Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 685: Parting

Seventh update…


Tsunade and others who came out of the Infinite Tsukuyomi, after a brief period of confusion, noticed Ye Zi and Orochimaru. Everyone's expressions were tense, and they were subconsciously on guard. People with kunai, Already holding the kunai in his hand.

Each of them had very little chakra left, and even if there were not many of them, they would not be able to cause any trouble.

Orochimaru ignored the group of coalition forces who broke away from the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but looked at Ye Zi quietly.

Yan Ye didn't know the situation and walked to Ye Zi's side with a nervous look on his face. He habitually protected Ye Zi behind him and stared at the coalition forces and others gathered together.

Ye Zi looked at Yan Ye's habitual movements, and his eyes softened. Perhaps when they were about to leave, his mood suddenly became very bad. He looked at Yan Ye's back, slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his hands Already made a gesture.

At the same time, his silver hair returned to black unknowingly, perhaps because he absorbed a large amount of chakra, and that gesture was the starting point for performing the reincarnation technique.

Both Orochimaru and Kushina noticed Ye Zi's gesture, but Ye Zi did not notice it.

There are not many people I can resurrect, and I will give priority to resurrecting my people. No matter whether you are satisfied or not, the result will not change. Ye Zi looked at Kushina, and used the magic of the lantern body to communicate with Jiu with his mind. Sinai communicates.

Kushina was slightly startled, and her expression became complicated. She looked at Ye Zi and suddenly mastered the communication method of this technique, and replied briefly: Thank you.

Perhaps she knew that no matter what she said at this time, it would be meaningless. She could only watch Ye Zi enter the door that spanned the two worlds and then be shattered into pieces, so she could only say thank you with complicated emotions.

Just as the Immortal of Six Paths said, no one can stop Ye Zi from doing what he wants to do at this time, and no one can reverse his decision.

Even if Ye Zi didn't want to resurrect extra people, Kushina couldn't force him to come. This thank you was to thank Ye Zi for keeping his word.

In that connected space, Kushina got an offer from Ye Zi that she couldn't refuse, and also learned about Ye Zi's plan. So naively, she wanted Ye Zi to find another better way. .

At the very least... it's a way that you can't die.

In this life, I have worked hard for this moment, who can open my mouth to persuade me to stay?

Ye Zi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the seal was completed. Including the chakra, only a sufficient amount was left, and the rest was poured into the reincarnation technique.

There was no dazzling light rising into the sky from Ye Zi's body, it did not change the color of the sky and the earth, and it did not make the earth shake. Everything was going on silently.

Ye Zi slowly closed his eyes, and a person's appearance flashed through his mind.

Many, many people passed by in front of him as if they were watching a lantern, and these were all the people he wanted to resurrect.

Familiar, acquainted, hostile, somewhat impressionable... After each person's image is formed in the mind, they will become the next object of resurrection.

Located at various locations on the battlefield, a ray of holy white light shot down from the night sky in vain, like a stage cluster light falling on a certain position, from the first one to many, and then to countless numbers.

This scene happened in various places in the distance, attracting everyone's attention.

On a rocky mountain ground, corpses were strewn all over the ground. If counted carefully, there were as many as six or seven thousand.

All the members of the Snake Team that Ye Zi was familiar with were lying here quietly. At this time, beams of white light fell from the sky on the corpses. They didn't last long before blending into the corpses.

After the white light disappeared, the fingers of the people shrouded in the white light moved slightly at the same time.

At the stronghold of Taki Country, a beam of light fell in vain, penetrated the hard ground, came to a room, and focused on a red-haired baby placed in a nutrient solution.


Bubbles representing oxygen were rolling in the light green liquid.

Pale white bone forest.

The white light fell, passed through the layers of hard bone forest, and fell on Kimimaro. After a moment, Kimimaro suddenly opened his eyes.

More and more white light falls from the night sky, like a dense and colorful meteor shower, injecting life into the corpses of the dead.

Uchiha Shin, Scorpion, Kisame...these people Ye Zi knew well all woke up from the white light first, and then they stood up in a daze, not knowing what happened.

What is this? Tsunade looked at the beams of light falling down in the night sky with confusion in her eyes.

Unbeknownst to them, people on Ye Zi's side who participated in this war were waking up from the white light one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the number of beams began to decrease, but it still continued.

In a desolate open space, a beam of light fell down and shone on the empty ground. For a moment, a green figure slowly emerged in the white light. When the white light disappeared, Akai Guan was seen. Lying on the ground with eyes closed.


Akai suddenly opened his eyes, stood upright, and immediately looked dull.

In the silent cave, Obito absorbed the white light and stood up suddenly. Although there was darkness in front of him, his consciousness was very clear and he knew that he was still alive.

On a ground full of potholes, Minato suddenly opened his eyes, a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

After that, the beams of light were successively cast on the bodies of dirty soil that were sealed but not dealt with in time, as well as on the corpses of some of the coalition forces. Anyone who had some memory of Ye Zi was fortunate enough to be favored by the beams of light. However, compared to the total number of members of the coalition forces, After all, these beams are in the minority.

After all, Ye Zi was not a selfless person, and people like Tsuchikage, who had left a deep impression on him, did not choose to be resurrected.

When the chakra was almost exhausted, the dazzling beam of light in the night sky gradually disappeared, leaving only the last beam of light falling from the sky and shining on Yan Ye's body.


Yan Ye was suddenly startled and felt the white light filled with warmth. Then, she stretched out her hands and was keenly aware of the changes.

She felt the flow of blood, the beating of her heart...

This is…

Yan Ye suddenly turned around and looked at Ye Zi who slowly put down his hands. The latter looked slightly tired. When he noticed Yan Ye's gaze, he showed a faint smile to her.

Sorry, I still have to leave you this time, but there should be no next time...

Ye Zi took a deep breath and looked at Yan Ye's face carefully, as if he wanted to remember her face deeply in his mind.

Yan Ye didn't understand the meaning of Ye Zi's words, but he had an ominous premonition. He opened his eyes and asked, What...what do you mean?

Feeling that the vitality in his body was passing quickly, Ye Zi knew that there was not much time left, so he turned around silently and walked towards the deep black hole.

If he hadn't devoured the remains of White Snake Senshi and Uchiha Madara after becoming the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, he would probably not be able to speak, let alone walk, after using the Reincarnation Technique.

Help me... say thank you and... goodbye to them. Ye Zi strode towards the black hole.


Yan Ye's heartbeat accelerated in vain. She had a feeling that she would lose Ye Zi in the next moment, which made her very uneasy, so she chased after Ye Zi.

At this time, Orochimaru's figure flashed and stood in front of Yanye.

Orochimaru, you...!? Yanye's eyes trembled rapidly, and he glared at Orochimaru angrily.

What you want to know, I will tell you later. Orochimaru said calmly.

Ye Zi stopped in front of the black hole and looked back at the position of Yanye and Orochimaru. His eyes were covered by his long black bangs, and his lips were tightly pursed. It was impossible to see what kind of emotion it was.

Time seems to stand still.

Orochimaru blocked Yan Ye and noticed Ye Zi looking at him, so he turned back.

Yanye crossed Orochimaru's side and looked at Ye Zi blankly.

Without Orochimaru's obstruction, Kushina was able to get closer to Ye Zi, but she didn't get too close, and they were more than fifty meters apart.

She looked at Ye Zi quietly, pursed her lips and said nothing. In fact, she had a lot to say.

I may have chosen the worst path all this time, but I am very satisfied with this result.

Ye Zi glanced at Kushina, and finally looked deeply at Yanye. Then, knowing that taking one step forward would result in him being shattered into pieces, he still stepped into the black hole without hesitation.


Ye Zi's body disappeared into the deep and dark black hole. The next second, the black hole as big as a door suddenly shrank into an area the size of a fist, and then disappeared.

At this point, the fourth Ninja War officially came to an end with Ye Zi's departure.

The five major ninja villages united and suffered the heaviest losses in history. Even if Ye Zi's reincarnation technique resurrected some people, it was only a small number of people, which was insignificant compared to the number of dead ninjas.

This day will definitely be remembered by the ninja world, and Ye Zi's name will always be passed down because of his actions.

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