Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 687 Hospital

Thick black clouds were rolling and surging, and huge waterspouts rising from the sea penetrated into the clouds.

The sky suddenly darkened, and it looked like a storm was about to come.

On the bridge, a man opened the car door and walked out, staring at this scene in shock.

Among the clouds, blue thunder snakes were swimming around and clinging to the waterspouts, creating a spectacular scene.

Am I dreaming? Someone looked at this scene that can only be seen in movies and muttered to themselves.

Most people were shocked, but a few people with relatively strong psychological quality actually ignored the flashing thunder in the sky and took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this amazing thunder and lightning waterspout.

There were so many people blocked on the bridge, and there happened to be a popular outdoor female anchor on the live broadcast platform. At this time, she was holding a selfie stick in her hand, looking at this scene that seemed to be the end of the world.

There were millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, and the barrage that could have covered the entire screen disappeared in vain.

Every viewer who watches the live broadcast is like the people on the bridge, who can only stare at this terrifying natural scenery.

Suddenly, the strange scene seen on the Friendship Bridge was spread on the Internet at an extremely fast speed.

The waterspout they couldn't see was hollow, how to form a vortex, how to emerge from the vortex, and even how thunder currents clung to the surface, all of which seriously violated people's common sense.

A blue human-shaped light slowly rose from the vortex, followed the hollow in the waterspout to high altitude, but it was Ye Zi who passed through the space tunnel and returned to the earth.

This is... the Friendship Bridge?

In his soul state, Ye Zi seemed to be able to see the entire bridge through the water flow, thus triggering dusty memories.

After confirming the location, Ye Zi let out a deep laugh, which was a bit joyful and a bit complicated.

Chakra is being consumed rapidly and cannot be retained, and natural energy cannot be sensed. The world is different, and the power systems cannot communicate with each other... He turned his head and looked at the city that the bridge led to. It was an extremely prosperous city, and his The destination is there.

Xiaorui...wait for me.

Ye Zi didn't know what time it was, and he deliberately didn't think about this problem. Even if the result was irreversible, he would use his only remaining right eye to witness it with his own eyes.


After finding the right direction, Ye Zi, who was in his soul state, directly passed through the waterspout, turned into a brilliant light, and went into the distance.

He didn't care at all what the consequences of such an action would be. At this moment, what he was thinking about was to go to the largest hospital in the city in the little time left and confirm whether Ye Rui was still in the ward.



Oh my God, what the hell is going on?

It turns out that there really are unnatural forces in the world!

A ray of light like a meteor emerged from the waterspout, flew towards the city, and disappeared into the distance in an instant, surprising the people on the bridge again.


bus stop.

A gentle young man with a cropped haircut and black-rimmed glasses was leaning against the billboard next to the bus stop, scrolling boredly on his phone while waiting for the bus.

He clicked on WeChat, entered the WeChat group created by the brothers in the dormitory, and asked his boss how the traffic jam was going.


The boss sent a voice message.

The gentle young man clicked on it, and a trembling voice suddenly came from the phone: Brothers, brothers, the world, the world, the end of the world is coming!

After this voice message came out, other brothers in the dormitory, including the gentle young man, either left voice messages or typed, mercilessly teasing that the next best actor must be the boss.

Later, the boss took a short video and came over.

The gentle young man clicked on the short video, which showed what was happening on the Friendship Bridge.


The gentle young man couldn't help but uttered a curse word, and looked up at the sky. Not to mention dark clouds, there were no white clouds at all. The weather was very good, but the sun was a bit dazzling.

The foul language he uttered immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd.

The gentle young man ignored the surprised looks around him and watched the short video again, confirming that it was the Friendship Bridge, and became confused.

At this time, the bus that the gentle young man wanted to take slowly entered the bus station, and the crowd on the platform separated into several people and walked to the front to wait to get on the bus.

This inconspicuous agitation attracted the attention of the gentle young man. He looked up and saw that the bus coming was the one he wanted to take. He turned off his WeChat and trotted over quickly, and then got on the bus.

After finding a seat and sitting down, I opened the WeChat group and it was already buzzing.

The end of the world will be the end of the world. I have to go to the hospital first or not. The gentle young man curled his lips. Although he said this, he still forwarded the short video to his circle of friends.

The gentle young man's name is Wang Xiaoer, because his father irresponsibly chose this short, popular and easy-to-pronounce name. Since he went to school, he has been given a permanent title, which is 2B.

He once fought back and wanted to get rid of this nickname, but reality dealt him a heavy blow.

No matter how the friends around him changed, they all called Wang Xiaoer 2B as if they were passing their breath, without exception, and over time, Wang Xiaoer was appointed.

After I entered high school, I had a stomach problem. From that time until I went to college, I had to go to the hospital every month to get medicine. No matter where I went, my stomach couldn't be cured.

The monthly medication cost was quite high. Fortunately, he wrote an online novel about Ninja and the money he earned was enough to afford the monthly medication, which also relieved some pressure on his family.

Just a few days ago, this book was finished, and Wang Xiaoer also received the last payment of royalties. Today, he has finished his medicine, and has a routine checkup, so he plans to go to the hospital.

The hospital he was going to was the largest hospital in the city. Although the cost was very expensive, the treatment effect was indeed better than the previous hospital.

The bus headed towards the stop closest to the hospital. As for Wang Xiaoer, he was wringing his hands and thinking about how to arrange expenses for the next month. The short video sent by his boss had long been forgotten by him.

How to say, the end of the world is the end of the world, and life will have to go on before it comes.

Ten minutes later, the bus arrived. Wang Xiaoer got off and went straight to the hospital.

In the sky, a blue light cuts through the sky. If you look carefully, you can see that the intensity of the light is gradually weakening. However, the sky is clear and the sun is very big, so few people notice this light.

Just like when fireworks are set off in broad daylight, only the smoke can be seen. It is the same reason.

This blue light that started to fade was Ye Zi's soul.

At this time, he felt that the chakra was about to disappear, and he was very anxious. If the chakra disappeared completely, then he would not be able to maintain the form of his spiritual body, and he might just disappear into ashes.

After finally reaching the hospital, his condition was already in critical condition.

Before he had time to think too much, he looked down and saw a gentle young man wearing black-rimmed glasses walking in the hospital, and he rushed into the gentle young man's head decisively.

Wang Xiaoer felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and his head sank slightly. He couldn't help but reached out and touched his head with a puzzled look on his face.

Then, the next second he was dumbfounded.

The scene that appeared in front of him was no longer a scene in the hospital, but a space with soft white light.

What the hell?! Wang Xiaoer was at a loss. Then, a black-haired man suddenly appeared in front of him.

Oh my God, my stomach hasn't been cured yet. You gave me another neurological disease. Aren't you going to kill me? Wang Xiaoer raised his head with a look of grief and anger.

He thought that the meridian in his head suddenly went wrong, which was why he had hallucinations. When he thought about having to pay more for treatment in the future, his face twitched.

Although there is still savings in his bank account, he has to pay a fixed amount for medicine every month, and since the novel is finished, he is mentally prepared to eat instant noodles for the next three months, just to keep the medicine in the future. Now I have another neurological disease. I can't even afford instant noodles.

Seeing Wang Xiaoer's extraordinary reaction, Ye Zi frowned slightly. Because there was not much time left, he didn't waste any time. The kaleidoscope eye in his right eye slowly turned, and he used his remaining chakra to face Wang Xiaoer. The waiter cast an illusion.

Wang Xiaoer's body suddenly trembled, and his pupils slowly turned into Sharingan. Fortunately, there were not many people around, and no one saw this scene.

Spiritual transformation techniques cannot occupy other people's bodies. Fortunately, illusion techniques can be used... In this way... Ye Zi took over Wang Xiaoer's memory in an instant and forcibly injected his obsession into Wang Xiaoer's soul.

After doing this, Ye Zi slowly closed his eyes and disappeared into Wang Xiaoer's conscious space with regret and sadness.

This was expected, but it happened so suddenly that he didn't see Xiao Rui, and his plan to use chakra to clear Ye Rui's hidden disease was in vain.

Fortunately, someone was caught in the end. If Xiao Rui is still here...this person can be asked to pay for Xiao Rui's medical expenses, and the chakra left behind can be regarded as a reward for this person.

That's it. With a trace of regret, Ye Zi tried his best to return to the earth, but finally disappeared.

The chakra left before disappearing was silently changing Wang Xiaoer's body.

Ye Rui? Ye Rui, Ye Rui! The confusion in Wang Xiaoer's eyes slowly disappeared, and there was a look on his face as if he had seen a ghost.

There were some more memories in his head, and before he had time to sort out his thoughts, it seemed as if there was an inexplicable force pushing him to change direction and go to another department.


Wang Xiaoer took a step forward, and then he found himself flying.

The next second, he screamed and fell heavily to the ground from a height of three to four meters.

Then, in the deathly silence, Wang Xiaoer calmly thought about a question.

First of all, I should have been walking instead of jumping.

After that, why did the yarn not hurt at all?

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