Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 667: Infinite monthly reading

The changes here were too hasty and sudden.

When Ye Zi reacted, he did not hesitate to use the Shinra Tensei, but Uchiha Madara had planned ahead and used the All-Seeing Tension before Ye Zi, pulling Ye Zi over.

Before the Shinra Tensei was used, the pull of the All-Seeing Tensei shortened the distance between them and accelerated Uchiha Madara's success.


A trace of blood splashed out from Ye Zi's eyes.

With the help of Wanxiang Tianyin, Uchiha Madara quickly dug out Ye Zi's reincarnation eye and held it lightly in his palm.

Ye Zi lost his reincarnation eye, and the release of Shinra Tenzheng was strangled in the cradle, but he reacted very quickly and did not sit still. When Uchiha Madara passed him, he turned slightly sideways and slashed Uchiha Madara's right shoulder with a knife. .


Uchiha Madara's right arm was immediately cut off with a knife.

In just a few breaths, the situation evolved into a brutal close combat fight.

Uchiha Madara, who had lost his lower body and one right arm, still had strong vitality, and looked as if nothing had happened. After paying the price of an arm, he stayed away from Ye Zi.

He only has one left hand left, and he still holds the Samsara Eye. He cannot decode the seal or attack Ye Zi with physical skills, but it is not a problem to control the Taoist Jade.

The Eye of Samsara was dug out by Madara Uchiha, which not only prevented Ye Zi from releasing his Shinra Tenzheng, but also caused Ye Zi to lose the ability to float. After making a slash, he fell from a height of fifty meters. .


Ye Zi's body fell, his left eye was closed tightly, and blood was flowing freely.

Uchiha Madara, who was still suspended in the air, looked quite embarrassed. He looked at Ye Zi who fell down and laughed coldly, a little heartily.


Under the control of Uchiha Madara, Qiudao Yu turned a corner and chased Ye Zi from top to bottom.

Seeing the Qiudao Jade coming towards him, Ye Zi's face darkened. Before landing, he was in this state a living target.

When the first Jade of Seeking Dao came, Ye Zi used Wind Escape to deflect his body, and dodged it narrowly. When the second, third, and fourth jade came, he blocked it with his long knife and forced the order. Ask Daoyu to change his trajectory.

Then two Tao-seeking jades lined up in a straight line and actively bombarded the side of Ye Zi's long knife. Ye Zi was in the air and had no leverage. The two Tao-seeking jades knocked the sword to the other side. Create opportunities for the last Jade of Seeking Dao.

When the long knife was knocked away, Ye Zi's heart skipped a beat, and he realized in an instant that something was wrong.

The last Tao-seeking jade instantly turned into a thin disc and moved towards Ye Zi's chest, seeming to cut Ye Zi in half.

At the critical moment, Ye Zi condensed a black rod in his left hand, wrapped it in a thunder stream and threw it towards the disc. The strength was at least twice as weak as usual, but the accuracy did not diminish at all. He accurately hit the black disc. superior.

Perhaps due to a lack of strength, the black rod did not completely change the trajectory of the disk, but only caused it to move downwards a little.

Ye Zi's pupils shrank sharply, and he watched helplessly as the black disk easily broke through Hei Lei's defense, passed through the upper part of his knees, and directly cut off his legs.

The two thighs were separated from Ye Zi, and a large amount of blood splashed down from the air. However, the crisis was not over yet. The Qiudao Yu located below Ye Zi reorganized its offensive and shot from top to bottom towards Ye Zi, who was about ten meters above the ground. go.

In this situation, Ye Zi had no hope of survival.

Uchiha Madara no longer even needed to pay attention to Ye Zi. He stretched out his index and middle fingers from high in the sky, dug out the replacement kaleidoscope eye in his right eye, and immediately threw the precious kaleidoscope eye away, as if It's like throwing away a useless piece of paper.

After throwing away the Kaleidoscope Eye, slowly press the Samsara Eye into the left eye.

When Uchiha Madara was pretending to be blind, Ye Zi faced fatal danger.

At this time, golden chains came from the air and tied up Ye Zi's waist and chest. Then he pulled them back. Ye Zi was led by the golden chains and fell diagonally to the left, while avoiding the attack from below. The incoming Jade of Seeking Dao.

The strength of the golden chain was good, and the pulling speed was also very fast. In just a moment, Ye Zi was pulled out of the attack range of the Qiu Dao Jade, and the Qiu Dao Jade could only return in vain.

The golden chain was Kushina's handiwork. Seeing Uchiha Madara taking away Ye Zi's Samsara Eye and putting Ye Zi in danger, Kushina stopped thinking about it and rescued Ye Zi.

The fact that he was able to save Ye Zi so easily was actually related to Uchiha Madara's eagerness to install the Samsara Eye. Perhaps in his view, after getting the Samsara Eye, it didn't matter whether Ye Zi died or not.

As long as the Infinite Tsukuyomi is used, everyone will be trapped in the eternal illusion world, and no one will be spared.

Suspended in the air, Uchiha Madara ignored Ye Zi and Kushina. After putting the Rinnegan back on, the powerful self-healing power made the eyes perfectly integrated with the body.

let's start!

Uchiha Madara showed an excited smile and flew towards the moon hanging in the night sky.

When people with the power of reincarnation approach the moon, their eyes that can realize infinite dreams will open and be reflected on the moon. This is... the infinite Tsukuyomi that can illuminate the new world!

The silver moonlight covered Uchiha Madara's face. He raised his head and stared at the moon that seemed to be very close at hand, and then raised his hand to break off the forehead protector and tear it off.

I saw a vertical mark on Uchiha Madara's forehead. With a slight squirm, he opened his eyes to reveal the same eyes as the Ten-Tails. The circular lines of the samsara eyes were dotted with nine black magatama, which was scarlet.

The nine-magatama samsara eye on the forehead slowly reflects the bright moon.

Uchiha Madara's remaining index and middle fingers of his left hand came together and made a gesture. When he was about to activate the infinite Tsukuyomi, his broken right arm and lower body slowly grew out.


After pulling Ye Zi, who had lost his legs, to her side, Kushina immediately paid attention to Uchiha Madara's actions, and was relieved to find that Uchiha Madara did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but flew higher into the night sky.

What does he want to do?

Kushina withdrew her gaze and asked in a low voice while treating Ye Zi to stop the bleeding.

Ye Zizhen didn't expect that Kushina would save him. He was surprised and a little happy at the same time, but he didn't ask the stupid question why he wanted to save him.

Since Kushina chose to save herself, it meant that she accepted the previous proposal.

At this time, when Ye Zi heard Kushina's question, he shook his head slightly, then looked at the moon in the sky, his eyes changing slightly.

I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing.

As Ye Zi spoke, he looked at the moon painted with circles and magatama, and a bad premonition emerged from the bottom of his heart.

The moon became a nine-magatama samsara eye, exactly like the one eye of the Ten-Tails.

What does he want to do?

Ye Zi frowned deeply. The cooperation agreement between him and Uchiha Madara only included the collection of all tailed beasts. However, because Ye Zi had his own little idea at that time, he never thought of finding out whether Uchiha Madara had collected all the tail beasts. What is the purpose of the beasts? I just think that Uchiha Madara gathered all the tailed beasts for power.

Now it seems that is not the case.

Now become one! Madara Uchiha laughed wildly as he looked at the moon reflecting the form of the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes.

A dazzling light suddenly slanted out from the moon and illuminated the earth.

The light was swift and dazzling, covering Ye Zi and Kushina in the blink of an eye, as well as every corner of the world. There was no way they could be spared.

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