They seemed to have heard the most terrifying song in the world, with faces full of fear.

It was as if they had heard the god of death singing.

"Song of Death!"

The task force soldiers were all terrified.

They even forgot to capture Mo Yu.


All the task force soldiers were terrified.

The submarine instantly reorganized like a mecha, and transformed into a helicopter in the blink of an eye.

The helicopter rose vertically from the sea surface, ready to fly high into the sky.

"Faster, faster!"

Wang Ming screamed in fear.

As if running for his life.

All the task force soldiers were terrified, and the helicopter flew madly towards the sky.

However, the singing kept coming.

In the helicopter, several task force soldiers looked happy, as if they were very intoxicated.

However, they suddenly bled from all seven orifices.

They looked happy, but they were no longer breathing.

Several task force soldiers died in the blink of an eye, and the rest of the people were terrified.

Wang Ming and others were extremely panicked and tried their best to make the helicopter fly high.

In the middle of the journey, people kept bleeding from all seven orifices.

Even Wang Ming and others had a nose bleeding.

"Song of Death, how did she appear here? Shouldn't she be in the Death Forest!"

Wang Ming was terrified.

The reason why the Death Forest is called the Death Forest.

Because there is an unknown existence in the depths of the Death Forest, she likes to sing.

Moreover, her singing is like the sound of nature, and listening to her singing will be the most wonderful thing in the world.

However, listening to her singing requires an extremely terrifying price.

And the price is death!

Therefore, the SCP Foundation set the Death Forest as a restricted area, and no SCP Foundation personnel are allowed to enter the Death Forest.

Because the current SCP Foundation has not found a way to deal with the Death Song.

Any SCP Foundation personnel who enter the Death Forest will die with a happy face as long as they hear this Death Song.

Before, Wang Ming and others were glad that they didn't hear the death song.

They thought they were safe. After all, the death song can't be heard at any time.

The death song can appear at any time. If you are lucky, you won't encounter it.

If you are unlucky and hear it, then, congratulations, your life is gone.

At this time, the helicopter took off frantically.

Wang Ming and others just wanted to stay away from the sea and go to the sky, maybe they could avoid the death song.

A few seconds later, the helicopter came to a thousand meters above the sky.

Here, the death song can finally be heard.

However, most of the task force soldiers in the helicopter have died.

Everyone was bleeding from all seven orifices, and they lost their breath of life with a happy face.

"A concert that you buy tickets with your life!"

Wang Ming smiled bitterly.

Only he and two other task force soldiers are still alive.

The SCP Foundation personnel at the Rattlesnake Desert Base usually talk about the death song in the Death Forest.

They joked that listening to the death song once is like buying a ticket with your life.

After listening to it, people died.

"We actually survived the death song!"

The other two task force soldiers were crying with joy.

They were very excited. The death song, a terrifying song that is said to kill people after listening to it.

They survived.

Of course, except for the three of them, the other dozen people died.

"Is SCP-1010 dead!"

The two task force soldiers were terrified.

If Mo Yu died, their mission would fail and they would be executed.


Wang Ming and the other two looked at the control panel.

The wasp was still tracking Mo Yu.

They saw the picture on the control panel.

In the picture, Mo Yu was floating on the sea with blood coming out of his seven orifices.

"SCP-1010 won't die!"

Seeing such a picture, they were very familiar with it.

After listening to the death song, people will bleed from all seven orifices and die happily.

At this time, Mo Yu was floating on the sea with blood flowing from all seven orifices. This was the appearance of death.

"No, he's still alive!"

In the picture, Mo Yu stared at the sky with his eyes wide open, but his pupils were still moving.

At this time, his mind was blank.

He had the opportunity to pretend to surrender and get on the helicopter.

In this way, he would be taken away by the helicopter.

SCP-682 would hunt him down, and then hunt down the helicopter. Wang Ming and others would definitely stay away from SCP-682 as soon as possible.

In that way, he would have the opportunity to find a way to escape.

However, all plans were interrupted by the death song.

As soon as the death song sounded, he felt as if he had heard the most beautiful sound in the world.

Even, heWant to just lie down like this.

However, at the critical moment, the system's warning sounded.

"Host, the song is destroying your brain. In three seconds, you will die. You must build a defense line in your brain!"

The system's voice made Mo Yu wake up instantly.

Then, with the help of the system, he set up a defense line in his brain.

He felt waves of sound rushing into his brain, trying to shatter his brain and kill him.

The system built a mental defense line at the edge of his brain, but this defense line was being destroyed.

"Immortal power..."

Fortunately, he has immortal power, and the immortal power cooperates with the system to continuously build layers of defense lines.

One layer, two layers, three layers.

One hundred layers...

He built defense lines frantically, and I don't know how many layers he built.

However, all of them were destroyed.

Because the song of death has been going on for a long time.

The song of death has been destroying his defense line.

Until the song of death disappears, he still has the last layer of defense line left.

He survived.

He was lying on the sea with blood flowing from all seven orifices, floating.

His consciousness has not yet recovered, his brain was severely damaged, and the immortal power was repairing his brain trauma.

"Although he survived, he seemed to have become an idiot!"

In the helicopter, Wang Ming and others looked at Mo Yu's current appearance through the wasp.

The more he looked, the more he felt that Mo Yu had become an idiot.

Although he survived the Death Song, he was turned into an idiot by the Death Song.

"Sir, we encountered the Death Song..."

Wang Ming also transmitted everything that had just happened to Li Xiu.

"Death Song, is SCP-1010 still alive!"

Li Xiu's heart trembled.

"Still alive, but the situation is not good. The current situation infers that he should have become an idiot!"

Wang Ming said palely.


Li Xiu's brows instantly wrinkled into a "川" shape.

"Observe carefully, it should be impossible!"

Li Xiu said loudly, unwilling to accept this fact.

"Yes, sir!"

Wang Ming hung up the phone in panic.

Then, through the wasp, he kept a close eye on Mo Yu.

Mo Yu was floating on the sea, bleeding from all seven orifices, his eyes dull.

He remained in this state for several minutes.

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