Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 680 Seal

After seeing the Nine-Tailed Susanoo, Kaguya also began to pay attention to it.

The wings behind Nine-Tailed Susanoo's body vibrated faster, like black lightning piercing the sky, approaching Kaguya.

The ten tails danced and covered the nine-tailed Susanoo who was rushing towards him.


The black light flashed away, and the two tails broke off and fell to the ground.

He cut off two tails in one encounter, and then dodged left and right under the siege of the remaining tail hands. While dodging, he counterattacked with a knife. After a second interval, he cut off two tails again.

In the Nine-Tails Susanoo mode, it seems that the Nine-Tails has become a support, making the Susanoo less bulky and more agile. It can swing the sword faster and move faster.

Compared to the Kyuubi Susanoo's offensive, which was as sharp as a knife, Kaguya's response seemed much clumsy. She seemed to only think about how to let the tail hand touch the Kyuubi Susanoo, and there was no way out. Word.

Nine-tailed Susanoo is in human form and can use sword skills instead of pure power to suppress.

When the two confront each other, the gap is obvious.

One side is a sword-wielding swordsman with superb skills, and the other side is like a wild beast with newly awakened intelligence.

After several encounters, Nine-tailed Susanoo actually cut off eight of Kaguya's tails at once. However, at this time, the time had almost passed three seconds, and Nine-tailed Susanoo was in the process of retracting his sword. When exhausted, he was unable to cut off the remaining two tails immediately.

Suddenly, a white substance emerged from the wound where the tail was cut off.


Ye Zi didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he opened his closed left eye and looked at the remaining two tails.

The ability of the left eye is activated!

The two tails were instantly turned into ashes without warning. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Zi and Kushina jumped out from the Nine-Tails head together, each holding a golden chain behind them.

The two of them stretched out their arms, one on the left and the other on the right, and pressed towards Kaguya's body.

Seeing this scene, Kaguya's calm mood suddenly fluctuated violently, as if she had seen a memory scene that she once hated so much.

call out!

Just when the palms of Ye Zi and Kushina were about to press Kaguya's tailed beast body, they saw the huge body suddenly shrink and change back to human form.

Ye Zi and Kushina's expressions changed dramatically, and their palms naturally pressed into the empty space.

Kaguya instantly shrunk in size and returned to her human appearance. With a frosty look on her face, she shot a ash bone to kill both Ye Zi and Kushina.


The golden chain was pulled back, changing the positions of Ye Zi and Kushina, and avoiding the two gray bones that killed each other.

How could I... make the same mistake again!

Kaguya's cold words reached the ears of the two of them.

A black seeking jade emerged from behind Kaguya, expanded in an instant, and became larger than the Nine-Tailed Susanoo, and then continued to expand at a very fast speed!

The golden chains pulled Ye Zi and Kushina, who had returned without success, back into the Nine-Tailed Susanoo.

Failed... Ye Zi's face was ugly. He originally thought he was about to succeed, but he didn't expect that Kaguya could escape the seal by releasing the tailed beast transformation. After several rounds of fighting, despite his pitiful lack of combat experience, he had this A clever response with a flash of inspiration.

What should we do next? Kushina looked disappointed.

There is not much time left, so we can only attack by force. Ye Zi gritted his teeth and looked at the ever-expanding Jade of Seeking Dao.

The wings behind the Nine-Tailed Susanoo shook and headed towards Kaguya again.

Hmph, it's useless. This is my mother's expansion seeking jade. It won't take long to fill this space. By then, a brand new space will be formed, and all foreign objects will be wiped out! Hei Jue was indifferent! Thinking.

Ye Zi and Kushina didn't know that there was no limit to the size of the Expanding Seeking Jade, and that it could encompass the entire space of the Beginning Sphere and then wipe them out.

Although I didn't know this, because the gift I received from the Immortal of Six Paths had a time limit, I chose to attack by mistake. It was the most correct choice and also sought the only remaining opportunity!

Kaguya's power is powerful enough to be unrivaled in the ninja world, but she is not a ninja who has experienced hundreds of battles, and she is simply unable to use this endless power for any purpose.

In the case of almost being sealed, it was actually an extremely stupid choice to rush into the Expanded Seeking Jade.

There are obviously many ways to deal with Ye Zi and Kushina, but they always use brute force to punch the air. Now they also use the Expanding Seeking Jade, which is not very effective, and give Ye Zi and Kushina No chance.

If the positions of the two parties were reversed, Ye Zi, with Kaguya's strength, would be able to kill Kaguya within ten seconds.

The path-seeking jade expanded at a constant speed, and the nine-tailed Susanoo came to bully me again.

If Kaguya doesn't use the Expanding Path-Seeking Gem, she can transform into a tailed beast immediately again. After that, she just needs to try not to let the Nine-Tailed Susanoo get close to her. However, after using the Expanding Path-Seeking Gem, she can't tail it for a short time. Transformed into a beast, he is now at a complete disadvantage when facing the Nine-Tailed Susanoo.

Although the body's defense is amazing and it is immortal, but even if the body's defense is amazing, such a small body cannot withstand the attack of Nine-Tailed Susanoo. Even if it is immortal, it will take a little time to regroup the body. It is very dangerous during this period of time when the body is recovering.

The nine-tailed Susanoo slashed at the villain-like Kaguya with his sword. Strong wind surged and thunder spread all around.

Kaguya dodged sideways, but was swept over by the jet-black lightning current, and felt slightly numb. Although it was short-lived, it also delayed the body's reaction.

At this time, another sword came in. Kaguya had no choice but to shoot the Yaosigami Air Strike at the second sword, forcibly deflecting the trajectory of the sword, barely dodging it, and keeping the distance.

Seeing Kaguya deliberately retreating, Nine-Tailed Susanoo just threw the two swords in his hands towards Kaguya.

I saw a golden chain at the end of each of the two long knives. The blade left the hand and turned into a bolt of lightning, and came to Kaguya in the blink of an eye.

Kaguya's face was slightly condensed, and she narrowly avoided two long black knives that were flying towards her.

The Nine-Tailed Susanoo crossed his hands and pulled, and then pulled back hard. With the help of the golden chain fused with the handle of the long knife, he changed the flight trajectory of the two long knives, and made them fly back, stabbing Kaguya's back.

Kaguya had little combat experience, and she only focused on avoiding the huge sword, but did not pay much attention to the function of the golden chain.

Mom, be careful behind you! Hei Jue warned in time, but it was already too late.

There was a sound of piercing the air behind him, and when Kaguya made a move, two long knives flew back and tore Kaguya's tiny body into pieces!


Ye Zi held a golden chain in his hand, which penetrated from the head of Nine-Tailed Susanoo and flew into the air with Kaguya, whose upper body lost balance, but at the other end of the golden chain was Kushina.

Ye Zi was very fast. After getting close, he roughly judged the parabola and distance. He suddenly shook his arm hard and swung Kushina to the other side. He approached Kaguya from the left, while Ye Zi approached Kaguya from the right. , the two of them came to Kaguya's side again in this way.

Kaguya's eyes fluctuated violently, and dozens of ash bones suddenly appeared on his back, looking like hedgehogs. Then, the dozens of ash bones on his back moved towards Ye Zi and Jiuxin. Naiji shot away.

Ye Zi did not make a sound to remind, and ignored the flying bones of the co-killer. Kushina chose to believe Ye Zi, and did not make any evasive move. Like Ye Zi, she walked towards Kaguya's side without hesitation. Extend your palm.


Ye Zi opened his left eye angrily, activated his pupil power with all his strength, and a large stream of blood flowed from the bottom of his eye.

All the dozens of ash bones from the comrades turned into flying ashes and disappeared, while Ye Zi and Kushina had already arrived beside the panicked Kaguya, and each stretched out their hands to press them down.


The Rinne Sharingan on Kaguya's forehead slowly closed. She clearly felt that her power was being lost, and her face suddenly changed. She could not accept such a result.

Why are these two ants... able... able...!

The earth shook in vain, the earth cracked, and a large number of stones floated into the air.

The power of the seal began to take effect, Kaguya's body suddenly expanded, while Ye Zi and Kushina fell to the ground.

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