Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 692 Postscript 3

PS: Hello everyone, I am the handsome purple pig.

Let’s talk a little bit about the sequel. What I continue to write now is actually everyone’s final belonging and independent development in the future. They are still people in Naruto, but it is a different story, as well as Ye Zi’s experience. So many changes came after that.

Maybe, I mean maybe, I'm not sure how long the sequel can be. The next sequel may involve the Twelve Little Strong, and then it may also include Kaguya's enemies, and the Otsutsuki clan on the moon. It is also possible that Ye Zi will have stronger eyes to deal with potential crises.

Although the original intention of writing this book was to write a different Naruto, I also hope that every character will have a good ending in the end. In fact, I wrote it for so long, I have always adhered to this idea, and I have achieved it, but I'm afraid no one noticed this, because after all, this book has a depressing and dark style.

Currently I am updating and saving manuscripts for new books. After all, I am not writing full-time.

The gossip is over, and I bow seriously at ninety degrees. It would be great if everyone could replenish their subscriptions!


The fish is hooked, but so is the trouble.

Ye Zi caught the fish and knocked it out with a tap of his finger. Then he looked towards the shore. With his excellent eyesight across hundreds of meters, he could clearly see the resentment and anger on Muzi's face.

With a faint sigh, Ye Zi carried the fish he had just caught, and in a flash, he counted lightly on the gentle waves, and within a moment, he came to Muzi's side.

Muzi was not a ninja after all. She opened her eyes slightly, and before she could react, Ye Zi had already appeared beside her.


Looking at Ye Zi, who was dressed in simple clothes and wearing a rustic straw hat, Muzi snorted in displeasure. Ye Zi's actions because of a fish hit her hard.

Let's go, I'll treat you to grilled fish.

Ye Zi staggered away from the needle-like gaze, walked past Muzi with an indifferent expression, and walked toward the woods.

Hearing Ye Zi's suggestion, Muzi was like a crying child who suddenly got a fun toy. The unhappiness in her heart disappeared instantly with Ye Zi's words. She followed quickly with a smile on her face, Walking next to Ye Zi.

The people from Konoha are here, aren't you going to meet them? Muzi glanced sideways at the distance Ye Zi covered in one step and the speed of his walking. The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, knowing that Ye Zi was cooperating with her. The pace would not make her uncomfortable.

When Ye Zi heard this, his expression was calm and calm, and he said calmly: Yan Ye will entertain them well.

He didn't know if the arrangement of the personnel responsible for this money delivery task was deliberate by Konoha. Even if the person coming was Kurenai, Akai, or even Kushina, he didn't really want to see them.

The current situation seems calm, but in fact there is a turbulent undercurrent. If his strength were not on the table, how could the major ninja villages be willing to swallow that bad breath.

Ye Zi suddenly raised his head and glanced at the eight huge stone balls suspended above the Kingdom of Whirlpool, with an indifferent expression on his face.

In the final analysis, he has indeed caused irreparable damage to the major ninja villages, and a mere reincarnation technique is not enough to resolve this extremely solid grudge.

However, these are not things worthy of his concern. He may be arrogant, but now, he really does not take the current Ninja Village seriously. Instead of caring about what evil actions the Ninja Village will do secretly, it is better to think about it. How to improve the fishery development in the Country of Whirlpool.

Did you bring chili powder? I want something spicier.

Listening to Ye Zi's indifferent and indifferent tone, Muzi immediately changed the topic. The reason why she mentioned Kushina and the others was just to confirm whether Ye Zi's invitation to her to eat fish was serious.

Just like Ye Zi doesn't care about the potential threats to the Ninja Village, but focuses on more ordinary things. Compared with the important things that should be taken seriously in the past, maybe they are really not as important as what Ye Zi is about to do. Treat her to grilled fish.

She had a smile on her face and stared at Ye Zi's side face seriously as she walked. That smile was not a fake smile for customers and partners, but a real smile from the bottom of her heart.

Chili powder...

Ye Zi turned his right hand, and a glass bottle filled with bright chili powder suddenly appeared in his hand.

Muzi's eyes lit up and she said seriously: It would be better if it is paired with a bottle of sake.

call out!

Ye Zi turned his hand again, and the glass bottle containing chili powder disappeared. It was like magic. Without any mechanism, it was instantly replaced by a snow-white porcelain bottle. Even if the bottle mouth was sealed, you could still smell it. There is a familiar smell of alcohol.

I don't want to use my hands.

Phew! A pair of delicate chopsticks appeared.

Have a clean table.

Phew! A red painted table appeared.

The chair shouldn't be hard. I can't get used to it. It should be softly padded.

Phew! A cushioned armchair appeared.

By the way, you can't just add chili powder, you have to add some sugar, it will taste better.

Phew! A glass bottle filled with white granulated sugar appeared.

Muzi clapped her hands with a smile, and was about to make another request when Ye Zi said lightly: Do you still want to eat?


Muzi stuck out her tongue and gave up, completely losing her strong-woman attitude.

The two walked together, crossed a small forest, brought out a pile of firewood, and came to a small hill.

Looking up from here, you can see the red-based buildings of Whirlpool City, and you can also see the long convoy outside of Whirlpool City.

Ye Zi didn't know how much the last batch of supplies Muzi sent would be. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he could roughly estimate the value of this batch of supplies.

You can easily build the framework of a village or city with the ability of Wood Release, but that is just a framework. If you want to enrich the inner part, it cannot be done without a large amount of funds.

Although many talents can be abducted from other places to create a basic living environment, if there are not enough conditions to attract people to stay, the status quo obtained through strong means cannot be retained, which is equivalent to a situation that will be destroyed at the first touch. of bubbles.

In such a short period of time, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Whirlpool City was able to achieve such a grand event all because of Muzi's funding.


Ye Zi looked at the long motorcade and thanked him sincerely.

What is the future that the members of Team Snake long for, what is the future that Nanako longs for, and what is the future that Orochimaru and Kotonoha long for?

Let a prosperous city become the prospect, let a stable life become the main theme, let what is available turn into what they need, so that they can satisfy all the wishes and expectations arising from the heart.

This is what Ye Zi wants to do now.

Maybe we can’t give up the thought of being in another distant world, but now we can no longer ignore all the people and things around us.

I have gained a lot and lost a lot.

Not everyone has a chance to start over, and when Ye Zi gets this opportunity, he can no longer treat it lightly.

Therefore, he wants to give the important people around him everything they want, and he will not let anyone destroy the current situation that can satisfy everyone.

Without Muzi, he might have had to put in a lot of effort to build this very meaningful city, so he thanked Muzi from the bottom of his heart.

I'm a businessman.

Facing Ye Zi's thanks, Muzi seemed to be reminding her that she was also looking at the city in the distance. This city was very small. Compared to Kyoto in the Land of Fire, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was pitifully small. However, she It is clear that this small city will, in time, become a holy place that people all over the world dream of and yearn for!

So, what should I give you? Ye Zi withdrew his gaze and looked at Muzi's beautiful and charming face.

Sensing Ye Zi's gaze, Muzi raised his head and faced him. His eyes were clear, and there was no interest relationship related to equivalent exchange involved.

Give me a seat, okay? She smiled like a flower.

The wind blows, and the grassland surges like green waves, as if it is gently brushed by a pair of big hands, like traces of the wind passing by, coming from afar.

The summer solstice has arrived, and the wind carries a hint of heat, but the smell of soil and grass is even stronger. It comes with the wind and feels shy when it hits your face.

The smile on that woman's face is like a shy rose in full bloom, so bright and charming. Who would have thought that this adult is still perfect now?

Listening to Muzi's request, Ye Zi thought about it seriously and then nodded in agreement.


The short answer made Muzi feel happy.

The city is not big, but there are enough houses, leaving you a place where you can see the sea.

The next sentence made Muzi extremely helpless.

She looked at Ye Zi and sighed, I'm hungry.

So, Ye Zi began to prepare the grilled fish.

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