Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 686 A shocking scene

The black hole seemed to swallow up all the light, but after Ye Zi entered, what he saw was a semicircular tunnel emitting colorful lights. Those elves-like lights turned into meteors and flew away behind him. .

An invisible pressure spread throughout his body, and Ye Zi immediately formed the seal of the spiritual transformation technique. After that, he had no time to think, and the tearing pain reached the depths of his soul.

Ye Zi's pain tolerance has long been tempered to the point where he is not like a human being. When his body was torn into pieces, he just groaned and stopped. His whole body disappeared into the space tunnel, leaving only two blue balls. of light.

Each ball of light may be a soul, and the light that keeps moving toward the back and speeding forward at high speed is the soul that travels through various worlds.

Among these many souls, perhaps only a few lucky ones like Ye Zi can travel from the earth to the ninja world after death, thus extending their lives.

Other rays of light are flying, and in this state are unconscious souls.

Ye Zi and Nao are conscious souls, so they are incompatible with the speeding lights around them.

Two groups of blue light slowly formed shapes, one turned into the appearance of Ye Zi, and the other turned into a reduced form.

Sure enough, the art of spiritual transformation can maintain my soul. Ye Zi was slightly happy, this was a good start.

You should feel it. A suction force is pulling you. Don't resist. Follow this suction force and you can return to the earth. Nao looked at Ye Zi and said calmly.

As Nao said, Ye Zi in his soul state did feel a suction pulling him, but it was not strong.

What's your plan? Ye Zi asked.

This is really not the kind of question you would ask. I thought you would just turn around and leave. He was quite surprised.

I should thank you. Ye Zi said calmly.

whispering sound.

Nao snorted coldly and said calmly: There is not much time left, so cherish it.

As soon as he finished speaking, he headed in an unknown direction without hesitation.

I...want to return to her.

He left his last words and turned into a slow-moving light, heading into the distance. As the distance grew, the speed became faster and faster.

This is why you are willing to cooperate.

Ye Zi looked at the man who merged into the thousands of lights, and then followed the suction force and headed in a specific direction, like a leaf drifting with the current.

As it floats farther away, the suction force that pulls the soul becomes stronger and stronger, and it is even completely irresistible. By this time, it has lost the ability to choose other worlds.


Ye Zi turned into a streak of light and disappeared deep into the space tunnel.



The piercing trumpet sound was played in the sky above the cross-sea bridge, which was continuous and annoying.

The weather is sunny, cloudless, the sky is blue, and the sea and sky become the same color. From a distance, it looks like a clear sapphire.

This kind of scenery can make those who watch it open-minded and have no room for restlessness.

However, from far to near, the echoing horns make people in every car feel irritable. Even if the traffic stops here, how can they be in the mood to watch the sea and blue sky outside the window.

Located in the middle of the bridge, a sudden and serious car accident affected the two-way lanes, directly blocking the traffic of the entire bridge. It is now the Golden Week, and there are so many people entering and leaving the city that the traffic flow is like an endless line. Long queue.

As a result, the traffic was paralyzed, and the traffic flow came to a standstill. Later, more and more cars came, and they could neither advance nor retreat.

This situation is quite rare, but it happens anyway.

As time passed, two or three hours had passed, and the traffic had not yet been restored, so some people with a more grumpy temper couldn't help but honk their horns to vent their dissatisfaction.

Someone started, and then others followed, and the result was a piercing sound of trumpets that filled the sky.

It's just a beeping dog. It will never end. In an ordinary car, a man slapped the steering wheel hard. Even if the windows were closed tightly, the piercing horn could still be heard.

I'm already tired of waiting, and so many unqualified people want to add fuel to the fire.

It will be more uncomfortable if you close the windows tightly, and if you don't close your ears, it will explode.

The man turned on the channel and listened to the real-time situation reported by the radio. He only said that the accident was almost solved, and his irritable mood calmed down a little.

Although it is almost done, judging from the traffic flow with no end in sight, it will probably take a lot of time to enter the city through the bridge.

Just think of it as looking at the sea.

The man sighed, pulled down the window and looked at the blue sky and sea outside the bridge.

There are many people like men who enjoy themselves in their misery when they are irritated. When they learn that the accident is almost over, they start to admire the sea view outside the window.

At this time, the sound of the horn gradually stopped, which was good news.

Seeing that the sound of the horn finally stopped, many drivers who scolded the horn dog calmed down. After all, anyone who encounters this situation is full of displeasure, so how can they be polite, let alone curse? If you encounter someone, it would be polite not to punch him.


Suddenly, a sharp female voice sounded from somewhere in the traffic. The sound was loud and spread far away.

This scream immediately made people who didn't know the situation jump, thinking that something big had happened.

Immediately afterwards, there was another scream, followed by more and more exclamations, and each exclamation contained obvious fear.

The people on the bridge finally noticed a terrifying and incredible scene.

The sky is still blue and cloudless, but the sea below is rolling violently, and there is no strong wind blowing. The sea farther away is even calm, but far away from the bridge, a terrifying large whirlpool is formed out of thin air, with a diameter of at least several hundred rice.

You know, the diameter of the largest vortex in the world is said to be only twenty meters. Not to mention the authenticity of the data, the diameter of the vortex can be roughly judged from this.

At only twenty meters, it can be regarded as the largest vortex in the world. So what is this vortex with a diameter of hundreds of meters?

Everyone who noticed this scene had a look of horror and disbelief. Then, something even more terrifying happened.

Deep in the vortex, a waterspout huge enough to cover the sky rushed into the sky, making everyone who saw this scene dumbfounded.

How is this possible? Even with a vortex with such a terrifying diameter, such a big waterspout emerged from it? Am I dreaming? Someone looked stupid.

People seemed to have forgotten to escape, and the waterspout rushed into the sky, inexplicably attracting large dark clouds.

One minute, the sky was clear and cloudless, and the next minute, it was covered with clouds, and the sky suddenly darkened, with terrifying vortexes and waterspouts intertwining, as if the end was coming.

This sudden terrifying scene spread instantly!

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