Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 652 Half of the Energy

The countless stone thorns that trapped Ye Zi became no longer aggressive.

When Ye Zi saw this, with a thought, he easily broke open the stone thorn in front of him and escaped from it. Then, he took a big step and rushed towards the White Snake Immortal who was suppressing and cleaning out the toxins.

The toxin from the bone-sucking worm is so overbearing that even if it is as powerful as the White Snake Immortal, the bones in the body will be melted into liquid in an instant, and later, blood vessels and even cells.

Toxic and overbearing are all domineering, but it is impossible to solve the problem of White Snake Immortal. It won't take long for White Snake Immortal to be able to clean up the toxins in his body and restore the damaged body.

From this, White Snake Immortal is still sure of victory, but he does not know what Ye Zi and Orochimaru's plans are, let alone Ye Zi, who has transformed into a ghoul, and has terrifying devouring abilities.

Becoming stronger through devouring and evolving is the ability that all things dream of.

The complete food chain is the relationship between devouring and being devoured, also known as the relationship between eating and being eaten.

The fight between living things is for survival, which is the foundation of the food chain and the basic relationship, and the ability of the devil can destroy the perfect food chain.

The White Snake Immortal could not predict what would happen next. He watched Ye Zi rush over. He did not look down upon it, but he would never let Ye Zi do anything arbitrarily.

And put some of the thought of cleaning up the toxins on Ye Zi. For a moment, the ground surged, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen stone thorns protruded from the ground and faced Ye Zi.

Seeing the stone thorn coming, Ye Zi quickly judged the distance between him and the White Snake Immortal. His one eye was filled with coldness, but he opened his big mouth full of fangs.

Na Hai Tun Tian can be used to describe the mouth of Na Hai.

At this time, the open mouth was not so exaggerated, but it continued to expand, appearing in front of the White Snake Immortal like a black hole.

Orochimaru, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, saw Nago's mouth that could be opened wide like a snake, and a strange light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

In this way, the mouth that became as big as a black hole directly swallowed all the stone thorns that were thrust into it. It moved towards the White Snake Immortal without slowing down, and swallowed the immobile White Snake Immortal into its belly in one mouthful.

The White Snake Immortal was not afraid. He entered his belly, and the other party showed his vital points in front of him. However, when he was in the dark space, he found that he was completely wrong.

An unknown and strange force had no form, but was eating away at his energy.

What's this?

Immortal White Snake's calm state of mind began to be turbulent, and invisible things were robbing him of his energy and even his life.

In such a situation, how could the White Snake Immortal sit still and wait for death? The majestic magical chakra in his body suddenly burst out, trying to break Ye Zi's body from the inside.

However, the magical chakra, which was enough to annihilate a mountain in an instant, disappeared silently like a sea of ​​mud.

Seeing this, the face of the White Snake Immortal gradually changed. He then started to deal with the toxins in his body. In less than five seconds, he cleared away the overbearing toxins, and used the magic chakra to repair the damage caused by the toxins. body of.

Soon, the melted bones regenerated, and the body eroded by toxins returned to its original state.

At this time, the White Snake Immortal once again impacted this inexplicable dark space.

A few minutes later, Immortal White Snake's face suddenly became very ugly.

No matter how much trouble is made, there is still no change in this strange dark space, and no matter how much you move, you can't touch it, and the magic chakra in your body seems to be constantly being pulled away by a pair of invisible hands.

It felt like he was a ball of marshmallows, and the invisible hands were ripping away large chunks of marshmallows quickly and uncontrollably.

outside world.

After swallowing the White Snake Immortal, Ye Zi changed back to his human form, but now he feels very uncomfortable. His whole body has swelled up, like a pufferfish that swells up when encountering danger. It can even be said that Ye Zi's current swollen form is more... Puffer fish are even more dangerous, as if they will explode like an unbearable balloon in the next second, and then be shattered into pieces.

Once the ability to devour is activated, it cannot be stopped. White Snake Immortal's energy is that of an elephant, while Ye Zi can only hold as much energy as an ant.

An ant swallowing an elephant is a fantasy in itself, but Ye Zi did it.

Orochimaru looked at Ye Zi who was like a balloon filled with air. He could no longer see clearly Ye Zi's original face, nor could he see his arms and legs. As long as a thin needle was inserted into Ye Zi, the entire Ryūchi Cave might be destroyed in an instant. Collapse into ruins.

Whether you live or die is up to you, Ye Zi.

Feeling the majestic energy coming from Ye Zi's body, Orochimaru looked calm.

At this moment, he couldn't help Ye Zi, and he didn't have to worry that after Ye Zi failed, he would be torn into pieces by the majestic energy with nowhere to go, so he stood aside and quietly watched Ye Zi swallowing up the energy. Azusa.

In the sealed space.

He is like a loyal believer, praying that Ye Zi will not be stretched to the point of bursting his body.

Having been reincarnated countless times, this method of death is undoubtedly the greatest insult to a creature like Ghoul.

Behave yourself, you bastard.

Nao looked up at the ceiling that was constantly shaking with dust, then lowered his head and looked at the sealed space that began to shake violently, feeling quite desperate.

This feeling of not being able to control one's life or death is really uncomfortable. I can only pray that Ye Zi succeeds so that he will not be buried with him in such a depressing way.

Only the authorities can understand Ye Zi's pain at this time.

A human being cannot eat anymore when his stomach is full. If he continues to eat, it will undoubtedly be very painful.

Ye Zi's current situation was 10,000 times more painful than having to eat hard even though his stomach was about to burst.

The energy that was devoured and plundered from the White Snake Immortal was like countless sharp knives, scraping at the bones, flesh, cells, and even the spirit at the rate of a hundred knives per second.

That kind of pain is by no means as simple as a stomachache.

Moreover, despite suffering unspeakable pain, Ye Zi could not vent his pain by yelling, and could only endure the energy storm raging through his body in deathly silence.

The energy and life of Immortal White Snake were forced into Ye Zi's body at a very fast speed.

Ten percent, Ye Zi almost lost consciousness.

Twenty percent, Ye Zi's body almost burst.

Thirty percent, Ye Zi's spirit almost collapsed.

Forty percent, Ye Zi's body was on the verge of collapse.

Fifty percent...Ye Zi's consciousness became blurred.

When the plundering energy reached 50%, Ye Zi could hardly hold on anymore.

For humans, this is already a level that is difficult to achieve.

In the sealed space.

He was no longer in a cage, because all the constructed interiors had collapsed and fell into the cold, dark water.

He stood on the water that was boiling due to the shock, with a miserable look on his face as he was being judged.

The cage with the sealing talisman had long since collapsed and fallen into the abyss-like water. Once Ye Zi died, the entire sealed space would not just be as simple as a strong earthquake, but would be wiped directly into nothingness.

You can't stand it after only half of it. How can you be so weak!

He roared unwillingly, but he never considered that Ye Zi was just a human.


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