Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 697 Postscript 8

In the last battle, Ye Zi asked Xie for help. The latter remembered the favor he owed before, so he readily agreed, and later died at the hands of Madara Uchiha.

Among the people resurrected by Ye Zi's reincarnation technique, Xie was naturally indispensable.

After the war, Xie left, wandering around without a fixed place. At this moment, he was in the country of waves, just passing by. Meeting Ye Zi was a coincidence among coincidences.

Ye Zi saw Xie, and Xie naturally saw Ye Zi.


Xie was wearing a hooded cloak. When he saw Ye Zi, a complicated look flashed in his eyes, full of a variety of emotions, but he calmed down in an instant.

In Xie's mind, Ye Zi was undoubtedly dead, but now that he appeared in front of him, it didn't shock him at all.

During this time of wandering around, I would receive some news, such as the news of Ye Zi's resurrection from the dead, but I couldn't confirm it.

Now that Xie had seen Ye Zi with his own eyes, he had naturally verified the accuracy of the news.

what are you doing here?

Xie used a teleportation technique to arrive in front of Ye Zi.

It's a bit complicated to explain, and it's not what you want to know. Ye Zi smiled faintly, then turned his head to look at the crowd of about a hundred people led by a short man wearing sunglasses.

Then there's no need to explain. Xie followed Ye Zi's gaze and looked at the crowd of people approaching here in an indifferent manner. He immediately said indifferently: It's one hundred and twenty meters away. With your style, they are two hundred meters away. There should be a pile of corpses just meters away.


Ye Zi looked at the group of men coldly and could clearly feel the solid hostility. As Xie said, if it were him before, no matter what the other person's motives and purposes were, the hostility alone would be enough to support a person. Reasons to kill them.

It's Kado. After seeing the person coming, the old man lowered his voice, but could not suppress the anger in his tone.

Ye Zi didn't know much about the Country of Waves. Although he could tell from the old man's tone that the man named Cardo had probably done some harm to the Country of Waves, he didn't ask further because he had no interest in Cardo.

If the other party is ignorant, Ye Zi doesn't mind letting blood stain his hands again.

Kimimaro suddenly took a step forward and saw Ye Zi reaching out to hold his shoulder.

Master Ye Zi? After being stopped by Ye Zi, Kimimaro looked confused. The opponent's menace was not enough for him to take action rashly, but as the distance between the opponent and the opponent became shorter and shorter, he could clearly feel the opponent's influence on Ye Zi. The killing intent.

It was impossible for him to sit idly by in this situation. If Ye Zi didn't take action, he would nip the potential danger in the cradle as soon as possible.

This thought had nothing to do with the strength of the enemy, it was just that he thought he should do it. At that moment, he had the murderous intention, and it was the murderous intention that Ye Zi exuded that made Ye Zi stop him.

Don't worry. Ye Zi said calmly.

Even if he had to take action, he would not let Kimimaro do such dirty work again. Those calloused little hands were to be used in the flower garden, not for killing.

Hearing Ye Zi's words, Kimimaro took a step back obediently even though he was confused. As long as Ye Zi gave an order, he would execute it without hesitation. Even if he let him die, he would not hesitate at all.


At this time, a burst of white smoke suddenly appeared and floated next to Scorpion.

Ye Zi quickly looked at Xie, a little surprised.

Ye Zi, you are a little... different.

Xie raised his right hand, and a human puppet from the Takeori clan floated in the air behind him.

Ye Zi looked at the human puppet summoned by Xie in silence. Since he summoned the human puppet, it showed what Xie wanted to do.

But no matter how much time passes, I will never be bound by 'lines'. I can do whatever I want. Xie said coldly, raising his fingers slightly, and the chakra threads that stuck to the joints were like a puppet. It flew towards Cardo and others like a whistling sound.

The distance between the two sides was one hundred meters. Perhaps Cardo thought that one hundred meters was not a distance enough for conversation, so they did not stop. When the human puppet controlled by Scorpion flew towards them, the conversation was still going on. The opportunity is gone.


Amidst the rising and falling screams, there were nearly a hundred corpses on the ground, and blood flowed all over the ground.

In less than thirty seconds, the aggressive Cardo and others were directly turned into corpses under Scorpion's offensive.

The surrounding islanders of the Land of Waves hated Cardo very much. Seeing the tragic death of Cardo and his minions, they did not show any joy at all. Instead, they looked at Scorpion with fear on their faces.

Xie calmly took back the human puppet, and then sealed the human puppet into the scroll. He turned his head to look at Ye Zi and said calmly: I'll help you solve it.

Thank you. Ye Zi nodded slightly and said, Go and sit at my place.

Okay. Scorpio said decisively.

Afterwards, the large ship made of Mudun slowly sailed away from the dock. The strong smell of blood floated on the shore. However, hundreds of islanders from the Land of Waves did not go to clean up the bodies of Cardo and others for the time being. They all had expressions on their faces. Looking forward to watching the big ship gradually going away.

Maybe they will receive the news in a week. As for whether it is good or bad, they will not know until then.

If the environment in the Country of Whirlpool was better, they would move without hesitation.


Three days later, the wooden boat arrived in the Country of Whirlpool.

Ye Zi handed over the islanders from the Land of Waves to Kotonoha and Susumu Uchiha, while Kimimaro rushed to the new flower garden immediately. As for the original flower garden, which had been turned into a vegetable garden, Bai Zetsu was responsible for it.

It always felt like there were still a lot of things to deal with, but Ye Zi felt that these things could be postponed a little, so he took Xie around the city of Whirlpool.

Ye Zi didn't introduce much, just took Xie for a walk. Xie was also taciturn, but after all, he was not a cold puppet. After walking around, he was still attracted by this unique city.

How about leaving me a place to stay? Xie stopped in the central square of the city and looked up at the towering clock tower standing in the center of the square.

Okay. Ye Zi agreed.

I will come again. Xia turned and left.

Wait a minute. Ye Zi called to Xie Xie, who stopped.

Ye Zi called Xie to stop, not to treat him to a meal or anything, because Xie didn't need to eat at all.

Xie didn't turn around, just looked back at Ye Zi.

Have you ever thought about recruiting a few disciples? Ye Zi asked calmly as Xie looked over.

Xie was silent for a moment, and after a moment he said calmly: I never thought about it.

Think about it? Ye Zi said.


Xie waved his hand, turned and left.

He knew that Ye Zi wanted him to select a few people from the Snake Team to teach him the puppetry technique, but he did not refuse immediately.

After Ye Zi watched Xie leave, he went directly to the bottom of the bell tower.

Most of the buildings in the Kingdom of Whirlpool are made of wood, but not all of them are. For example, the clock tower in front of Ye Zi is made of red bricks. It has no distinctive appearance, that is, it does not have any entrances or windows. It is a completely closed clock. tower.

Ye Zi closed his eyes and opened them again. They had turned into snake eyes, but he had turned on the immortal mode.

He walked straight towards the red brick wall. Without damaging the red brick wall, he passed through the red brick and directly entered the interior of the bell tower. Since there was no entrance or windows, the interior of the bell tower was pitch black. However, Ye Zi could see in the dark.

He looked around and found a red button. He stretched out his hand and pressed it. The ground suddenly shook, and the place beneath his feet suddenly fell downwards.

The area of ​​Whirlpool City is divided into two parts, one is above ground and the other is underground.

The clock tower in the central square is one of the entrances and exits. In addition to this, there are twenty-six entrances and exits distributed in multiple areas. It can be seen that the underground area is not small.

After Ye Zi sent Xie away, he wanted to find Orochimaru, tell him about the upcoming wedding in Konoha Village, and ask him if he wanted to go. After all... the bride was an acquaintance of his.

Having mastered 'eternal life', you won't be willing to take some time out, right? Ye Zi thought silently while walking in the brightly lit corridor.

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