands Divine Power cannot be resisted forcefully.

However, facing the Senju Divine Power again today, Uchiha Madara still did not choose to avoid its edge this time, but faced the direct resistance.

Now, he has the power of the Samsara Eye, which may be what he relies on.

The solemn Buddha pushed towards the ground, its thousands of arms exuding pressure like mountains, and the ground shook.

Susanoo's crystal blue long wings opened and relaxed, raising a raging hurricane, pushing his huge body to fly at low altitude, heading towards the Thousand-Armed Giant Buddha.

The two behemoths are like brave men meeting on a narrow road. After many reincarnations, they can always produce a scene that seems to be similar.



Even if the earth shakes, dust flies, and giants cover the sky and the sun, the two of them can still find each other among the many blind objects. While looking at each other in silence, the names that ring out from their hearts are full of extremely cold feelings. Killing intent.

Either you die...or I live.

The battle has always been like this, cold and ruthless.

Susanoo did not swing his sword to strike, but the Thousand-Handed Giant Buddha took the lead in launching the offensive. The solemn and neatly arranged thousand palms suddenly started to move, but the speed was not slow and very dexterous.

Thousands of palms shot towards Susanoo in an orderly manner.

Carrying a handheld device carrying a violent wind, it came towards us.

You're a loser.

Uchiha Madara's eyes suddenly erupted with raging murderous intent, and the power contained in the eyes of Samsara burst out without reservation at this moment.

Shinra Tianzheng!

A layer of protective shield invisible to the naked eye was pushed out from in front of Susanoo. The first oncoming palm hit the protective shield, and there was only a sound that resounded throughout the world. Wood chips flew around, and they were of high quality. The wooden palm was directly crushed into slag.

Then came the second palm, the third palm, the fourth palm...

The palm strikes that came one after another were blocked by the power of Shinra Tianzheng, and they turned into sawdust flying between the sky and the earth.

No white light was seen, but the Thousand-Handed Giant Buddha seemed to have withstood the terrifying shock wave. In an instant, the thousands of wooden palms that surged forward were turned into dust-like sawdust.

Susanoo took a few big steps forward, and the giant Buddha flew out in pieces.

Uchiha Madara, who was sitting on Susanoo's forehead, was expressionless, staring coldly at the giant Buddha flying upside down in the air, but he seemed to be able to see Senju Hashirama's surprised and disbelieving expression.

Susanoo stopped walking, the arm holding the sword suddenly moved, and slashed out with the sword towards the giant Buddha flying upside down in the air.

The air was shaken, forming a sharp invisible sword energy that caught up with the giant Buddha.


The handless giant Buddha was cut in half in the air, and then landed awkwardly on the ground, causing a loud noise.

The long-lost confrontation came to an end so easily.



The huge chakra fluctuations that erupted when Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama were fighting spread to the battlefield from a long distance.

Even though he was not a perceptive ninja, he could still feel the chakra fluctuations that could destroy the world, and his heart was swaying.

Tobirama, who was nailed to the ground by four black rods, had a gloomy look on his face. The key to ending this war was to get rid of Ye Zi and Uchiha Madara.

In the battle to eliminate Ye Zi, he was knocked down so easily. Although it was to rescue A Kai, it could not be separated from his carelessness.

Feeling the chakra fluctuations coming from the distance, I can only pray in my heart that my elder brother can defeat Uchiha Madara. If even my elder brother is defeated by Uchiha Madara, the situation will be really dangerous.

These are indeed two crucial battles.

One of them is a battle predicted by Toad Sennin, the outcome of which will affect the future of the ninja world.

Without Tobirama's assistance, the pressure on Minato and Kai suddenly increased, and they were slightly at a disadvantage, but they did not appear to be defeated.

Although Flying Thunder God is difficult to deal with, in front of the immortal mode with excellent perception, the hit rate of the attack drops significantly, which also makes Flying Thunder God's technique lose its due effect.

The most fatal thing is that the sage mode that Minato can use to compete with Ye Zi can only last for five minutes at most. If no victory is achieved within five minutes, the disadvantage will become more obvious.

While always paying attention to Ye Zi's illusions, Minato and Kai joined forces to launch several waves of attacks against Ye Zi, but they were all easily resolved.

The need to guard against illusions reduced the strength of the attack a lot, and Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique was instead used to serve Akai, who became the main attacker in this battle.

It is undeniable that Ye Zi's Samsara Eye and Sage Mode completely restrained Minato. Even if the Flying Thunder God Technique can assist Minato to create an excellent attack opportunity, the power of Ye Zi's Samsara Eye can also completely block Minato. means of attack.

If there is an effective attack method, it is the sealing technique learned from Kushina. However, although Ye Zi's sealing technique is not as advanced as Kushina's, his attainments are not low, and he is not inferior to Minato's. The sealing technique shines.

After several rounds of attempts, Minato's situation became very embarrassing. In desperation, he could only assist Akai and create opportunities for Akai.

Akai, who originally opened the sixth door, opened the seventh door and opened the seventh door frequently in a short period of time. Even if he has a strong physical fitness acquired through years of training, it will inevitably leave sequelae after this battle, but But he didn't hesitate at all. Seeing that he was gradually losing ground, he became very decisive.

Kai's speed and strength, who had opened the seventh gate, were even more astonishing. Coupled with Minato's flying thunder god support at any time and anywhere, Ye Zi's plan to stab Kai with a black stick always failed, and he gradually regained his disadvantage.

This is a battle that can be ended with just one blow, but it is also a battle that is difficult to determine the outcome.

As long as the black stick can hit, Akai can be knocked down instantly. However, the existence of Minato saves Akai a lot of worries, and is also the main reason why Ye Zi's counterattacks frequently fail.

Although Akai's attack inevitably lost some vigor in order to defend against illusions, but because he believed that Minato-sensei could help him get out of dangerous situations at any time, his attacks were all wide open and closed, leaving no room for himself at all, and no Leaving the remaining momentum is simply the momentum of a desperate Saburo.

Because of this, it was difficult for Ye Zi to win over Akai.

After fighting for a long time, Ye Zi realized that the key to ending the battle was not Kai, but Minato.

Only by looking for opportunities to deal with Minato can we get rid of this stalemate.

In fact, when facing Akai's seventh gate, Ye Zi has been in a passive counterattack situation. Although he is not at a disadvantage, the stalemate situation will create more variables in his plan.

To put it bluntly, Ye Zi now just needs to race against time.

The dirt body and the clone army cannot last for long. If the two obstacles Minato and Kai are not removed as soon as possible, when the clone army and the dirt body are completely destroyed, he will need to face the coalition forces alone, and there will be Uchi behind him. Haubara is a threat.

The dilemma is Ye Zi's current situation, but if Minato and Akai are wiped out while the dirty body and the clone army are still there, the balance of victory will tilt slightly towards him.

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