Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 691 Postscript 2

A very special and powerful person occupied a small territory that had no value in the eyes of others. As a result, the Kingdom of Whirlpool, which was lost in history, rose to phoenix nirvana in a special way.

The country of Whirlpool can be said to be very small, not far different from the country of Waves, which is famous for its poverty.

Since the Kingdom of Whirlpool was destroyed, no one has valued this land near the sea. If someone starts a country here, it may become the second Kingdom of Waves.

Nowadays, there is a person who not only occupies this remote corner of the country that no one wants, but also ignores the ominous omen and actually adopts the name of the country that was originally destroyed. What he did is really ridiculous, but no one dares to laugh.

Because this person’s name is Ye Zi.


A long queue of cargo carriages galloped on the driveway, slowly heading towards the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

Each carriage was bulging like a small car and covered with an oilcloth. It was hard to tell what was inside.

At the front of the motorcade, a charming woman holding a riding crop and wearing a smart outfit straddled the horse and walked slowly at the front of the motorcade, fearless and heroic.

The person at the head was actually the helmsman of the Yunhe clan, Yunhe Muzi.

If Ye Zi saw Muzi riding a horse instead of sitting in a carriage, he would definitely feel emotional.

This is a change that is full of contrast between before and after. This change is good and can make people feel good.

This convoy, which stretches for several kilometers, carries extremely rich materials, which is enough to make any bandit jealous and take risks. However, during the long journey from Kyoto to the Country of Whirlpool, no one dares to take action against this convoy.

Not because this was the Yunhe family's convoy, nor because of the four-member Konoha Village ninja team traveling with the convoy, but because the person in need of these supplies was a man named Ye Zi.

No one dared to rob the batches of supplies shipped to the Kingdom of Whirlpool, so it was calm all the way. Even Muzi could ride a horse and walk at the front of the convoy without worrying about the slightest danger. You know, if there is an ambush, the final She was the first to suffer.


Looking at the looming silhouette in the distance, Muzi smiled slightly, like a blooming rose.

Not far behind her, four men and women wearing Konoha uniforms were walking vigorously. These four people were Kushina, Mitarai Anko, Akai, and Kurenai. They took on this easy and simple task and became the protection of the convoy. People, but many trips back and forth, all were uneventful.

Soon, the convoy passed a majestic wooden bridge, leading directly into the Kingdom of Whirlpool, and a small town suddenly came into view.

This is a small town whose main material is wood. Every house is very tall, and the lowest one has three or four floors. The overall area is not large, but it is full of characteristics.

The convoy arrived at the wooden gate, where a man and a woman were waiting for their arrival.

The man is Uchiha Shin, and the woman is Kotonoha.

As soon as Muzi saw Jin and Yanye, she didn't say anything related to the handover of supplies, so she immediately asked, Where is that bastard Ye Zi?

Uchiha Shin was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

Yanye's eyebrows were raised, and there was a hint of hostility in the depths of his eyes. The displeasure on his face was clearly evident, but he didn't say anything. Muzi was a big customer who specially gave money.

At this time, I'm probably fishing in the sea. Uchiha Jin saw that Yanye had no intention of answering, so he looked up at the scorching sun and replied softly.

Which direction? Muzi curled her lips.

Uchiha Shin silently pointed to the right.

This is the last batch, let's take a look. Muzi nodded slightly, but irresponsibly dropped a sentence and rode towards the direction pointed by Uchiha Shin.

Uchiha Jin rubbed his forehead, looked at a middle-aged man in the convoy who was also smiling bitterly, and sighed softly, thinking that this powerful woman had several unreliable behaviors happening at this moment.

Shaking his head slightly, he walked towards the middle-aged man and started talking about the handover.

There is a lot of material in this batch, and it is quite troublesome to count and hand it over.

Kotonoye walked towards Kushina and others and said calmly: Come with me. Ye Zi kidnapped a well-known chef from the Land of Fire. He told me to take you to eat there.

Hurt? Kushina's mouth twitched slightly.

Hong and Anko had dark expressions on their faces when they heard this.

What store? Akai asked cutely without thinking too much.

Barbecue restaurant, come with me. Yan Ye turned around, walked a few steps and then stopped, saying calmly: In addition to this, I also kidnapped many people, such as three-color meatballs, ramen and other foods, which are now available here , and they are quite famous, I believe you will be very satisfied.


Kushina and others silently followed Kotonoha into the city. As soon as they stepped onto the street, they were greeted by an intuitive picture of prosperity.

The ground is covered with blue bricks, without a trace of dust, which is refreshing and pleasing to the eye. The shops on the left and right sides of the street are mainly made of wood. The main color is bright red. Various exquisite flowers, plants and birds, and wood carvings of strange animals and birds appear on every building. On top of appearance.

Looking at this cold-textured red building without bricks, tiles and cement, Kushina and others were stunned.

They had never seen a commercial street of this scale and style. The freshness of new things made them have the urge to find out as soon as possible. Instead, they ignored the crowds of people walking on the street. This scene was far away. It was the most prosperous moment of Konoha.

The Kingdom of Whirlpool... A complex look flashed in Kushina's eyes.

This was her former country, but it was annihilated in the war. Now it has reappeared in the world in such a prosperous and prosperous manner. Half a month ago, this place was just a rudimentary framework.

Suddenly, the image of Ye Zi flashed through her mind. That guy... actually built such a beautiful small town out of wood. If the First Hokage knew about it, he wouldn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Perhaps, this is the best use of Mudun. It is used to build shelters for people, and to give vitality to the wasteland and desert areas, such as the lush mountain forests not far outside the city. Most of them are also Created by Ye Zi using Wood Escape.

Although the area here is not large, it will definitely be more prosperous than Kyoto in time. Hong's eyes were attracted by each novel thing.

The group of people in Konoha Village followed Yanye in silence, but their hearts were already in ups and downs.

Half a month is really not long, but how could there be such a drastic change, and the number of people in the Kingdom of Whirlpool is a bit unscientific now.

There were only a few hundred people earlier, but now there are probably thousands. Are all the refugees gathered here?


There was a small, simple wooden boat floating on the rising waves of the sea, with a fishing rod on the bow. There was a young man lying on the boat, his hands folded behind his head, and an khaki straw hat covering the young man's whole body. On his face, there was only the sound of waves around him, as if he was sleeping quietly.

This small wooden boat should have rushed to the shore with the waves, but contrary to common sense, it was parked on the sea several hundred meters away from the beach. Even though the waves kept pushing the boat, it did not move during the ups and downs.

Ye Zi!

At this time, a female voice came from the beach.

The straw hat moved slightly, and it looked like a young man who was resting reached out and moved the straw hat slightly to reveal a handsome face, but at this time, there was a look of helplessness and distress on the face.

Get in that guy...

Ye Zi rubbed his eyes and pretended not to hear the sound.

Ye Zi!!!

Muzi's voice rose several levels.

Ye Zi still pretended to be dead.

Ye Zi, I know you must have heard it. Don't pretend to be dead for me. Believe it or not, I will swim over! Seeing that Ye Zi had no response, Mu Zi was furious.

Ye Zi had a slightly wry smile on his lips, thinking that if you could swim over, you would be good enough.

Muzi shouted several times, but Ye Zi's side seemed like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no reaction at all. But she looked at the distance between the boat and the shore, gritted her teeth, and thought to herself, she might as well just risk it, because I can't let my mother be drowned. Even if you die, you will refuse to save me, right?

As soon as I thought about it, I wanted to flow into the sea. At this time, a figure stood up in vain on the wooden boat.

Muzi looked at it and was stunned.

On the wooden boat, a figure quickly straightened up, stood on the boat, suddenly raised the fishing rod, and swung up a large fish that was one meter long.

You've been pretending for so long, just for a fish? Muzi murmured to himself, wanting to slap Ye Zi on the head.

Finally got the bait! After waiting for several hours, the fish finally got the bait. Ye Zi completely forgot about Muzi's existence.

This is not the solution. We have to arrange for a group of people to learn fishing skills from the veteran fishermen of the Country of Waves.

Ye Zi thought to himself, as if he had really forgotten Muzi.

Ye Zi!

A female voice full of resentment and anger came from far away from the shore!

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