"Human, I won't provoke you, and you don't target me anymore. Let's keep our distance from each other and go our separate ways, okay?" 682 was really scared.

Now, he had a little fear of Mo Yu. If possible, he didn't want to see Mo Yu again in his life. Mo Yu completely restrained him.

He couldn't beat Mo Yu at all. Mo Yu's dimensional space perfectly restrained his regeneration power.

While the dimensional space devoured his body, he recovered his body.

However, the devouring of the dimensional space on him was too terrible. His body was being dragged into the dimensional space bit by bit.

Moreover, he felt that those bodies dragged into the dimensional space were quickly losing contact with him. He felt that after his body was dragged into the dimensional space, it was decomposed into molecules by a terrible force.

After being decomposed, he lost the power to sense these parts of his body, which made him feel panic. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

In the past, even if he was cut into pieces, he could still sense his body fragments.

This was the first time he had lost his sense of touch, so he was full of fear of Mo Yu.

He was sure that Mo Yu had the power to hurt him, or even kill him.

"Human, please, don't hurt me, I've finally grown this big." 682 begged.

This was the first time he grew to a thousand meters tall. He had been kept in the Foundation before, and he had no chance to devour organic and inorganic matter. His body always remained at a size of several dozen meters.

It was the first time in his life that he was a thousand meters tall like now. He enjoyed this state very much. He could devour everything he wanted to devour, and no one could stop him.

Of course, except for the pervert Mo Yu, he was completely afraid of Mo Yu at this moment. He was worried that he would be devoured by Mo Yu and that Mo Yu would destroy him.

He had just enjoyed the peak of his life, how could he be killed by a sudden swallow? He had not yet enjoyed enough, so he begged Mo Yu to let him go.

After Mo Yu heard 682's plea, his heart was moved.

682 was a kilometer tall at the moment, and was an extremely powerful anomaly. If he could bring 682 to fight for him, it would probably be a good choice.

Moreover, he just happened to lack a mount, and if 682 became his mount, then he could dominate the world.

Even if he encountered a kilometer demon, he could let 682 help him fight.

He was also very curious about who was more powerful between 682 and the kilometer demon.

Now, he needed the power of the God Demon in the kilometer demon at the same time, so if he could make 682 his mount, he would naturally choose this method instead of swallowing him.

He had swallowed enough 682, and even if he swallowed 682's body, the effect was not very strong.

However, what he devoured before were clones of 682, and the regenerative power he obtained was not as strong as 682's original body.

Just like now, although the dimensional space was madly devouring 682's body, his devoured body was also madly resurrecting and regenerating.

This regenerative power was very abnormal, and Mo Yu was also very envious, so he looked at 682 calmly.

"It's not impossible to let you go, but I have a request. You must become my mount in the future, call me master, and fight for me. Now if you agree, don't resist."

"Human, your request is too much." After hearing Mo Yu's words, 682 was instantly angry.

He felt that Mo Yu was insulting him. As a noble anomaly, even the Foundation could not do anything to him. At most, they would take him in, and they dared not force him to do anything.

Now, Mo Yu actually wanted him to recognize him as the master, which was a huge shame for him.

If he called Mo Yu his master, then what face would he have in the future? Therefore, his first reaction was to refuse, and even resisted frantically, wanting to kill Mo Yu, the human who insulted him.

However, all his resistance was ineffective.

Mo Yu looked at the resisting 682 calmly. 682's resistance was also expected by him.

682 was originally an arrogant anomaly. It was not easy to make him bow his head.

However, he believed that 682 would eventually compromise. He just looked at 682 calmly and let 682 curse him.

682 cursed Mo Yu while struggling, but all his struggles seemed futile.

The dimensional space is still thereSwallowing him, at this moment, his hind legs have been completely swallowed by the dimensional space. He felt that his body was losing contact with himself bit by bit. Panic appeared in his heart again. He was afraid.

"Human, can you change your request?"

682 begged Mo Yu again. He was unwilling to accept the request of Mo Yu to be his master. He hoped that Mo Yu would change his request.

However, Mo Yu just looked at him calmly without saying a word. His attitude was very clear.

Unless 682 recognized him as his master and fought for him, otherwise, he would not let 682 go today.

Feeling that his body was disappearing more and more, 682's fear was also growing. If it continued like this, he was sure that he might really disappear from this world.

Mo Yu's dimensional space was too terrible.

Mo Yu looked at 682 calmly. He believed that 682 would not be able to hold on for long. In the end, he would still surrender to him. It was just a matter of time.

Time passed bit by bit, 682 resisted frantically, and when most of his body was swallowed by the dimensional space, the last line of defense in his heart also collapsed.

He looked at Mo Yu in horror and begged.

"Human, I promise you, you will be my master from now on, and I am willing to fight for you."

He compromised. In the face of death, he did not dare to bet. If Mo Yu could really kill him completely, he would be finished.

He had grown to the current thousand-meter height with great difficulty. If he was killed by Mo Yu now, he would lose a lot.

Although it was shameful and embarrassing to recognize Mo Yu as his master, he had to compromise.

If it was a little later, he would be completely swallowed.

When Mo Yu saw that 682 agreed, he also let go of the dimensional space and let 682's body go back.

682's body instantly came out of the dimensional space, and his heart was full of surviving a disaster.

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