Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 681 Return

Kaguya's body expanded and turned into a huge white object, from which appeared the appearance of the tailed beast and the ten tails, located at the upper and lower ends.

The upper part shows the vague appearance of the ten tails, and the lower part shows the form of the nine tailed beasts clustered together.

The two were in different positions, and the middle part suddenly broke. The tailed beasts below fell from the air and returned to their original shape when they landed. The appearance of the ten tails at the other end, which was Kaguya's body, was It was covered by countless stones floating in the air from below.

When every position was about to be sealed by stones, Black Zetsu slipped out of Kaguya's body silently.

Damn it, it turned out to be like this. I can only wait for the next opportunity. Hei Jue thought fiercely as he ran away, and was already planning his next resurrection plan.

The separated tailed beasts looked up at the huge stone ball condensed by countless stones, with fear on their faces. Without Ye Zi and Kushina, they would completely lose their freedom.

Kurama, your Jinchuuriki is quite powerful. The Eight-Tails looked at Kushina.

While in the body of the Ten-Tails, the other half of the Nine-Tails' chakra roughly told the other tailed beasts about the situation. Later, they also saw the combined efforts and battles of Ye Zi and Kushina.

The tailed beasts all looked at Kushina, completely ignoring Ye Zi. After all, most of them were captured by Ye Zi. Even if they were rescued now because of Ye Zi's great efforts, they could not just let go of their hostility.

After all, if it weren't for Ye Zi, how could this mess be happening now?

Ye Zi ignored the tailed beasts and ducked to the ground. He raised his foot and stomped, knocking Hei Jue, who was hiding underground and preparing to leave, to the ground.


Hei Jue was slightly stunned when he was shocked. He looked at Ye Zi, his face changed greatly.

I can't kill Kaguya, but you... it's hard to say. Ye Zi looked at Hei Jue and said coldly.

Hei Jue's body suddenly went cold, and a surge of fear and anger emerged from the bottom of his heart. He pointed at Ye Zi and said gaffefully: You are just a supporting role in my plan. Your existence and everything you do are only for the protagonist. Service, how can you...turn everything upside down!

You should have died a long time ago. After you have shown your value, as a supporting role, you should have died a long time ago. It's all because of you, all because of you!

Ye Zi looked at the lost Hei Jue indifferently and said calmly: Maybe there is another possibility, such as...

The speed of the blood flowing out of the left eye suddenly accelerated a little, and the power of the pupil technique was blessed on Hei Jue's body.

Silently, starting from Hei Jue's feet, they gradually turned into ashes like weathered stone sculptures.

It seems that Ye Zi deliberately slowed down the speed of annihilation, allowing Hei Jue to watch his body slowly turn into ashes, which can be regarded as a kind of mental torture.

For example...I am not a supporting role, but the protagonist.

Ye Zi turned around indifferently, leaving Hei Jue with a crazy and angry face.

When Ye Zi took two or three steps, Hei Jue turned into dust and disappeared forever.

The obstacle is solved, now...

Ye Zi let the blood flow from his left eye and walked towards the many tailed beasts with an indifferent expression. When the tailed beasts noticed Ye Zi, they suddenly looked wary.

Kushina silently looked at Ye Zi walking over, with a hint of nervousness on her face. Just now, she took back the other half of Kyuubi's chakra, and Kyuubi, who returned to the whole body, told her that she could temporarily let the other tailed beasts Enter her body together to gain the power to fight against Ye Zi.

As long as the sealing technique is used well, it can produce miraculous effects, and after it is completed, it can also make other tailed beasts leave again.

Kushina did not intend to accept Kyuubi's suggestion.

In that colorful space, she knew Ye Zi's intentions and plans. If she betrayed him at this time, she would not be able to do it. Although the future was uncertain before the results came out, she still chose to believe in Ye Zi. Azusa.

No matter how Kyuubi tried to persuade her, Kushina remained stubborn, making Kyuubi hate the iron.

You know, with Kushina's current strength, she is no match for Ye Zi. If Ye Zi wants to do anything in the future, Kushina will not be able to fight back at all.

The eight tailed beasts stood behind Kushina, all looking at Ye Zi with hostility.

Kushina clenched her hands into fists, trembling slightly, showing her inner tension. She looked at Ye Zi and asked, What do you want to do next?

Ye Zijing stood in front of Kushina, without covering up, and said calmly: Resurrect them and go back.

At this moment, neither the two of them nor the tailed beasts seemed to realize that the space they were in was not the original ninja world, and how to go back was the priority.

The tailed beasts were all focused on Ye Zi, and when the atmosphere became tense, they thought that they might join forces to fight Ye Zi later.

Kushina and Ye Zi are also not focused on how to escape from the first ball space. The former wants to know if Ye Zi's thoughts will change, while the latter is thinking about how to resurrect Yan Ye and the others, and also It can open the space barrier within a limited time and return to Earth.

After hearing Ye Zi's answer, Kushina felt slightly relieved. What she saw had not changed at all, it was just...

She looked at Ye Zi, with a hint of sadness suddenly showing in her eyes.

You don't have to look at me like that.

Feeling Kushina's gaze, Ye Zi raised his head and glanced at the eight tailed beasts coldly, then glanced at the surrounding environment and said lightly: That was just a casual thing, and it doesn't mean anything.

Isn't there a better way? Do we have to do that? Kushina suppressed the sadness emerging from her heart.

No one can get anything without sacrifice. In order to get something, you need to pay the same price. What I want to get is too difficult, so I should pay the price.

Ye Zi stopped talking, looked at the surrounding environment, and said calmly: Now let's think about how to leave this space, and the old man Liu Dao didn't inform us in advance.

Kushina sighed softly and remained silent.

The eight-tailed beasts looked at each other. Judging from this situation, it seemed that they would not fight. However, they had all lived for a long time, and they still felt Ye Zi's need for them. They shouldn't describe it like this. They should still want it. Take advantage of their thoughts.

In short, the tailed beasts who had escaped each had their own plans. They all wanted to return to their hometown and hide in the mountains, forests and lakes. If Ye Zi still wanted to use them, he would probably have to fight again.

However, when they had this idea, they realized that they were still in the original space and had no ability to return to the ninja world!

When their thoughts were different, Ye Zi, Kushina and the tailed beasts felt a change in space in vain, just like Kaguya felt when they were transferred. In the blink of an eye, they were in another place.

Is it spiritualism...

Realizing that he had returned, Ye Zi quickly took a quick look at his surroundings, and finally looked at the vast psychic array at his feet.

The eight tailed beasts stood scattered in the center of the psychic array, and the six immortals were sitting cross-legged in the air. At the edges of the psychic array, spirits of different shapes and appearances stood scattered.

These spirits are the shadows of the past generations of each village, including those who were sealed and died in this war.

In addition to the shadow, a strong person like Jiraiya also stood in one of the positions of the psychic array in the form of a spirit body.

Orochimaru walked to Ye Zi and said calmly: The Immortal of Six Paths used dirty soil to get them out, and then they used psychic skills together to summon you back.

Ye Zi nodded slightly. Regardless of whether there were these spirits or not, he was not willing to delay for a moment.

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