Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 640: Day Tiger

The coalition forces completely suppressed the clone army. Clones fell every second, and their numbers were also reduced sharply.

The remaining dirty earth bodies are not weak and will not be eliminated so quickly, but Nagato and the Gold and Silver Brothers are a tough nut to crack for the coalition forces.

Seeing the suppressed Nagato showing off his power in the battle, Konan, who had already rushed to the battlefield, looked like a cloudy day. She really wanted to prevent Nagato from being used like this anymore, but her abilities were limited and she had something in mind. But can't do what you want.

The two brothers, Gold and Silver, were like lively Xiaoqiang. Although they were at a disadvantage when facing the real Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, they were so strong that Kushina's sharp teeth could not bite him.

Ye Zi had no time to pay attention to the fighting situation around him, and his thoughts began to change, shifting his target to Minato.

The figure emitting blue steam instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, came to him, and punched him. The air roared loudly and even twisted slightly.

Ye Zi avoided the sharp edge and barely managed to avoid the punch.

The Hungry Ghost Path's ability can easily resist Minato's various powerful attacks, but it cannot resist Akai's pure physical attacks. Even the All-Seeing Tension and Shinra Tenzheng cannot take effect on Akai.

Originally, with the effect of Shinra Tianzheng, what I like most is this kind of rampant opponent. The stronger the opponent's impact, the more significant the effect of Shinra Tianzheng. However, Akai's Eight Gate Dunjia is completely unreasonable. With one punch and one kick, Down, the force caused can even shatter the air, not to mention the repulsive force of Shinra Tianzheng.

This may be because the reincarnation eye cannot fully exert its power, but it also has something to do with the terror of the Eight Door Dunjia.

He avoided Akai's punch, and Akai rushed forward a distance of more than 300 meters.

Ye Zi did not turn around, relying on his perception, he used the wooden escape to form seals. When Akai stopped, he summoned layers of wooden pillars carved with sealing techniques to accurately bind Akai. However, Akai only punched and hit Akai. With his feet, he easily broke Ye Zi's Wood Escape.

Seeing that Akai was so strong, Ye Zi frowned slightly and looked coldly at Minato who was watching what happened in the distance. Even if he was not slow with the blessing of thunder escape, if Minato wanted to escape, he would not be able to hurt him at his speed. Watergate.

Therefore, even if Akai was hundreds of meters away from him, attacking Minato rashly would only be in vain, and Minato would even be aware of his intentions.

Suppressing the murderous intention in his heart, Ye Zi turned more attention to Akai.

In terms of explosive power, it is clear that the combination of Akai and Minato has the advantage now, but in terms of endurance, it is Ye Zi who has the advantage.

If it weren't for the fact that the current situation required a race against time, with Ye Zi's ability, the alliance between Minato and Kai would have collapsed by just prolonging the battle. Unfortunately, the right time and place did not side with Ye Zi. .

After breaking through the unnecessary wood escape, Akai's whole body was red, the meridians protruded on the surface of the skin, blood flowed rapidly in every blood vessel, and every part of the body was moving.

Eight-door Dunjia is a move that requires the user to consciously control it. Although the power is terrible, the sequelae cannot be ignored. If the Eight-door Dunjia is used without reservation, it will only become a move that kills one thousand enemies and damages oneself eight hundred.

In the long history of the ninja world, the number of ninjas who are proficient in the eight gates can be counted on five fingers. Very few people can open the seventh gate, let alone the eighth gate.

As for the user of Eight Gate Dunjia who can open the seventh gate, he must have a heart that can control his own will, so that the Eight Gate Dunjia will not become the Seven Injury Fist.

However, people often have to face the situation of liberating their own constraints, knowing that many choices will hurt themselves, but they do not hesitate.

At the moment, Akai is overdrafting himself uncontrollably in order to exert the power of Eight Door Dunjia.

You know, he just opened the seventh gate not long ago. When faced with Kimimaro's most powerful blow that cost him his life, he tried his best to protect himself. Although the seventh gate opened for the second time, Being able to ignore various injuries, pains and physical adverse factors during the opening process does not mean that these sequelae do not exist, it is just that they are suppressed and do not explode immediately.

It can be expected that if Akai continues to be so unrestrained, even if he wins the battle, he will probably end up crippled.

However, he has no regrets at all. Even if he can still have a future, he will not regret it. This is his choice.

Day Tiger is the strongest move I can use to open the Seventh Gate. If I want to ensure a hit, I have to get close. The forbearance I had before was just for this moment.

Wandering in the blue steam, Akai's thoughts were spinning rapidly. With the help of Teacher Minato, he could test Ye Zi with his physical skills. After several confrontations, he felt confident.

When the thought came together, he kicked his foot, and the ground suddenly cracked, strong winds were generated out of thin air, and a smoke dragon was pushed out.

He turned into a blue lightning and hit Ye Zi directly. The speed was really amazing, far beyond what the naked eye could catch.

But Ye Zi's eyes are very important. Even the speed increase of the seventh gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia can be clearly seen by him. In addition, his physical fitness can keep up, so he can deal with Akai's physical attack.

There was no cover-up, no false moves, just a punch that contained extremely powerful power and extremely fast speed, hitting Ye Zi's face.

Ye Zi took a step to the right and dodged the punch. The sharp wind caused by it touched the Lei Dun coat and disappeared.

If it weren't for this black thunder escape coat, even if he could avoid Akai's fists and kicks, he would still be covered in wounds from the wind knives triggered by those fists and kicks.

After a punch, Akai's movements seemed to be unhuman. He connected with his right foot and kicked Ye Zi's chin from bottom to top.

Ye Zi took a step back in time, leaned his upper body back, and avoided the kick to the chin. At this time, Akai should have been exhausted, which was an excellent opportunity to counterattack, but the seventh door opened Akai was so unreasonable and didn't give Ye Zi a chance at all.

When the black stick in Ye Zi's palm was about to stab Akai's thigh, the latter's upper body twisted back and drooped, and slapped the ground with one hand. The force generated pushed his body and passed to his left leg, and he came up from behind. With a whip kick, faster than Ye Zi's counterattack, he turned over and kicked Ye Zi's chest.

Ye Zi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately gave up the counterattack, pushed his feet to the ground, and stepped back several steps to avoid this fatal kick.

Akai, who made such illegal actions one after another, was extremely natural and smooth. After forcing Ye Zi back, he adjusted his body shape very quickly, so that Ye Zi could not find a chance to counterattack.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was only a few positions, and Ye Zi was retreating and could not move sideways for an instant. This was an opportunity.


Akai put his hands together in the hand gesture of a day tiger, and two small blue sparks emerged from his fingers. Almost at the same time, a white tiger composed of white gas spurted out from between his palms and faced him directly. Ye Zi.

Minato, who was watching the battle and looking for opportunities at any time, saw this scene and immediately cheered in his heart.

Although Ye Zi dodged several waves of physical attacks at close range, they also created opportunities for Zhou Hu to increase his hit rate.

The vivid and very dangerous white tiger has a huge mouth full of sharp teeth, biting Ye Zi who is very close at hand.

Akai's judgment was correct. Ye Zi, who was retreating, had his feet just off the ground and was temporarily stuck in the air. He could not move sideways immediately, nor could he use the force generated by his feet to retreat further. .

At this time, it is also the moment when the day tiger can hit the target as much as possible.

The ferocious white tiger bit Ye Zi mercilessly and pushed him far away.


Minato looked at Ye Zi who was swallowed up by the white gas, with a slightly happy expression.

Although it didn't play much role, defeating Ye Zi was the purpose of this battle.

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