Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 87 Waiting

As night fell, the noise dispersed, and Ye Zi finally sent them all away, leaving an empty plate of leftovers on the table. The bright moonlight fell into the hall from the open door, like a layer of white frost covering it.

Ye Zi looked through the door and looked at the withered flowers and plants in the courtyard, as if thinking about something, silent.

As long as I swallow her, you will become stronger and get closer to your goal. In the quiet hall, a voice full of greed suddenly sounded, but it was the voice of Ghoul.

If you want to die, you can try. Ye Zi said indifferently, and the person he was referring to was the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Kushina.

A palm-sized figure slowly walked out of the darkness in the corner of the hall, and it turned out to be a shrunken figure. He slightly raised his head and looked at Ye Zi, with a look of disdain on his face, and coldly snorted: A woman's kindness can be obtained by killing someone. If you want strength, then kill. If you gain strength by eating it, then swallow it. If you don’t even understand such a simple truth, do you still want to return to your original world?

Ye Zi glanced at him coldly and said in a cold voice: If swallowing you can open the space barrier, then I will swallow you without hesitation, even if my soul is shattered due to backlash, I will not hesitate.

That tone was like the cold wind on a cold night, biting the bones. It was also very serious, leaving no doubt that it was a tone that meant what he said.

Nao shrank his neck habitually. Five years of getting along with him has made him understand Ye Zi well enough. Just like this sentence, he would not doubt it at all. Moreover, the strength of Ye Zi's soul is too condensed and powerful, even if it is counterattacked by the contract. He won't be stunned immediately, so at this point, he is at a disadvantage, which is also the fundamental reason why he always retreats.

Don't deny it, that woman's body contains enough powerful energy, and swallowing it will only benefit you. You know this very well. He curled his lips, tore open the cross light, and got in. The light dissipated and Ye Zi was the only one left in the living room.

Ye Zi looked at the place where he disappeared, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

As long as that problem is solved, there is no need to stay here any longer. By then...

Several people who left Orochimaru's residence went in different directions, and each person's path would eventually be different.

Once light is blocked by something, darkness will occur, dazzling on one side and fading on the other.

As the sun rises, Ye Zi plunges into endless tasks again.

This year, after recuperating and recuperating, the major ninja villages began to move forward again.

Looting and war have always been the main theme of the ninja world. In order to become stronger, small countries can only fight constantly, and in order to become stronger, big countries can only continue to plunder.

In this battle and plunder, human life is worthless, just a number.

Ye Zi, who traveled among many countries while performing his mission, claimed the lives of countless people. In order to strengthen himself, he even invaded the ninja villages of small countries many times. There were also some ninja villages that were developing and were not familiar with him. Destroyed by one person.

It has nothing to do with the mission, just to become stronger.

Many people thought that Ye Zi's indifference was the same as it was a few years ago, and there was no change.

However, none of them knew that people would never remain static. Unbeknownst to them, Ye Zi had become even more cold-blooded and ruthless.

It was like an ordinary dinner party between friends, it was just an appearance created by Ye Zi.

He couldn't let Konoha know that some things had changed, and he couldn't let Konoha know that some things were no longer within their control.

Ever since he signed a soul contract with Nao and discovered Nao's role, he no longer needs to stay in Konoha.

The reason he is still staying now is because he wants to master the transplantation technology, but before that, he needs Nanako to find a way for him to fuse with the cells of the first Hokage.

Until then, he will honestly act as a talent who can complete tasks efficiently, and when the time is right, he will no longer be restrained.


The mission I took on this time was to assassinate a minister of the Kingdom of Thunder.

For this kind of task, Ye Zi had already mastered it, completed it with extremely terrifying efficiency, and then returned to the roots of Konoha.

After completing the mission, he took over another S-level mission from Danzo.

Seeing Ye Zi's robot-like behavior, Danzo's smile, which had just been transplanted with his Sharingan eye, became even more unpredictable.

Watching Ye Zi leave, Danzo slightly restrained his smile, gently touched his right eye through the gauze, sneered silently, and said as if talking to himself: Once Nanako's research is successful, seal the results immediately, and then …Kill! Leave no one behind.”


In the darkness, a cold voice of answer came.

How can you give up such a useful tool so easily? You think so too, Orochimaru. Danzo smiled faintly, retracted his gaze, and looked in a certain direction. That was Orochimaru's laboratory for studying the human body.

If you want to support a large-scale experiment secretly, funding is indispensable, and Ye Zi played a huge role in it.

Danzo only regarded Ye Zi as a very useful tool, and in his opinion, the reason why the extremely ambitious Orochimaru adopted Ye Zi in the first place was probably for this purpose.

Right or wrong, it no longer matters.

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