When 096 left, he told Mo Yu that he was leaving.

So, Mo Yu could also look at the battlefield.

His eyes saw Passerby A on the battlefield.

But, like everyone else, he just looked at it calmly.

Although he saw Passerby A, he had no impression of Passerby A at all.

"Host, that person is SCP-1504, Passerby A!"

The moment Mo Yu looked at Passerby A on the battlefield, the system's voice sounded in Mo Yu's mind.

At the same time, the information about Passerby A also appeared in his mind.

"There is such an abnormality, he is so pitiful!"

Mo Yu sighed.

No matter what Passerby A does, others will not think he did it.

Passerby A will not suffer any physical damage or death.

However, he can be subdued.

Passerby A's head can be hit with a blunt object, making him powerless and limp, subduing him.

He can also be made powerless by tranquilizers and trifluorochlorobromoethane gas.

Let him remain in a powerless state, and he can be contained.

"Host, you can devour this neglected ability of his. Once you obtain this ability, you will not be afraid of 096 in the future, and you don't have to be afraid of Peanut."

The system said in a deep voice.


Mo Yu said excitedly.

This ability of Passerby A is so powerful.

Even 096 and Peanut will ignore his presence.

If he obtains it, then it is really perfect.

In the future, when 096 comes again, he will no longer have to close his eyes.

"Okay, devour him!"

Mo Yu said.

He is also ready to find an opportunity to devour Passerby A.

He slowly walked towards the battlefield, hiding in the darkness, and no one could find him.

He also quickly approached Passerby A.

Passerby A was crying on the battlefield, and Mo Yu was standing in front of him.

Mo Yu looked at the crying Passerby A, and his heart had no reaction.

Even, his eyes didn't fluctuate at all, as if he didn't know that Passerby A was here.

"Host, put your hand on him!"

Now it was basically the system that was prompting Mo Yu to work.

Because Mo Yu was ignoring Passerby A.

He could only follow the system's prompts, step by step.

Passerby A suddenly felt someone put his hand on his shoulder.

He stopped crying and looked up to see Mo Yu.

Mo Yu followed the system's instructions and said something mechanically.

"Dear friend, don't cry, there will still be people in the world who will notice you."

After hearing Mo Yu's words, Passerby A's body trembled.

There was an excited light in his eyes, he looked at Mo Yu excitedly, and said in a trembling voice.

"Do you care about me?"

Mo Yu followed the system's instructions and answered mechanically.

"Of course, my friend, others may not care about you, but I will definitely care about you."

"Woo, finally someone cares about me!"

Passerby A cried excitedly.

He didn't know how many years it had been, no one cared about him, no matter what he did.

Now, Mo Yu stood in front of him and said that he cared about him.

This feeling warmed his heart like an angel.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Mo Yu was basically listening to the system now.

Mo Yu himself ignored Passerby A, and even Mo Yu didn't know what he was doing.

In this life, Mo Yu's hand was on Passerby A's shoulder.

The system was devouring Passerby A.

Passerby A suddenly felt weak, and he felt something was wrong.

But now he was completely immersed in the joy of being cared about.

"Host, this Passerby A, I can't kill him, I can only devour his ability."

When the system devoured Passerby A, it was also very shocked.

Originally, according to his thoughts, he didn't care about the life and death of Passerby A.

However, when devouring Passerby A, he felt that he couldn't kill Passerby A.

Sure enough, the description of Passerby A was correct.

Passerby A is simply an unkillable existence. Just as he said, he originally lived in the realm of death.

Passerby A talked to Mo Yu excitedly.

Passerby A wanted this feeling of being cared for so much.

Mo Yu followed the instructions of the system and chatted with Passerby A in a casual manner.

He himself did not know what he was saying now.

Soon, the system devoured Passerby A's abilities.

At the same time, it removed those abilities he did not want.

Mo Yu could freely control the feeling of being ignored that he had obtained from Passerby A.

At the same time, he also gained the ability of Passerby A to not suffer any physical damage and not die.

"The power of the god of death..."

The system suddenly said.

"This immortal power comes from death. He finally understands why he is not dead. He may be related to the god of death!"

The system said.

Mo Yu looked at Passerby A in confusion. At this time, after he obtained Passerby A's ability, he could control the ignored power by himself.

If he could, he could use this ability on Passerby A now.

He used it curiously, and Passerby A suddenly didn't care about him.

Passerby A returned to the sad state of being ignored, as if he didn't see Mo Yu in front of him.


Mo Yu was also surprised.

Unexpectedly, after using this ability, even Passerby A would ignore him.

"Host, you can also offset this ability. You don't have to be affected by Passerby A's power!"

The system said.


Mo Yu also nodded.

He has obtained the ability of Passerby A, and he can also counteract this ability of Passerby A.

Maybe other people can ignore Passerby A.

However, he is no longer affected by Passerby A's power.

He will treat Passerby A as a normal person.

"System, are you saying that Passerby A is related to the God of Death?"

Mo Yu was also curious.

"Yes! God of Death, whether it is day or night, even if they appear beside you, you will ignore them, as if you don't know they are around. It is the ability of Passerby A that is ignored by others. Passerby A's immortal power is the same as the power of the God of Death. They can't die, because they are originally the existence of the realm of death!"

The system said.

"Fuck, then I am also immortal!"

Mo Yu said excitedly.

"For most people, you are indeed immortal, and they can't kill you, but for some terrible existences, even the God of Death can be destroyed."

The system said in a deep voice.

He warned Mo Yu again not to take it lightly.

Although he swallowed up the immortal power of Passerby A, this immortal power is still very weak.

It is not the power of the real god of death. If he encounters some terrible existence, he will still be killed.

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