Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 699 Postscript Part 1: Their respective changes

A new book will be released next week. The world view of Hunter is several times crueler than that of Naruto, but the new book will not follow the dark trend.


Orochimaru left first with Jiraiya.

People can never imagine what will happen in the future. At this time, we drink together as old friends, one can complain about the bitter consequences, and the other can listen quietly without comfort.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya walked side by side on the street. This was a walk without any hostility, and it was also a moment of getting along after many years of separation.

Both of them were silent, but there were unspeakable emotions in their hearts.

This is a very special day, isn't it?

They no longer have to fight each other with swords, but they can also hold a small glass of wine, toast together, and attend Tsunade's wedding together.

Orochimaru, is this the right ending? Jiraiya suddenly asked.

Orochimaru didn't answer the question and said: Peace is just a temporary illusion, as long as people's selfishness remains unchanged...

Jiraiya sighed softly, gave up the idea of ​​testing, and said with a smile, How about your treat this time?

Okay. Orochimaru responded calmly.


After Jiraiya and Orochimaru left, several people came to receive Ye Zi.

Teacher Ye Zi! Akai waved at the far end of the street.

The loud voice attracted the attention of Ye Zi and others. They all looked over there, but it was Kushina, Akai, Kakashi, and Kurenai. Except for Kakashi, the other three were in Konoha. During this period, he had a deep friendship with Ye Zi.

They were the ones responsible for receiving Ye Zi. Ye Zi expected this.

Akai was like a wild horse running wild. With a chirp, he crossed a distance of several hundred meters and rushed to Ye Zi. His enthusiastic look made Ye Zi feel uncomfortable.

That guy Akai... Kakashi sighed, most of his face was covered by the mask, and his expression couldn't be seen, but his eyes were more on Ye Zi.

This dangerous man... coming to the village in this capacity now is really hard to get used to. You must know that not long ago, Ye Zi and the Ninja Alliance were fighting and killing, and many people died in Ye Zi's hands. , especially Akai, who turned into ashes after seriously injuring Ye Zi.

Having had such a fighting experience, and now being able to face Ye Zi so naturally, is this the benefit of having strong nerves? Probably only Akai can do this.

Kakashi rubbed his forehead. To be honest, when he faced Ye Zi now, he had no hatred and no intention to challenge. The former was because Ye Zi resurrected his father, and the latter was because he felt that he No matter how hard he tried, he could never defeat Ye Zi.

Compared to Kakashi's complicated thoughts, Kushina and Kurenai didn't think much, and both looked at Ye Zi quietly.

Teacher Ye Zi, are you hungry? Akai's eyes sparkled.

It's okay. Ye Zi couldn't bear Akai's enthusiasm.

Hmph. Kimimaro stared at Akai and snorted in displeasure. If he didn't have no reason to fight anymore, he would really want to fight Akai again.

Akai noticed Kimimaro's gaze and looked towards him, tilting his head slightly with a thoughtful look on his face.

Seeing Akai's expression, Kimimaro opened his eyes wide with disbelief on his face. If the guess was true, he would hit him with a stick.

It's you. Fortunately, Akai quickly remembered.

Hmph. Kimimaro snorted again and looked away from Akai.

Akai looked confused and didn't think much about it. Instead, he looked at Ye Zi with expectant eyes and said, Teacher Ye Zi, let me treat you to dinner.

I'm afraid not. The wedding will be held at noon, right? Ye Zi said.

Ah? Akai was immediately disappointed.

Ye Zi sighed slightly in his heart, the expression on his face remained unchanged, and said: Let's go tonight.

Hearing Ye Zi's words, Akai's mood changed. He nodded sharply and said with a smile: Okay.

At this time, Kushina and Kurenai came over and looked at Ye Zi quietly without saying a word. Kakashi stood farthest away, looking like a soy saucer, seeming to be trying to eliminate his own presence.

Nanako and Kotonoha looked at Kushina, with some hostility between women hidden deep in their eyes.

Ye Zi first looked at Kushina, and the slight change in her eyes could not escape Kushina's eyes.

The two of them looked at each other in silence, and there was a feeling as light as water, but very special, as if there was a transparent thin line connecting the two of them. This may be the sequelae of experiencing that colorful space.

If there is a person who understands Ye Zi best in the world, it is Kushina. On the contrary, if there is a person who understands Kushina best in the world, it is Ye Zi.

Being forced to bear the other person's growth experience and memories resulted in this result.

Welcome, Kushina said softly.

Ye Zi nodded slightly, then looked at Hong, handed over the palm-sized pink gift box in his hand, and congratulated: Congratulations.

A happy smile slowly appeared on Hong's calm face, she took the pink gift box and said sincerely: Thank you.

The wedding is only a few hours away. Don't you have to prepare? A smile appeared on Ye Zi's lips.

Of course, it's just...if I saw you at the wedding, I definitely wouldn't have the opportunity to talk like this. Hong said.

Ye Zi pursed his lips and smiled, his mood was quite complicated and he didn't know how to respond.

Red, go quickly. Kushina reminded.

Well, Teacher Ye Zi, Sister Yan Ye, I'll go get ready first. Hong nodded to Ye Zi and Yan Ye, then turned around and trotted away.

Yan Ye looked at Hong's retreating figure with envy. Marriage is a lifelong event for every woman. When many pictures appeared in her mind, she quietly looked at Ye Zi's profile. On the other hand, the same was true for Nanako.

Before attending the wedding, can you accompany me for a walk? Kushina said seriously.

Ye Zi did not answer immediately, but looked at Yan Ye and the others. The latter did not show any intention to stay. Maybe Yan Ye and Nanako would be jealous, and they did not want Ye Zi to accompany Kushina alone to them. Unknown place.

However, when Ye Zi looked at them for advice for the first time, they were all secretly happy.

Yanye and Nanako nodded slightly, but Kimimaro would not interfere with any of Ye Zi's independent decisions.


Ye Zi withdrew his gaze and looked at Kushina.

Akai, Kakashi, you take them for a walk. Kushina said to Akai and the other two. When the latter nodded in agreement, she then looked at Ye Zi and whispered: Follow me Come.

Ye Zi silently followed Kushina, and the two walked side by side in the other direction.

Several people present looked at the retreating figures of Ye Zi and Kushina, but they all said nothing.

Nanako-sister, Kotono-sister, can I go shopping by myself? Kimimaro said.

Yan Ye stared at Kimima Lu with suspicious eyes and asked, Aren't you going to follow Ye Zi?

Kimimaro rolled his eyes and said angrily: That must be Sister Yanye's own idea.

Yan Ye's face suddenly turned red when he heard this, and he said angrily: My skin is itchy, right?

Kimimaro rolled his eyes again, curled his lips and said, Sister Yanye, have you forgotten the limits of my blood inheritance?

... Yan Ye silently took out a thousand green books.

Kimimaro stuck out his tongue, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

This kid... Looking at Kimimaro running away, Yanye gave a bitter smile, put away Qianben, then looked at the direction where Ye Zi and Kushina were leaving, and lamented in his heart: Ah, I really want to follow him. have a look!

Let's go, I'll take you to visit. Kakashi appeared at the right time.

Okay. Kotonoye and Nanako nodded slightly, and then Konoye glanced at Kimimaro's back and asked, Isn't it inappropriate to let outsiders wander around Konoha Village?

Kakashi put his hands in his pockets and said calmly: If you have any concerns, Ye Zi is the one who should pay attention most.

The implication is that Ye Zi was not even prepared to let Ye Zi enter the village, let alone Kimimaro.


After the reconstruction of Konoha Village, it still continued the style before it was destroyed. In fact, many places have not changed much. It is just that everything is new, but many familiar traces can still be seen.

Ye Zi has been in Konoha for a long time. He came here once before to read the scrolls of forbidden arts. He has not paid attention to the current situation of Konoha Village. Now he can take a look while walking slowly.

Ye Zi didn't ask Kushina where she wanted to take him, and stayed silent all the way. Kushina didn't seem to have any intention of saying anything. The two of them just walked through the streets and finally stopped in front of a shop.

Ye Zi looked up at the shop sign, his eyes changed slightly, and he sighed in his heart.


In the woods near the training ground, a watermelon-headed boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes was punching and kicking a wooden stake. His bandaged fist hit the wooden stake and made a muffled sound. Judging from the sound, the strength of the fist did not count. powerful.

The boy looked to be about seven or eight years old. His punching movements were a bit weird, his power skills were average, and his speed was not commendable, but his expression when punching was very good.

The boy seemed to have assumed that the wooden stake was an enemy, rather than simply practicing boxing, so it looked a little weird.

What are you doing? Youdao's voice suddenly sounded, startling the boy. He looked toward the voice, but he saw a white-haired boy looking at him with curiosity.

This white-haired boy is Kimimaro. He was wandering around and somehow ended up here.

Practice! The watermelon-headed boy didn't know Kimimaro, but he still replied seriously.

Kimimaro thought for a while and said seriously: Your strength is very weak, you have no power-generating skills at all, and your boxing style has no characteristics.


The watermelon-headed boy looked confused.

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