Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 86 Popularity

Meeting an inexplicable child was just an inconsequential episode.

Soon after returning to the residence, Ye Zi was summoned to Genzhi.

Nanako took another tube of Ye Zi's blood and a small piece of raw flesh tissue.

Regarding the research on strengthening Ye Zi's physical characteristics, there has not been much progress in the past five years. Not to mention there is no progress, and even a method to suppress it has not been found. Seeing that Ye Zi's hair started to appear white, Nanako became more and more nervous. However, there hasn't been much progress yet. She even tried to fuse the cells of the first Hokage and Ye Zi's cells. However, the result of the fusion of the two was accelerated death.

On the other hand, the research topic studied by the research team led by Orochimaru has been perfected and applied.

Yes, the technology of transplanting the Sharingan has already taken its initial form and has been successful. All that needs to be done is to continue to improve it.

Regarding this technology, Ye Zi has always been very concerned about it because he wants a pair of very powerful eyes, which are the reincarnation eyes he once saw in the Kingdom of Rain.

Unfortunately, the transplanted eyes required the cells of the First Hokage, and the cells of the First Hokage were like poison to him. Once integrated into the body, they would cause rapid necrosis of body tissues.

This problem has never been solved, but Ye Zi doesn't want to give up so easily, so he never refuses Nanako's request.

After giving Nanako blood, Ye Zi left Gen and returned to the residence.

In the past five years, he has rarely appeared in the village. It has always been between two o'clock and one line. Today, he took a special day off before appearing on the street.

Not long after returning home, guests came, Kushina and Minato whom they hadn't seen for a long time.

After hearing the news about Ye Zi, Kushina and Minato, who had just returned to the village, came directly to the house.

Ye Zi was not surprised by the arrival of Kushina and Minato. The same scene had been staged many times in the past few years.

When Kushina and Minato were invited in, Ye Zi didn't even offer basic tea, and her hospitality was extremely indifferent.

There was no tea and the attitude was very cold, but Kushina and Minato were used to it.

After entering the door, Kushina's eyes kept wandering on Ye Zi's face and the growing white hair. As Tsunade's personal disciple, she also had a lot of information about Ye Zi's physical condition that outsiders did not know.

She knew very well that Ye Zi was wearing out his lifespan, but she could do nothing, not even help Ye Zi.

A long time ago, she knew that she had been driven to the world outside the door by Ye Zi, not just her, but maybe everyone.

The atmosphere in the living room was very silent. Kushina looked at Ye Zi, while Ye Zi looked at the withered flowers and plants in the courtyard. As for Minato, he looked at the two of them silently.

Minato knows a very simple fact, that is, Kushina likes Ye Zi, and he likes Kushina. This is a very unwilling fact. He will not choose to intervene to change it, but he will let himself slow down. Slowly entered Kushina's eyes.

Hello! Is anyone there? I'm coming in!

Suddenly, a sweet and clear female voice came from the entrance.

The first sentence is a greeting, the second sentence is a question, and the third sentence is a subjective action. From saying hello to asking, to opening the door and walking in, it only takes two seconds.

excuse me.

Following the female voice was the sound of opening the door and a steady male voice, but the footsteps belonged to three people.

Listening to the voice coming from the entrance, Ye Zi sat steadily, his expression unchanged at all. When the first female voice appeared, he raised his eyebrows without a trace.

excuse me!

The girl, who was dressed in green, poked her head out from the corridor. When she saw the three people in the hall, she smiled and raised the three-layer lunch box in her hand. She smiled at Ye Zi who was sitting on the main seat and said, Captain , for the sake of the lunch I brought, don’t blame me for opening the door without permission.”

excuse me.

A pair of brothers and sisters with similar looks followed closely behind the girl in green clothes and came to the entrance of the hall. Both of them had black hair and black eyes.

These three people are members of Ye Zi's team, Yan Ye and the Uchiha brothers and sisters. However, after a while, this team that shocked Konoha Village for a long time will fall apart, because Yan Ye and the Uchiha brothers and sisters are all going well. After passing the Jonin examination, he is considered an official Jonin. He will lead a new team as the captain in the future.

By the way, Kushina and Minato will also be arranged to lead the team in the near future, so the team composed of Kushina and Minato will be disbanded.

Ye Zi just looked at the three people entering the living room without saying anything. As for the tea, it was impossible for him to provide it.

Yanye put the lunch box on the table, glanced at Kushina, and then sat directly next to Ye Zi.

When Kushina saw this scene, her beautiful eyebrows twitched.

Uchiha Bing had a cold expression. After sitting down, he asked Ye Zi directly: Where's the tea?

Ye Zi glanced at her: If you want to drink, just pour it yourself.

Uchiha Bing said seriously: You are a blessing and we are guests.

Oh. Ye Zi responded and said nothing further.

When Uchiha Bing saw this, several crossroads suddenly appeared on his white forehead.

I'll pour it.

Uchiha couldn't help but laugh bitterly, and got up obediently to prepare tea. Li Ye opened the three-tiered lunch box, took out the food inside, and said with a smile: It's rare that our team can get together.

Yan Ye looked at Kushina indifferently, and emphasized the word team in her words.

Minato, who was sitting next to Kushina, smiled bitterly and looked at Kushina. It was obvious that they were driving people away, and it was really not easy for them to stay here.

However, Kushina seemed not to hear the meaning, and her sitting posture did not change at all.

Seeing that Kushina had no intention of leaving, Minato remained motionless.

Having already made his intention to chase people away so clear, he didn't want Kushina but had no intention of leaving. Yanye snorted lightly and said nothing more.

After a while, Uchiha Renzu came in with tea and two pairs of bowls and chopsticks, and now he had some intention of entertaining guests.

After the tea was put on the table, Yan Ye clasped his hands together and said in a presumptuous voice: It's started!

There were only four pairs of bowls and chopsticks in the lunch box. Fortunately, Uchiha patiently went to the kitchen to get two pairs of bowls and chopsticks. Otherwise, even after the four pairs of bowls and chopsticks were placed, Yanye would not have made any subsequent moves.

Looking at the people in the hall and the fragrant food on the table, Ye Zi sighed silently.

Every time I take a rare break, my family will always end up like this. It’s not that I hate it, but it’s not that I just like it.

However, he really wouldn't dislike this kind of atmosphere.

Let's go after eating. I want to rest. Ye Zi picked up the bowls and chopsticks and said calmly.

His response was a pop.

Yan Ye held the wine bottle and placed it on the table with a smile.

Ye Zi looked at the wine and twitched the corners of his mouth slightly.

Uchiha Hing's eyes lit up, he took the wine in one hand and poured himself a glass.

Uchiha held his hands and covered his forehead with a look of helplessness. Following his thoughts, Yanye took out several bottles of wine one after another.

Kushina unceremoniously grabbed a bottle of wine, used her rice bowl as a cup, and filled it with wine. When Yanye saw this, he did the same thing, and then did it all, and then looked at Kushina demonstratively, who also did it to the end.

Minato sighed softly, raised his chopsticks and calmly picked up the vegetables and started eating.

This scene is not the first time.

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