Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 678: The ability of the left eye

The vast sky seemed to be covered in acid mist, dyeing the entire sky a miserable green.

Numerous orange-red rock mountains painted with spiral patterns rise and fall, forming an endless mountain range, scattered irregularly on the soilless land.

Kaguya's Tianzhong can weave free and unobstructed spaces, but there are only six spaces, namely lava, ice, super gravity, sand, acid and the first ball space, a total of six.

Although it can freely transform among the six spaces, each transformation requires an extremely large amount of chakra support.

Kaguya felt that the branch space in Tianzhong could not help her defeat Ye Zi and Kushina, so she lost interest in trying other spaces. If it weren't for the offensive formed by Ye Zi and Kushina, she had no choice but to move to the ice space. , to freeze the offensive, otherwise she would directly bring the two of them into the starting space.

Huge blocks of ice lie on the ground, looking out of place.

Susanoo remained motionless, and so did the twitching and pulling golden chains.

Kaguya was also trapped in the ice, but she was actually not affected. She could move freely in the ice, heading upwards, and soon broke away from the ice.

In this space, the power that mother just gained... its power and speed can increase rapidly. You were able to block it just now, but now you can't! Hei Jue grinned sinisterly.

Kaguya stood in the air, facing Susanoo in the ice with both palms, pointed directly at the location of Ye Zi and Kushina, and condensed two gray bone sticks.

Just as Black Zetsu said, the strength and power have increased rapidly. Now if you use the Yajugami Air Strike, you will definitely be able to smash the ice cubes together with Susanoo into residue. However, Kaguya did not choose the Yagogami Air Strike, but chose the total Kill the Ashes.

In the final analysis, destroying Susanoo is not the key, the key is Ye Zi and Kushina in Susanoo. should be possible to penetrate Susanoo's defense.

A trace of freezing coldness appeared on Kaguya's calm face. With a slight movement of thought, the gray bone rod in the palm of his hand flew out and easily submerged into the huge ice cube. It was like an iron rod containing high temperature stabbed into the ice cube. No one's land.

The speed of the gray bone rod flying through the ice did not slow down, and the golden chains blocking the front were all shattered. Fortunately, the area of ​​​​the ice was large enough, so the distance was far enough, giving Ye Zi and Kushina enough reaction. Come over time.

Ye Zi, what should I do? Seeing the terrifying piercing power of the gray bone rod, Kushina looked worried.

Ye Zi didn't speak. When he was blocked by the ice, he tried to break free, but failed. It showed that the quality of the ice was not bad, but the gray bone rod moved through the ice extremely fast, indicating that its piercing power was very terrifying. , maybe not even Susanoo can resist it.

After all, compared to the Yasugami Air Strike, which has a wider strike area, the focus of Killing the Ashes is penetration.

We can't expect Susanoo to be able to block this black rod, and we have to escape from the ice, so let's try the new ability of our left eye!

Ye Zi made up his mind, and the gray bone rod was already in front of him, and he accurately stabbed the diamond-shaped square on Susanoo's forehead. Small cracks spread out from the place where the gray bone rod hit.

Looking at this scene, Ye Zi's face changed slightly. Although the defense was greatly reduced without the full coverage of the black thunder, this is the position with the strongest defense of Susanoo. Even without the assistance of the black thunder, it should not appear So fragile, it can only be said that the lethality of the gray bone rod is too strong!

As his thoughts were spinning rapidly, two gray bone sticks pierced the diamond-shaped square and went straight into the chests of Ye Zi and Kushina.

At the critical moment, Ye Zi's left eye slowly rotated, and the power residing in it suddenly activated. He saw the two gray bone rods that were already close at hand, starting from the tips, without any warning, decomposing into particles invisible to the naked eye. It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

What's going on? Seeing this scene, Hei Jue's eyes flashed with disbelief.

Kaguya, who has always had a troubled expression since her resurrection, also looked puzzled because the ashes of a common murderer were inexplicably shattered.

Ye Zike had no time to answer the doubts of Black Zetsu and Kaguya, so he maintained the release of his left eye pupil technique, causing the ice block that blocked Susanoo to turn into countless particles, which continued to decompose as they flew around, until Invisible to the naked eye.

After breaking down the ashes and ice cubes of the total killer, fine beads of sweat oozed from Ye Zi's face, and he slowly closed his left eye. This was the first time he used the power in his left eye, and he couldn't master it well yet. , it is quite difficult to use, and the control is not strong enough. If it is excessive, the left eye may temporarily lose its function.

If he could be given a period of time to adapt to the power lodged in his left eye, it would not be like this, but time was tight and he could not be given this opportunity.

Just like the situation just now, it is obvious that Ye Zi only needs to bring a bowl of water to put out the flames, but Ye Zi brings a bucket of water to pour it out. This will cause the power to overflow, which is not only a waste but also burdens the eyes.

How could such a big ice cube turn into nothingness? Hei Jue couldn't hide his surprise. This ability was really hard to guard against. If it were used on him, wouldn't it mean that he would be reduced to ashes before he even had time to react?

When he thought of this, Hei Jue couldn't help but shrink deep into his sleeves.

My mother is not afraid of this ability, but I am different.

With this thought in mind, he hid it with peace of mind.

Just as Black Zetsu thought, Kaguya is now an immortal existence, and there is no other way but to seal it. Even if the power in Ye Zizuo's eyes is destructive, Kaguya cannot be eliminated.

Even if Kaguya's head is turned into nothingness, even if Kaguya's body is turned into nothingness, Kaguya can be reborn again and rule this land.

It is not her body that is immortal, but her will, so only a seal can stop Kaguya.

Ye Zi, are you okay? Kushina was also surprised by Ye Zi's ability. At this time, she noticed that Ye Zi's breathing was a little messy and couldn't help but asked worriedly.


Ye Zi temporarily closed his left eye, and with a thought, injected a large amount of chakra to repair the Susanoo.

At this time, Kaguya gathered the chakras of the people trapped in the infinite Tsukuyomi, and her body suddenly expanded, turning into a white meat ball with a size similar to Susanoo in the blink of an eye. Then, the meat ball Get in shape quickly!

Conventional attack methods seemed unable to deal with Ye Zi, but Kaguya was decisive and planned to make up for the disadvantage of size by directly transforming into ten tails.

It only took one breath for the meat ball to complete its shape, turning into a huge rabbit-like creature. The Rinne Sharingan on the forehead was extremely conspicuous, and the fangs and sharp teeth were not as intimidating as the ten tails behind him.

My mother has transformed into the Ten-Tails. In this way, I can easily get rid of this annoying guy Ye Zi. Hiding in a safe place, Hei Jue thought silently. He really wanted Ye Zi to die quickly.

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