Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 698 Post-Jiu Wedding

The area of ​​Whirlpool City is not large, but future plans have been made in advance. It will expand to an area about the same size as Konoha Village in the future. Since the land area of ​​Whirlpool Country is not large, this is the limit.

The above-ground Whirlpool City has not yet fully reached the planned area, while the underground space area has slightly exceeded that of Konoha Village.

In such a large underground space, there are not many people. About thirty people are permanently stationed underground, and most of them are responsible for guarding the entrances and exits.

Ye Zi had previously planned to open a ninja school, but this plan had a relatively low priority. It would probably be his turn to implement this plan after many things had been implemented in advance.

Although the space area of ​​the underground stronghold is larger than that of the city on the ground, the passages are wide, straight and not complicated.

The room where Orochimaru was located was near the center of Whirlpool City. Ye Zi came down from the clock tower in the central square and walked for about five minutes before arriving at Orochimaru's exclusive laboratory.

There is nothing special to research and develop now, so Orochimaru and Nanako have no reason to join forces. They both occupy a laboratory of their own for their own interests.

Ye Zi entered the laboratory without knocking.

Orochimaru had his back to the door, standing in front of the workbench, holding tweezers, and was tinkering with a snake on the workbench. Suddenly he heard the sound of the door opening, and he did not stop what he was doing.

Even without using chakra fluctuations to find out who the visitor was, he knew that the only person who entered without knocking was Ye Zi.

Is it important? Ye Zi dodged, came to the desk, and sat down on the chair.

It's not important. Orochimaru turned his back to Ye Zi.

Ye Zi looked at Orochimaru's back and said calmly: If it's not important, just stop for now. I have something to tell you.

Orochimaru paused, then put down the tweezers, turned around and leaned on the workbench, folded his arms and looked at Ye Zi quietly, and asked: What's the matter?

Tsunade's wedding is on the 15th next month. I've sent an invitation. Are you going? Ye Zi got straight to the point.

Orochimaru lowered his head slightly when he heard this, and seemed to be thinking about it in silence.

Ye Zi was not in a hurry, picked up a pen on the table and started spinning it quickly.

After a moment, Orochimaru raised his eyes slightly and said calmly: Even if you don't want to go, you still have to go, right?

Ye Zi moved his fingers slightly, held the pen between his index and middle fingers, and said, If you go there, it will be beneficial to the future development of the Kingdom of Whirlpool, but whether you go or not depends on you.

Then you must go on this trip? Orochimaru asked instead.

Ye Zi slowly put down his pen, put his right elbow on the table, and put the back of his palm against his cheek, and said: I will go, because there are a few people who I would like to meet, and there are a few places that I also want to visit.

Orochimaru nodded slightly and said: Then go. At this point, he paused and asked: Is it Kato Dan?


Seeing Orochimaru agreed, Ye Zi stood up and walked towards the door.

Orochimaru's eyes followed Ye Zi's movements. The expression on his face was calm, but he suddenly thought of Jiraiya.

Ye Zi walked to the door and suddenly stopped, turned his back to Orochimaru and said, Prepare a pair of Sharingan for me.

Okay. Orochimaru agreed without asking why.

Having said all that needed to be said, Ye Zi left Orochimaru's laboratory and headed towards Nanako's laboratory.

Some people enter a certain field for some reasons. Even if there is no reason to support them, they can no longer get out of the field.

This is the case with Nanako. When a habit is deeply ingrained, it is difficult to change.

She was used to living underground, she was used to getting along with anything related to the 'laboratory', she was used to spending most of her time in it, and she was used to paying attention to the maintenance of her long hair in such a living environment.

Because Ye Zi said her hair was beautiful and easy to touch, she paid special attention to it.

At this time, she was immersed in a large amount of data. She wanted to classify and plan the data and put them in important archives so that they could be retrieved immediately when needed in the future.

Unlike the 'hands-on' Orochimaru's style, Nanako prefers copywriting. Their styles are different, but the value they can unleash is not far apart.

When Ye Zi came to the room, Nanako didn't notice it. Yu, who was standing by to take care of Nanako, saw Ye Zi immediately, but she didn't remind Nanako.

Ye Zi walked to the desk, stretched out his hand and knocked a few times, using the sound to pull Nanako out of the working state. In the past, Ye Zi would have waited for Nanako to come out of the working state on her own, but not now.

Some people never change, and some people change because of changes in things.

For example, Nanako still thinks that the things at hand are important, just like a work demon, but Ye Zi thinks that these things are no longer important, so he can easily pull Nanako out of the work state.

Ye Zi.

Nanako looked up and saw a look of joy on her face when she saw Ye Zi.

I'm going to Konoha on the 15th next month. Do you want to go? Ye Zi smiled.

Nanako was surprised and asked, Why do you want to go to Konoha all of a sudden?

I was invited. Ye Zi replied casually, and then continued to ask: Do you want to go?

Yes. Nanako agreed without hesitating for too long. She looked at Ye Zi and said seriously: When I get to Konoha, I want you to go somewhere with me.

Okay. Ye Zi agreed directly, although he didn't know where Nanako wanted him to accompany her.

Nanako smiled, this moment was beautiful.

After all, she was from Konoha, so it was normal to have somewhere she wanted to go, and of course there was only one place.

The fish standing aside looked at Nanako silently. Although there was no expression on his face, he was very happy in his heart. Because Nanako was happy, she would be happy too.


There are only seventeen days until the fifteenth of next month.

Half a month passed quickly, and Ye Zi and his party set out from the Country of Whirlpool to Konoha Village with simple luggage.

The people accompanying him were Kotonoha, Nanako, Orochimaru, Kimimaro, including Ye Zi, a total of five people.

Because Yan Ye insisted on following, Ye Zi agreed, but he asked Uchiha Shin for his opinion before agreeing. The latter almost vomited blood, but under Yan Ye's threatening eyes, he accepted the reality and took responsibility alone. Start the operation of the entire Whirlpool Kingdom.

In this way, Ye Zi and a group of five people set out on the road to Konoha Village. Among the five, only Nanako was not suitable for high-intensity travel, so in order to cooperate with Nanako, they set off one day early.

After traveling all the way, on the morning of the 15th, the five of them arrived at Konoha Village.

The ninja guarding the gate had been notified in advance, so he did not stop Ye Zi and others to ask some questions.

Ye Zi and others entered Konoha Village smoothly, and their arrival was quickly known to many Konoha ninjas. Even Sarutobi used a crystal ball to watch Ye Zi and others.

Inviting Ye Zi to attend the upcoming wedding of several couples today is a very bold decision.

When Ye Zi reappeared, he spared the elites of the four major ninja villages. In addition, Muzi issued a generous mission to Konoha, which made Konoha Village aware of some changes in Ye Zi, so Kushina was The team sends invitations to Ye Zi and Orochimaru.

Returning to Konoha again as a guest, I felt some inexplicable feelings floating in my heart.

Konoha seems to be very concerned about this wedding. As soon as you enter Konoha, you can see some red ribbons and lanterns hung on the buildings on the left and right sides of the street, giving a festive look.

After walking a few hundred meters, at the front of the street, a white-haired man seemed to be waiting for their arrival. This man was Jiraiya. After hearing the news, he rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

Hey. When Jiraiya saw Orochimaru and others, there was a hint of emotion in his eyes, and he waved his hand and said hello to everyone.

Orochimaru was slightly surprised. He, Ye Zi and others walked up to Jiraiya and said calmly: I thought you wouldn't stay in the village at this time.

The implication is that Tsunade is getting married, and with your style, you should have run away early.

Jiraiya was stupid, he heard the sword hidden in Orochimaru's words, so his whole body was like an eggplant beaten by frost, half of the cheerful smile he had maintained immediately collapsed. He smiled bitterly, rubbed his head hard, and said helplessly: How about, come and have a drink with me. As for Ye Zi and the others, someone else will be in charge of entertaining them.

Orochimaru looked at Ye Zi and the others and nodded.

Jiraiya didn't say who was responsible for entertaining them, but Ye Zi could almost guess it.


Yesterday, I read Hunter comics at six in the morning. Then, in a bad sleep state, I dreamed about a lot of things about telekinesis, and I felt like I was obsessed.

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