He did not become an idiot. He was lying like this only because the Immortal Land was repairing his brain injury.

Of course, he looked like an idiot now.

No reaction, a look of dementia.

The Song of Death disappeared.

The sea was strangely calm.

Even the sound of SCP-682 could not be heard.

"Hey, is SCP-682 dead?"

The task force soldiers on the helicopter looked curiously at the location where SCP-682 was before.

The Song of Death, a song that is said to kill people after listening to it.

They didn't know if they could kill SCP-682.

However, the helicopter was now suspended in the sky thousands of meters above the sea.

They couldn't see the situation of SCP-682 with their eyes.

Then, Wang Ming released a wasp and asked the wasp to find SCP-682.

"Record these data!"

Wang Ming also said to the two task force soldiers around him.

SCP Foundation cannot kill SCP-682.

Now, whether the Death Song can kill SCP-682 will be revealed soon.

Wasp quickly flew to the sea and quickly searched for SCP-682 on the sea surface.

There were photos of SCP-682 on the pupils of his eyes. After searching the sea surface for a while, Huang Feng found SCP-682.

At this time, SCP-682 was lying on the sea surface like Mo Yu.

SCP-682 was motionless and had no breath of life on his body.

Wasp flew to SCP-682 and circled around him several times.

Mo Yu and others also saw the situation of SCP-682 from all directions.

"He seems to be really dead!"

SCP-682 was motionless and had no breath of life.

Wang Ming and others looked as if SCP-682 was really dead.

For a moment, they could not accept this kind of ending.

SCP-682, the existence that even the SCP Foundation cannot kill, was killed by the Song of Death.

"Sir, SCP-682 was killed by the Song of Death!"

Wang Ming also sent the data of SCP-682's death to Li Xiu.

Li Xiu was also shocked when he received this data.

"Master, SCP-682 was killed by the Song of Death!"

Li Xiu also contacted the man in a suit as soon as possible and gave him this data.

However, the man in a suit told Li Xiu calmly that SCP-682 was not dead.

Li Xiu also contacted Wang Ming as soon as possible.

"Team 13, SCP-682 is not dead, you should observe it carefully again!"

After receiving Li Xiu's order, Wang Ming and others once again carefully observed SCP-682.

However, in the sight of the wasp, SCP-682 was still motionless, without any breath of life.

This situation is completely a situation of death.


Wang Ming and others were full of confusion.

It looks dead, but it is not dead.

At this time, SCP-682's brain is in chaos.

The terrifying regenerative power is repairing his brain.

The Death Song destroyed SCP-682's brain, but he is not dead.

His brain was destroyed, but it is now being repaired by the regenerative power. From the outside, he is indeed dead.

Wang Ming and others did not dare to let the helicopter descend, fearing that the Death Song would sound again and they would be wiped out.

Therefore, they only dared to float at an altitude of thousands of meters and let the wasp observe all the data for them.

"Host, unknown life is approaching, please wake up immediately!"

The voice of the system sounded in Mo Yu's mind.

He also woke up instantly, and his pupils slowly returned to normal.

Then, he looked to the west.

He saw a beautiful figure swimming towards him.

This is a very beautiful woman, at least in Mo Yu's opinion, the most beautiful woman in the country is just like this.

He instantly thought of the four great beauties in ancient times.

This should be the case for Xi Shi, Diao Chan, Wang Zhaojun, etc.

"Danger, host, please leave immediately!"

The system warning sounded.

Mo Yu's heart trembled, and he thought of the death song just now.

"It's her!"

The death song was a female voice, and now, a peerless beauty appeared inexplicably.

The owner of the song appeared.


Mo Yu turned around without hesitation, dived into the seabed, and swam forward frantically.

"No, she will catch up with me!"

In his mind, thoughts flashed quickly.

NextIn a second, he thought of SCP-682.

"Uncle, save me!"

He swam towards SCP-682 without hesitation.

In this situation, he can only rely on SCP-682.

Only when two terrifying characters fight can he survive in the cracks.

SCP-682 is still lying on the sea, but his pupils gradually return to normal, and he is about to wake up.

Mo Yu swam towards SCP-682 frantically.

"Uncle, help me!"

Mo Yu shouted loudly.

There has never been a moment like now that he urgently wants SCP-682 to come to his side.

He hopes that SCP-682 will come to kill him quickly, because the woman behind him is too dangerous.

At the same time, the system is also frantically building a defense line in his mind.

The song of death may reappear at any time.

He must protect his brain.


SCP-682 woke up, and he regained consciousness again.

Seeing Mo Yu swimming towards him, SCP-682 roared and rushed towards Mo Yu like a bulldozer.

Mo Yu stared at SCP-682 murderously coming towards him, and then looked back at the woman who was swimming lazily behind him.

The woman seemed very leisurely, as if she didn't care about him at all, but her swimming speed was terrifying.

Even in the blink of an eye, it was a hundred meters.

At this time, it was less than a kilometer away from Mo Yu.

And SCP-682 was still two kilometers away from Mo Yu.

"Uncle, hurry up!"

Mo Yu shouted anxiously.

SCP-682's speed was not as fast as the woman's. The woman was too scary.

"Who is this woman? She is so fucking scary!"

Mo Yu felt frightened.

At this time, the woman sang again, and the song of death sounded again.

"Song of Death!"

In the sky, Wang Ming and others were so scared that they drove away in a helicopter without looking back.

Mo Yu felt that his brain was attacked again. His body was stunned in place, his pupils were dilated, as if he was dying.

SCP-682's body, which was rushing around, suddenly trembled, and then, as if by inertia, it rushed forward for several hundred meters and stopped instantly.

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