Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 668: The fish that slipped through the net

The white light came quickly and suddenly, lasted for a moment, and then disappeared.

Facing the dazzling white light falling from the sky, Ye Zi's first feeling was that the light was extremely dazzling, making his right eye feel hot. Before he could think about what was going on, a burst of illusion energy was injected into his right eye along with the white light. middle.


Ye Zi narrowed his right eye slightly, immediately looked at Kushina, and frowned.

Kushina was seen slowly putting down her hands, her expression dull, and her eyes had turned into a pair of samsara eyes.

Looking at Kushina's demeanor and behavior, Ye Zi became more certain of his guess.

Will people who are exposed to the white light be dragged into illusions? Is this the purpose of Uchiha Madara? Ye Zi looked up at the moon in the night sky, and his eyes moved slightly to Uchiha Madara.

If this is the case, this is a very large-scale illusion. If he didn't have the 'Goten God', he might have fallen into the illusion like Kushina.

However, Ye Zi couldn't understand that Uchiha Madara went to great lengths just to make the world fall into illusion?

At this time, everything in the world was illuminated by white light. Whether they were humans or beasts, they were trapped in the illusion world in Infinite Tsukuyomi without any resistance.

This white light can penetrate even shadows, and no creature, big or small, in the ninja world is spared.

The world became quiet.

Uchiha Madara stood in the air, looked down, and was quite surprised to see that Ye Zi had failed to win the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

The person who was equally surprised was Hei Zetsu who had been watching. He originally saw Uchiha Madara get the Rinnegan Eye and use the Infinite Tsukuyomi. He couldn't help but feel excited. He felt that his long-cherished wish for thousands of years would be at his fingertips, but when he saw Ye This guy Azusa didn't win the Infinite Tsukuyomi...

It felt like a fly suddenly flew into your mouth while you were laughing heartily, choking you immediately, and your laughter almost turned into a choke.

How could he not win the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Black Jue's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he suddenly thought of Ye Zi's special kaleidoscope eye. Could it be because of this?

With this doubt in mind, Black Zetsu leaned towards Madara Uchiha who was gradually falling down.

He originally wanted to kill Ye Zi unnecessarily when Ye Zizhong was in Infinite Tsukuyomi, but he felt resentful towards Ye Zi in his heart. Unexpectedly, Ye Zi was immune to Infinite Tsukuyomi. In this case, he would not think about it anymore. How to kill Ye Zi? You can leave this matter to your mother.

Now that all the conditions are in place, all we need to do is approach Uchiha Madara, attack directly and resurrect Mother.

Black Zetsu walked toward Uchiha Madara step by step with deep thoughts in mind. The latter did not pay much attention to Black Zetsu, but looked at Ye Zi.

never mind.

Uchiha Madara said coldly to himself and began to form seals.

Casting the Infinite Tsukuyomi is the first step. The second step is to use Wood Release to summon the Sacred Tree to wrap up the creatures trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. They rely on the Sacred Tree to continuously supply nutrients to maintain eternal life. .

When he came down from the sky, even if he found that Ye Zi was still fine, the first thing Uchiha Madara did was focus on Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Let's make all the assumptions first, and then deal with Ye Zi slowly. There is plenty of time anyway.

God, the tree world is coming!

The seal was completed, and the earth suddenly shook.

A giant tree rises from the ground. At the same time, wherever there are living creatures around the world, huge trees sprout from the ground.

The giant tree stood on the ground, and white bandages fell from the outstretched branches. The creatures trapped in the infinite moon were rolled up into mummies, and then hung on the branches.

This is happening simultaneously all over the world.

The big tree formed by the wood escape will provide them with nutrients to ensure that they will not die. In this way, a new world living in the dream is built.

The target of the white bandage naturally included Kushina. Ye Zi lost both legs, but Kushina was beside him. When he saw the white bandage coming, he casually threw a thunderbolt on the bandage.

There was a slight pop, and the white bandage turned into black ash, then returned to its original shape in the next second, wrapped around Kushina's feet, then turned quickly, and was tied to Kushina's thighs in a moment.

Ye Zi quickly glanced at the mummy that was hung up like a chrysalis in the distance. His expression changed, and he looked back at Kushina again. The white bandage had been tied to Kushina's bust.

If there is no way to stop it, Kushina will become like those white mummies in less than three seconds and be hung from the tree.

Planning to trap everyone in an eternal illusion?

Ye Zi stood up with the help of Mudun, and without hesitation reached out his hand and pressed it on Kushina's plump breasts, just above the edge of the white bandage.

He has an idea and implements it immediately.

After falling under the illusion, it is not easy to break free on your own, but with the help of companions, it is easy to break free from the illusion.

Ye Zi didn't know the special nature of the Infinite Tsukuyomi. In his opinion, using the 'Goten God' to absorb the illusion energy in Kushina's body was the simplest and fastest way.

Royal God, activate!

Kushina's body that was eroded by the genjutsu energy suddenly trembled slightly, the samsara eyes in her eyes slowly returned to their original state, and the white bandage wrapped around her plump breasts quietly fell to her feet.

After the illusion energy in her body was absorbed by Ye Zi's God of Heaven, Kushina actually woke up from the illusion world of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Is it really possible... Ye Zi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Kushina's eyes gradually clearing up. Without Kushina's fighting power, let alone dealing with Uchiha Madara, now that he has lost his legs, he would not be able to fight at all. There is no way to avoid Uchiha Madara's questing jade.

After breathing a sigh of relief, Ye Zi suddenly felt that Kushina's eyes were a little weird and angry. He looked at Kushina, followed the other person's gaze, slowly moved down, and landed on his own. Kushina's right hand on her chest.

Ye Zi's face suddenly stiffened, and he slowly withdrew his right hand in embarrassment.

Kushina's eyes moved slowly along with Ye Zi's retracted hand, then raised her head, looking at Ye Zi slightly angrily, and a little confused. In her memory, a white light passed by, and she came back to her senses. I felt like I was being attacked in the chest, and then I saw this scene in front of me.

This is an accident. Ye Zi said calmly.

Only a ghost can believe it!

Kushina immediately said this in her heart, and before she could say anything more, she summoned a golden chain to tie up Ye Zi. It was not because of the chest attack, but because Uchiha Madara had already controlled the Taoist Jade to attack the two of them.

At the critical moment, Kushina used a golden chain to tie Ye Zi, who was inconvenient to move, and moved horizontally to distance herself from the Taoist Jade.

Ye Zi was tied up with golden chains, and he felt a little relaxed as he drifted with the tide. He calmly looked at the pursuit jade, and at the same time began to condense chakra in order to grow legs as soon as possible.

But for some reason, his legs couldn't grow back. It was like there was a mask blocking the smooth wound, preventing him from regenerating.

Is it because of that black substance?

Ye Zi frowned, but he didn't panic, because the resistance of the 'membrane' was not strong. Give him about seven or eight minutes to break through the 'membrane' and regenerate his legs.

Before that, fortunately, Kushina was there, otherwise with his current mobility, he would not be able to avoid the Qiudao Dama. However, judging from the current situation, if Kushina is taken along like this, he may not be able to avoid the Qiudao Dade.

Ye Zi can discern the situation, and so can Kushina.

I can't hold on for long, Kushina said.

Ye Zi's body was dragged by the golden chain. He looked at Qiudao Yu who was following closely behind him and said lightly: I know.

Kushina's face turned slightly dark and she said loudly: Then why don't you think of a solution quickly?

The best way is to drop me. Otherwise, within three minutes, both of us will be smashed into pieces by the black ball. Ye Zi said calmly.

Are you serious? Listening to Ye Zi's calm and indifferent tone, Kushina's face suddenly fell, and she almost left Ye Zi behind, and at the same time she felt a strange sense of familiarity.

This feeling... seems to be the feeling when we performed missions together in the past

Well, this is the worst plan, but there is no need for you to throw me down. Ye Zi looked towards the six o'clock direction and saw Nagato, the dirty earth body, had already arrived at the scene.

Looking at Nagato, Ye Zi smiled slightly, then pointed in a direction and commanded: Take me there.

Kushina was slightly stunned. Following the direction Ye Zi pointed, she saw the lower body of Uchiha Madara who was chopped off by Ye Zi at the beginning.

Although she didn't know what Ye Zi wanted to do, she still did it, turned a corner, and headed in that direction.

Nagato will be there, which means that Orochimaru is nearby and can take the two of them to avoid harm anytime and anywhere, and Ye Zi asked Kushina to take him to find Uchiha Madara's lower body in order to find the remaining body. It is rich in vitality and energy.

Only by growing legs as soon as possible will we be able to fight.

Uchiha Madara's remaining body can help him break through that mask as quickly as possible and give birth to legs.

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