Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 682 The Beginning

Despite several twists and turns, in terms of results, Ye Zi is acceptable.

In the past, it would have been extremely difficult for Ye Zi to deal with the eight-tailed beasts who gathered together and worked together, but now, in his eyes, the eight-tailed beasts could exist at will.

The way to resurrect the Ten-Tails is not feasible, but... if you make good use of the chakra of these tailed beasts, you can also open the space barrier. Ye Zi thought silently and looked at Kushina and the Six Paths Sage.

Everyone who existed in the form of souls also turned their attention to Ye Zi in the psychic formation.

Is this... a good ending? Jiraiya lamented, and then stared at the expressionless Orochimaru. The latter noticed Jiraiya's gaze, and when he looked over, his mood did not change.

Minato looked at Ye Zi with calm eyes. He neither hated Ye Zi nor blamed Ye Zi.

There is no right or wrong in different positions. The winner among enemies is often the winner. Furthermore, if you complain about the misfortune of the current situation, you are actually deliberately avoiding your own incompetence.

In vain, the venue fell into a strange atmosphere of silence. In the night sky, the moon returned to its original state, and the Infinite Tsukuyomi's spell was still going on. To lift the spell, Ye Zi and Kushina had to form seals together.

You have saved the world, and now all that is left is to lift the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and it's time for us to return to the Pure Land. The Sage of Six Paths turned his eyes to Ye Zi and Kushina, smiling endlessly.

This result, in his opinion, is the best.

Compared to Ye Zi, her mother's threat is greater and cannot be ignored.


Kushina immediately looked at the tall trees rising from the ground in the distance. She had to untie the infinite Tsukuyomi and rescue the people trapped in the infinite Tsukuyomi.

Thinking of this, Kushina turned her head and looked at Ye Zi. The method of lifting the infinite moon reading, the Six Paths Sage had already told them in the Kamui space, and the two of them needed to work together to form the seal.

Immortal Six Paths also stared at Ye Zi with a cold expression, waiting for Ye Zi's decision.

I will remove the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but not by the method you mentioned, and...I won't drain the chakra of these tailed beasts, but I can use it for now. The magatama in Ye Zi's left eye slowly disappeared. , but ten minutes have passed.

The magatama disappeared, but the pair of reincarnation eyes remained.

As soon as these words came out, Kushina's expression changed, and the tailed beasts around her also sprayed out bursts of chakra fluctuations, showing their respective restlessness.

Immortal Six Paths looked at Ye Zi, sighed softly, and said: No matter what the consequences of what you want to do next, no one can stop you.

Although the expressions of the many souls on the edge of the psychic array are different, their relatively unified mood is that they are worried about how to deal with Ye Zi's huge trouble. They are all just spirits. In order to perform the psychic technique, they have spent almost all their energy. Chakra, they will all have to return to the Pure Land in a short time, which means that they can only be obedient spectators, unable to do anything.


At this time, a figure suddenly appeared behind Ye Zi, but it was Senju Tobirama. He held a kunai in his hand and stabbed Ye Zi in the back of the head.

This Flying Thunder God mark was left on Ye Zi before. It was originally used to cooperate, but in the end it had no effect. Now it is used by him at this time.

When he was in the Kamui Space, he was quite surprised when Ye Zi agreed to leave the mark of the Flying Thunder God. There were always advantages and no disadvantages, and he was happy to oblige, but the original motive was indeed to seal Kaguya.

What he didn't expect was that Kaguya's Heavenly Celestial Order made him unable to do anything.

Afterwards, Ye Zi and Kushina were able to seal Kaguya, and everyone was happy. But when he heard Ye Zi's words, Tobirama couldn't hold back, and used the Flying Thunder God mark left behind to attack Ye Zi directly. .

He will thank Ye Zi for his contribution to saving the future of the Ninja World, but he will never let Ye Zi continue to harm the Ninja World.

This sneak attack was not a rash move.

He remembered clearly what the Immortal of Six Paths said.

The ability to give gifts only lasts for ten minutes, and just now, ten minutes have passed, and Ye Zi's attention is on the Six Paths Immortal. There is no better opportunity than this moment!

Tobirama's sneak attack was very sudden and unexpected, and with the help of the flying thunder god's technique, it became even more difficult to guard against.

Many souls at the edge of the psychic array were surprised, and most of them hoped that Tobirama's sneak attack could solve Ye Zi's trouble.

Orochimaru's face changed slightly, and he immediately prepared to release his divine power, but it was too late.

Ye Zi... Kushina turned her head and looked at Ye Zi, who had no reaction at all, her eyes trembling slightly.

Now, there really is no one who can stop me.

Ye Zi ignored the sneak attack from behind and looked at the Six Paths Sage calmly. Tobirama, who launched the sneak attack on him, froze in mid-air. The kunai stabbing the back of his head also stopped, and was still far away from the back of Ye Zi's head. There is a slap in the distance, but I can't make any progress.

I can't move...! Tobirama's expression changed.

Ye Zi turned slightly to look at Tobirama, whose face turned ugly, and said coldly: I will agree to let you leave the Flying Thunder God mark on me. The most fundamental reason is not that I think this Flying Thunder God mark can help me, but Yes...even if I let you leave the mark of Flying Thunder God, I think from the bottom of my heart that you are no threat at all.

This is also true.

Ye Zi stretched out his arm, and a black stick condensed in his palm. He held it with his backhand. Without turning back, his arm suddenly moved, driving the black stick into Tobirama's head.

Tobirama's body shook, and he fell from the air to the ground, lying on his stomach unable to move.

Damn it! He lay on the ground and gritted his teeth.

After making Tobirama lose the power to move, Ye Zi seemed to have dealt with a trivial matter, with a calm expression. He turned his head to look at Kushina and said calmly: I will do what I promised you, and then Please watch quietly and don't make any small moves. You know, I can decide many things with just one thought.

Kushina fell silent.

Ye Zi just thought she acquiesced, and looked up at the eight tailed beasts present.


The eyes of the eight tailed beasts all turned into samsara eyes, and they were unable to resist Ye Zi's illusion.

Seeing this scene, Kushina's heart beat slightly, and the Kyuubi in her body was also shocked.

Liu Dao sighed again, but didn't say anything.

As he said, no one can stop Ye Zi right now. Even if Kushina is willing to gather all the tailed beasts to deal with Ye Zi, she may not be able to win.

After using illusion to control the eight tailed beasts, Ye Zi put his palms together and the ground suddenly shook. The ground beneath the eight tailed beasts cracked and turned into pieces of stone that floated up into the air with the tailed beasts. Soon they were in the air. Star-like stone balls were formed, eight in total, arranged neatly.

Originally, he still had half of the Kyuubi's chakra, but it was taken into his body by Kushina. Ye Zi didn't want to waste time extracting half of the Kyuubi's chakra from Kushina's body. Anyway, even if half of the Kyuubi's chakra was missing, there would be no What an impact.

Use the Earth Explosion Star to seal the eight tailed beasts, and then you can extract the chakra of the tailed beasts at any time. As long as you control it properly, you won't drain all the chakra of the tailed beasts. Even if you drain them dry, one day, they will Will still be resurrected.

Let's go.

Ye Zi turned and walked towards the nearest giant tree, Orochimaru followed him silently.

Many spirits watched Ye Zi leave silently, and then slowly disappeared.

Kushina ducked and came to Minato, who gave her a familiar gentle smile at the last moment when he disappeared.

Looking at the empty front, Kushina pursed her lips and remained silent.

It's time for me to leave. The Sage of Six Paths said to Kushina's back.

Thank you, Sage of Six Paths. Kushina turned around and looked at Sage of Six Paths with a forced smile.

Immortal Six Paths shook his head slightly, looked at Ye Zi's retreating back, and said in a deep voice: This child's obsession is too heavy, and there must be a result after all. Life and death are no longer important to him. Only this kind of person, very It’s hard to tell whether his choice was right or wrong.”

Maybe you shouldn't be standing here.

The sound lingered in his ears, but the figure of the Six Paths Immortal had disappeared.

Kushina was startled, and after hesitating for a moment, she headed in the direction of Ye Zi.

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