It's not like he had never seen 682 before, but this was the first time he had seen 682 like this.

"Uncle can be like this..."

He was stunned. At this moment, 682 had become very huge. Such 682 had terrible power, plus the terrible regeneration power, 682 was already invincible.

Mo Yu believed that even if God took action, it would be difficult to kill 682.

At this moment, 682 could even fight against those thousand-meter demons.


682 roared madly, his swallowing speed became faster and faster, and dense zombies were swallowed by him. He enjoyed the pleasure of reaching the peak, and he excitedly roared to the sky.

His body size continued to grow, and soon reached 1,100 meters.

At such a height, he looked like a giant beast standing tall.

Suddenly, 682's eyes locked on Mo Yu next to him. Mo Yu was holding Ziyun and watching 682.

682 suddenly looked towards him, and his brows furrowed.

Perhaps it was because he hated all life, or perhaps it was because Mo Yu had a strong aura or Zi Yun had a strong aura, which attracted 682.

682 rushed towards them, opened his bloody mouth and devoured them.

A terrible devouring force came, and Mo Yu felt his body uncontrollably sucked towards 682's mouth.

Zi Yun, who was beside him, released the sealing power without hesitation, and a sealing divine power directly sealed 682.

682's huge body was instantly sealed by the sealing power, and it stood still in place, keeping its mouth open.

However, this state only lasted for one second, and 682 broke free from the sealing power and continued to devour Mo Yu.

Mo Yu looked at 682 calmly. Zi Yun could only seal 682 for one second, which was also within his expectations.

After all, Zi Yun has not yet completely mastered the sealing power in his body.

If Ziyun had completely mastered the sealing power in her body, then she should be able to seal 682, after all, 682 is not a god.

Ziyun is a god, she just didn't master the divine power of the seal in her body.

However, it was good that Ziyun could seal 682 for one second. After 682 broke free from the sealing power, it swallowed Mo Yu.

Mo Yu hugged Ziyun and left here instantly. 682 lost their figure and was also stunned.

He looked around in confusion, trying to find Mo Yu and the others.

The next second, Mo Yu and Ziyun appeared next to 682 again, and this time, they appeared directly on 682's back.

Ziyun's sealing power was released instantly, and 682 was directly sealed for one second. During this one second of being sealed.

Mo Yu directly attacked 682, and his body directly passed through 682's body.

A big hole instantly appeared in 682's body. Mo Yu appeared from another place. He looked at 682 calmly and released the dimensional space instantly.

The dimensional space sucked 682's tail, and then dragged him into the dimensional space. 682's huge body looked very tall.

The dimensional space could not swallow him instantly. After 682 broke free from the seal, he felt that he was being dragged into the dimensional space. He struggled and roared frantically.

However, after the dimensional space sucked him, he could not resist no matter how hard he struggled.

682 also felt a panic. He didn't expect that he had become so powerful, but he was still targeted by Mo Yu. He suddenly turned around and bit his tail.

He sacrificed the car to save the king, and bit off his tail directly, got out of the swallowing of the dimensional space, ran forward with big strides, and instantly left Mo Yu a thousand meters away.

Mo Yu also looked at 682 in amazement. He didn't expect 682 to do such a thing and bite off his tail cruelly to escape.

However, 682 couldn't run away. He had already seen Mo Yu, who could appear beside him at any time.

682 had just left Mo Yu a thousand meters away when Mo Yu's figure appeared on his back again.

Feeling Mo Yu appear again, 682 was very scared. He was afraid of Mo Yu's dimensional space.

After Mo Yu appeared on 682's back, he released the dimensional space without hesitation.

The dimensional space swallowed up 682's body again. 682 felt his body being dragged into the dimensional space again, and he felt a hint of death.

Theoretically, the dimensional space can drag 682 into the space, and then decompose him into molecules.

Although 682 has infinite regenerative power, Mo Yu is not as good as him.Xin just needs to drag 682 into the dimensional space and forcibly decompose him into molecules.

Even if 682 has a terrible regenerative power, it is difficult to revive again after becoming a molecule.

The terrible devouring power locked 682's body.

The dimensional space was dragging his body into it, and 682 felt panic. Although he had the power of regeneration and boundless combat power, this feeling of powerlessness of being sucked into his body and unable to resist made him feel desperate.

He looked back at Mo Yu next to him and roared.

"Human, don't go too far."

After hearing 682's voice, Mo Yu looked at 682 calmly.

"What do you mean by too much? I have something even more extreme. Do you want to try it?"

After hearing Mo Yu say this, 682 trembled in his heart. He felt that Mo Yu was a devil and the most terrible human he had ever seen.

Although he only met Mo Yu once, he still remembered Mo Yu clearly because he had seen Mo Yu devour the cracks in the space.

One by one, a space crack several tens of meters long disappeared in an instant, which was too abnormal.

Now, although he was a thousand meters tall, he was just a creature to be devoured by Mo Yu.

Even a space crack hundreds of miles long could not stop Mo Yu's devouring, so how could he stop it?

Therefore, he began to beg for mercy.

At first, he was disdainful of Mo Yu, thinking that Mo Yu was just a human being and could not beat him at all.

However, Mo Yu's dimensional space was too deadly, and he had no power to resist at all.

He didn't know how to break free from the swallowing of the dimensional space. He had a hunch that if he was dragged into the dimensional space, it would be difficult to survive.

Although he was fearless, he was still a little afraid of the existence that threatened his life.

At this moment, 682 felt a little afraid of Mo Yu. He frantically begged Mo Yu not to do this to him again, which was really too much.

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