Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 677: Beginning Space

The black essence chakra is shaped into a mighty black giant, standing horizontally above the magma. In terms of image alone, it is full of intimidation.

This is the Susanoo that belongs to Ye Zi. After the reincarnation eye wakes up, it appears in a complete form.

Susanoo's moves consume a lot of chakra, especially in the complete body, which continuously consumes a lot of chakra. But Ye Zi swallowed the White Snake Sage, and the amount of chakra in his body far exceeded the limit of human beings. Plus, even if The perfect Susanoo that lasted for ten minutes was no problem.

In fact, after using Susanoo, Ye Zi had no intention of withdrawing.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, if Susanoo can be maintained all the time, then there is no reason to withdraw. After all, Kaguya can blow away the seeking jade with a fist shadow that has concentrated chakra to the extreme. This kind of terrifying The intensity of the attack, without Susanoo's defense, would result in death if he was not careful.

The most important thing is that Kushina's abilities and even the Nine-Tails Transformation can match Susanoo.

It's about to happen.

Ye Zi looked down, wanting to take the initiative.

The two of them are located in the diamond-shaped mark on Susanoo's forehead. The chakra in this position is the densest and the most defensive.

Yes. Kushina nodded heavily. At this time, all her thoughts were focused on Kaguya.

The black Susanoo fluttered its wings and rushed towards Kaguya in the air. The latter stretched out her palm, condensed a powerful chakra, and slapped Susanoo, and countless fist shadows erupted from her palm. When it came out, the shadow of the fist instantly became very large, and it all hit Susanoo.

This is Kaguya's Yagogami aerial attack. It can be attacked or defended. When attacking, it covers a wide area and has amazing destructive power. When defending, the enemy can hardly get close.


A jet-black thunder flow instantly emerged from Susanoo's body and flowed all over his body.

Facing the countless fist shadows that could scatter the Dao-seeking Jade, Ye Zi didn't want to stop the attack just because of dodging. He wanted to resist and then create a chance to get close. After all, the time was only ten minutes.

The surface of the body is covered with jet-black thunder currents to increase defense. At the cost, the amount of chakra that needs to be output increases sharply, and you don't need to care about this at all, because when this battle is only limited to ten minutes , even if you squander chakra wantonly, there is no need to worry that it will not be enough.

It's no longer the time when you didn't have much chakra, and you don't need to be careful in a battle because of this shortcoming.

It takes a lot of courage and courage to make the decision to resist the Yajugami's air attack. No one knows that Susanoo and Black Thunder can withstand so many fist shadows. If they can't stop it, even if he and Kushin are now Nai's physique has exceeded the category of human beings, and he will turn into dust under the shadow of the fist.

Bang bang!

Susanoo flew high in the sky, breaking through the air and creating bursts of air explosions.

The fist shadow seemed to be cooperating with Susanoo's size, growing bigger and coming towards him, carrying a strong pressure.

The black Susanoo fearlessly rushed into the fist shadow, and with a shocking loud noise, the fist shadows hit Susanoo's body one after another, dissipating into violent energy and pouring out in all directions.

The black thunder covering the body surface was originally excited and excited, but when it was hit by the shadow of the fist, it turned into a frost-beaten eggplant, and in an instant, it became weak and turned into a candle that was about to be extinguished.

Even though Ye Zi increased the chakra output, the black thunder still showed no sign of recovery under the suppression of the fist shadow, and the continuous fist shadow made Susanoo's armor slightly distorted.

The lava underneath was like boiling water, or like a lake that had experienced a major earthquake. During the shock, the red magma rolled and flew several meters high.

The shadows of the fists of Yagogami's air strike look continuous and dense, but in fact there are only eighty fist shadows. Normally, the power gradually increases, and each punch is heavier than the last. But the first punch of Yagogami's air strike The shadow is the strongest, and goes in the opposite direction. It is extremely strong at the beginning, and then gradually weakens.

Therefore, when the first fist shadow hit Susanoo, it directly shook the black thunder with astonishing chakra density and almost escaped. If Ye Zi hadn't had enough chakra, the first fist shadow would have directly knocked the black thunder away. No more fighting.

The speed of the fist shadow was extremely fast. After Susanoo withstood the first forty punches, the pressure was greatly reduced. Moreover, Susanoo was able to maintain his shape because only the surface of his body was sunken.


Ye Zi breathed a sigh of relief.

The shadow of the fist goes from strong to weak, and finally disappears.

Susanoo looked like a model robot that had been hit by a hammer more than a dozen times. There were more than a dozen dents on its body, but it remained strong.


After resisting the fist shadow, Susanoo came to Kaguya and slashed head-on with the black long sword of pure energy in his hand.

Kaguya dodged sideways with an expressionless expression, dodging the sword, but was knocked sideways by the wind generated by the sword.

Even though the area of ​​​​the shadow she struck was very large, it could not cover up the size gap between her and Susanoo. The area of ​​​​the long sword was wide. If it was cut with one strike, the area affected was not small. Although it was still easily affected by her. She dodged it, but the wind generated when the sword fell was extremely violent, ruthlessly tilting her figure.

To put it simply, Susanoo slashing Kaguya with a knife is like a human using a fruit knife to chop flies.

Based on the difference in size alone, Susanoo had the advantage, chasing Kaguya and slashing at him.

Kaguya moved around to avoid Susanoo's sword.

Mother, it seems that these two people are not that easy to deal with, why not go to the first ball space. Seeing that Ye Zi's black Susanoo actually withstood the Yasogami's air attack, and the natural damage caused by the difference in size Disadvantage, Black could not help but suggest it out loud.

Kaguya was silent, but accepted Black Zetsu's suggestion.

Originally, Ye Zi and Kushina were dragged into the lava prison because there was no foothold in the lava prison, and she was walking in the air as if walking on flat ground. Rather than creating a favorable location for herself, she just didn't expect Ye Zi's Susana. Being able to be so strong makes the geographical advantage completely useless.

If you want to fight against Susanoo, you must only transform into a tailed beast, and being able to absorb the chakra collected by the infinite Tsukuyomi in the first ball space is an absolute advantage. Not only can you transform into a tailed beast, but you can also use More powerful moves.

Go directly to the starting ball space.

Kaguya was determined not to waste meaningless chakra by traveling through multiple spaces.

At this time, Susanoo's long sword struck again, faster and harder. At the same time, two golden chains that were similar in size to the long sword flew out from behind Susanoo, one to the left and one to the right. At a very fast speed, they struck towards Kaguya looks quite small.

This is Kushina's diamond chain!

Kaguya's eyes were cold, she opened her arms and retreated quickly.

The long black sword failed again, and the strong wind that arose pushed Kaguya's body.

call out!

But he saw the two huge golden chains blooming like fireworks, turning into countless small chains, forming a huge ball of thread, sealing Kaguya in a narrow space in an instant, leaving nothing to dodge. gap.

Black spells were like tadpoles, swimming on countless golden chains.

Ye Zi, I trapped her! Kushina was slightly happy and controlled the golden chain to shrink.

well done.

Ye Zi controlled Susanoo, raised the knife and made a stabbing movement. He wanted to stab Kaguya who was trapped inside the golden chain sphere. When the long knife approached the chain, Kushina also freed up. The space for the long knife to pass through prevents the golden chain from counteracting the force of the thrust.

Raise the knife, stab it straight, and there will be an explosion in the air!

The golden chain ball immediately opened a gap, allowing the long knife to penetrate into it and hit Kaguya directly.

At this moment, the world suddenly froze, and everything in motion was sealed into huge blocks of ice, standing still as if time had stopped passing.

This is...? Ye Zi and Kushina were in Susanoo and could speak and move, but the outside world turned into a world of ice and snow. The golden chains, Susanoo, and Kaguya were all blocked. In the ice.

The next second, the world changes again!

The ice block that sealed everything moved to an orange-red land.

Kaguya first moved to the world of ice, used the ability of this world to freeze Ye Zi and Kushina's offensive, and then moved to the ball space.

From here, comes her true power.

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