Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 653 Success

Now Ye Zi is in a state of collapse and is close to failure. Once he fails, he will turn into dust and disappear from this world, leaving no trace, as if he had never appeared. Even Orochimaru's Earth Reincarnation Technique cannot Resurrect him.

This is the fate of losers, and it is also the risk that needs to be taken after choosing from the beginning.

Whether it is a failure and its existence is erased, or whether it is a success and a new life, it will be revealed in the next ten seconds.

In the quiet and spacious cave, Orochimaru had retreated to the mountain wall, because Ye Zi's swollen body occupied almost two-thirds of the space in the cave.

At this point, Ye Zi should have been shattered to pieces, but like a stubborn old man, he still held on, causing his body to expand to such an inexplicable level but he still did not explode and die.

Even if Orochimaru doesn't know what Ye Zi's current situation is, he can still see that Ye Zi has fallen into a very dangerous situation, but he can't do anything to help him and can only watch Ye Zi step by step toward death.

After devouring nearly half of the energy of the White Snake Immortal, Ye Zi endured unparalleled pain. When his consciousness was about to collapse and fell into eternal darkness, the devouring still did not stop, and continued to plunder the energy and vitality of the White Snake Immortal, toward 100% Sixty forward.

If it were a Jinchūriki sealing ceremony, Ye Zi could easily seal White Snake Sennin into his body, making him a follower or a tailed beast. However, this is devouring, which is the act of forcing energy that far exceeds the volume into the body. The average person can only withstand five percent of the White Snake Immortal's energy at most, but Ye Zi has absorbed fifty percent of it and has not yet been exploded.

He endured the unspeakable pain and held on to the last chance. When he devoured more and more energy, he persisted with great difficulty.

I can't fail...can't fail...can't fail...!

Countless whispers turned into a never-ending soliloquy.

The White Snake Immortal, who was constantly robbed of energy and vitality, finally felt desperate.

This old monster, which has lived for more than a thousand years, will still be confused when encountering puzzling phenomena, and will still be desperate and fearful when it feels that its life is being fatally threatened.

The dark and endless space was like a terrible stomach, digesting him at a very fast speed.

How can a mere human being have such ability?

The White Snake Immortal frantically vented the magic energy in his body, bombarding the surrounding dark space continuously, but it was all ruthlessly absorbed, or rather, swallowed.

Sixty percent...seventy percent...eighty percent...

Ye Zi held on, turned back from the edge of failure, and gradually moved towards success.

The huge cave was already filled by Ye Zi's swelling body, and Orochimaru took the snakes trapped in the illusion out of the cave, waiting for the result that Ye Zi would face.

Ten minutes later, Longdi Cave suddenly shook violently several times, and a terrifyingly condensed energy swept across like a storm.

Countless snake creatures burrowed into the rock crevices in panic, but Orochimaru could feel the powerful energy fluctuations coming towards him through a thick rock wall.

Did you make it?

When the energy came at an angle, Orochimaru was shocked. In his mind, this was more like the consequence of Ye Zi's failure and his body exploding. But after a moment, he felt that Ye Zi, who was full of vitality, was there. After this rock wall, I feel a little relieved.

Regardless of success or failure, as long as Ye Zi is still alive, it is a good outcome.

As soon as the idea came up, I saw the rock wall in front of me surge, and part of it disappeared in the blink of an eye, revealing a rectangular door.

Orochimaru stared at the door, and a figure walked out of the door.

Looking at Ye Zi, whose appearance had changed slightly, Orochimaru's expression suddenly became strange.

Under the perception state of immortal mode, he could clearly feel that Ye Zi had changed from being full of life at the beginning to being as silent as the surrounding rock walls, which was just a few steps.

Orochimaru didn't know what benefits Ye Zi had gained from successfully devouring the White Snake Sage, but he knew that even if he had mastered the sage mode, he might not be able to survive ten rounds in front of Ye Zi.



Uchiha Madara used overwhelming power to reduce the remaining coalition forces to less than fifty in a short period of time.

He raised his head and glanced at the round moon hanging in the night sky. The corners of Uchiha Madara's mouth were slightly raised, and his eyes were cold. He knew that the Nine-Tails Chakra in the sealed gold and silver brothers could also be used to resurrect the Ten-Tails. The conditions are just because the amount of Nine-Tails Chakra is relatively small, so to use the Infinite Tsukuyomi technique, it takes ten minutes to accumulate energy.

Based on the current situation, directly seizing the Nine-Tails Chakra from the Gold and Silver Brothers as a condition for resurrecting the Ten-Tails is probably the most efficient option, but Uchiha Madara still chose to attack the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

He knew very well that it was probably impossible to take down Kushina in ten minutes.

The moonlight fell down and fell on the tree roots lying on the ground. The diffuse pollen slowly disappeared as Uchiha Madara stopped outputting chakra.

The coalition forces with less than fifty people left gathered together, all of them looking sad and angry.

The situation has fallen into unprecedented danger, and they finally managed to deal with such a powerful enemy as Ye Zi. The arrival of Uchiha Madara will not make them despair, but after Uchiha Madara uses the flower tree world to come, those who firmly believe that they can The confidence to win was crushed to pieces.

If they knew that Ye Zi not only did not die, but would come to the battlefield in a stronger posture, they didn't know what to think.

Of the tens of thousands of coalition forces, only less than fifty were left in the end, and the enemy's condition was still intact. How could they win?

Everyone looked at Uchiha Madara in the distance with a gloomy mood. No one spoke. Silently, despair lingered in the hearts of almost everyone.

Kushina looked at the expressions on the faces of her companions around her, and her heart sank slightly. She had not given up yet, and she still had the strength to fight.

With the large amount of chakra stored in the Yin seal, the support of the nine tails in her body, and the sage mode, she is confident to compete with Uchiha Madara.

Don't give up. Let me deal with Uchiha Madara. You can find opportunities to help the unconscious companions regain consciousness. Kushina took a deep breath and said seriously to the companions around her.

No one responded to her, and the place was lifeless.

The only person who survived was Tsunade. She looked at Kushina with a serious and solemn face, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: It's not time to give up yet, believe Kushina.

That's right. The Third Hokage, who was looking very embarrassed, said solemnly.

After finally reaching this point, how can we give up easily? As long as Kushina can contain Uchiha Madara, they can use Tsunade's ability to make everyone who has been unconscious after inhaling pollen regain consciousness as soon as possible, and then join the fight as a new force. In Uchiha Madara's battle.

If you want to give up, please give up after I fall, and please try to believe in me!

Kushina saw that Uchiha Madara seemed to be making some moves, and knowing that there was no way to delay it any longer, she quickly moved towards the other side of the battlefield that had been ravaged by the arrival of the Flower and Tree Realm.

She knew that Uchiha Madara's target was her. As long as she stayed away from here, she could create an environment for Teacher Tsunade and others to treat the injured.

Uchiha Madara's eyes followed Kushina's actions and slowly moved to the right, but he snorted disdainfully.

At this moment, he had already planned to forcefully channel the heretic demon first, that is, to take the heretic demon from Ye Zi.


The light of the great god is just cool, just like the certification on Weibo. Look, there is a little crown next to my name, how handsome it is.

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