What he wanted was very simple, that is, to be taken seriously.

He wanted others to know what he did.

Next to the time train, Pete and Li Si looked at the screen next to them.

SCP-1504 Passerby A was walking towards 096 on the battlefield.

"This is the person you said, he looks like an ordinary person!"

Li Si said puzzledly.

He felt that this Passerby A was really ordinary, and even did not attract anyone's attention.

"He is SCP-1504 Passerby A, do you know his information?"

Pete said with a smile.

"It turned out to be him!"

Li Si was suddenly shocked.

He naturally knew about Passerby A's terrible ability.

At this time, he was so far away from Passerby A that he ignored his existence.

"His ability with no sense of existence is simply too deadly!"

Li Si said in a low voice.

The Foundation took in Passerby A many times, but every time Passerby A left on his own.

However, the people in the Foundation did not think that Passerby A left on his own.

Instead, they thought that the containment failed, other anomalies opened the exit channel, and Passerby A took the opportunity to slip away.

Just like one time, Passerby A took the guns off the agents in front of them.

Shot others in front of them.

Until he left, these people did not react.

Passerby A had no sense of existence.

Everything he did was real.

However, it was not known by the people around him.

Just like now.

Passerby A walked towards 096 calmly, and he had seen 096.

However, 096 seemed to be unaware of his existence.

Passerby A even picked up a rifle on the ground, aimed it at 096, and fired a burst of shots.

However, 096 did not react at all.

The Chaos Insurgency and the Sarkic Cult who were being slaughtered by 096 in the 4th week saw Passerby A.

However, there was no reaction, as if they had not seen this person at all.

This feeling was very strange.

It made Passerby A feel like he had returned to the moment when he had no sense of existence.

"Why don't you care about me!"

Passerby A was very sad.

Obviously, the room was full of people, but no one noticed him.

Even if he stood in the most conspicuous position, everyone's eyes were only on other people.

At this moment, he returned to this state again.

No one around him and 096 cared about him.

"You monster, you are so ugly, why don't you care about me?"

Passerby A still remembered his mission, the Chaos Insurgency asked him to kill 096.

Now, seeing that 096 was so ugly, he didn't care about him.

He even felt very unhappy without even looking at him.

Although he looked very ordinary, he was still more normal than 096.

Why didn't everyone pay attention to him?

"Da da da!"

Passerby A carried a machine gun and fired at 096 frantically.

However, 096 did not react.

096 was only concerned with killing those who saw him.

This scene in the field was very strange.

Passerby A has been attracting 096's attention.

He even picked up various weapons on the ground and fired at 096.

However, 096 ignored him.

"Are you blind? Can't you see everything I do!"

"What should I do to make you care about me..."

Passerby A broke down and cried, and he attacked 096 frantically.

However, 096 did not react.

Passerby A stood in front of 096 and stared at 096.

096 looked at him, but there was no emotion, as if he was air.

"Why, why don't you care about me..."

Passerby A felt like a knife was cutting his heart, being ignored again, this kind of pain...

"Woo woo..."

096 finally killed the last person who saw him.

He stood there, with a look of annoyance on his face.

As if he regretted everything he had just done.

"You monster, why did you ignore me?"

Passerby A stood in front of 096 and asked loudly.

"Woo woo..."

096 made an unclear sound to Passerby A.

He seemed to be expressing that he didn't kill those people intentionally just now, but he couldn't control it all.

"I'm going to kill you, you monster!"

Passerby A shot at 096 frantically.

However, 096 took out the bullet stuck in his body in confusion.

Looking at it in his eyes, he seemed confused as to why there was a bullet in his body?

He even looked at the four surroundings.

The people in the four surroundings were already dead, and no one shot him!

But why were there so many bullets shot at him?

"You stupid monster, I'm shooting at you, what are you doing looking at other places?"

Passerby A yelled at 096 frantically.

He wanted to remind 096 that he was attacking 096.

However, 096 looked at him with a puzzled look.

"Woo, why are you ignoring me..."

Passerby A broke down and cried.

He carried a rocket launcher and hit 096 hard.

096 was blasted back several meters away, but he looked around with a puzzled look.

He didn't understand why there was a rocket launcher attacking him.

"It's me, why are you ignoring me!"

Passerby A roared.

He tried to attack 096 with various weapons.

However, none of them could kill 096.

096 ignored him directly. Suddenly, 096 disappeared from the spot, and he could not find 096 anymore.

"Woo, why do you all ignore me..."

Passerby A covered his face and cried in pain.

The battlefield was quiet in an instant, and only the cry of Passerby A remained.

His cry spread far in the darkness.

But no one cared.

"096 left!"

Beside the time train, Pete said in confusion.

At this time, there was no response below.

Pete sent a cannon fodder and asked him to use a drone to see the situation below.

The cannon fodder quickly passed the message and told him that 096 had left.

Through the drone screen, they saw Passerby A crying there.

"Poor guy, crying again for being ignored!"

Pete shook his head.

Li Si also looked at Passerby A strangely.

If the ability of Passerby A, which is often overlooked, is used well, it can be a terrifying assassination technique.

It can be said that anyone can be killed by Passerby A.

Even if Passerby A kills a king in front of everyone, no one will think that he killed him.

This is the terrifying part of Passerby A, and at the same time, it is also the source of his pain.

No one knows the origin of Passerby A, except that he was born in 1982.

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