If Mo Yu guessed correctly, the burned skin on the black-robed man's face was just fake skin that was pasted on later.

Under this layer of skin, it should be his true face.

Even, Mo Yu's eyes were sharp and he saw some white things.

This white thing didn't look like skin. He felt a little familiar, like ceramic.


Mo Yu stared at the black-robed man in confusion, feeling that the black-robed man was full of mystery.

The black-robed man seemed to feel Mo Yu's gaze, and he looked over instantly.

Mo Yu felt like he was being stared at by the god of death.

Even, for a moment, he felt that his mind was seen through by the other party.

"Who is it!"

Mo Yu was very sure that this black-robed man must not be an ordinary criminal.

Ordinary people could not give him this feeling.

The only thing that could give him this feeling was dangerous anomalies.

"Could it be an unknown anomaly..."

Mo Yu guessed in his heart.

He could feel the black-robed man staring at him, as if he wanted to know his inner thoughts.

Even the black-robed man moved towards him.

"What does he want to do!"

Mo Yu was also surprised. This black-robed man would not want to come over and mess with him just because he was staring at him.

Although the black-robed man looked very mysterious and threatening to ordinary people.

However, Mo Yu was not afraid of him now.

After all, he was the existence of SCP-682.

He had the regeneration ability and abnormal combat power of the master.

The black-robed man slowly moved to Mo Yu's side.

The passengers between them all walked away silently.

Although they had a little respect for the black-robed man.

However, the black-robed man was too mysterious and weird after all, and they were still a little afraid in their hearts.

All the passengers walked away silently, and the black-robed man came straight to Mo Yu's side. There were no other passengers around, only the two of them.

Mo Yu saw that the seats around him were empty, so he simply sat down on the seat.

The black-robed man also sat next to him, and the two sat there silently without saying a word.

Mo Yu suddenly felt as if he was being spied on.

He felt that the man in black robes was spying on his mind.

He was also shocked, and even the system's warning sounded.

The system warned him that the man in black robes was spying on his mind and wanted to master his mind.

The system asked him to stay away from the man in black robes, at least two meters away.

"System, can you guess what kind of abnormality it is!"

Mo Yu took the risk of sitting next to the man in black robes, just to test what abilities the man in black robes had.

He wanted the system to guess the identity of the man in black robes from these abilities.

"He can detect your mind, and can master your mind. There is only one SCP-035 with this ability!"

The voice of the system came.

Mo Yu was shocked, he knew the matter of SCP-035 very well.

However, SCP-035 is a white ceramic comedy mask.

The man in black robes next to him did not have a white mask on his face.


Suddenly, he remembered that when the black-robed man took off his sunglasses and mask, he saw some white spots under his burned skin.

Those white spots looked like ceramics.

He figured it out instantly. The black-robed man's white mask was covered by the burned skin.

"What a smart SCP-035, no wonder he is said to be extremely intelligent!"

Mo Yu also praised SCP-035.

Experimental data show that SCP-035 has extremely high intelligence.

Now, seeing the black-robed man's disguise method with his own eyes, Mo Yu was also amazed by him.

Although he guessed the identity of the black-robed man, Mo Yu did not intend to expose him.

He did not want to cause trouble for himself.

Therefore, he stood up silently and wanted to stay away from the black-robed man.

However, the black-robed man's hand instantly grabbed his hand and did not allow him to leave.

"Brother, why are you grabbing me!"

Mo Yu looked back at the black-robed man in confusion.

"Sit down!"

The black-robed man's hoarse voice sounded.

Mo Yu sat down next to the black-robed man helplessly.

The black-robed man did not speak, and the two continued to sit in silence.

After a long time, the black-robed man's hoarse voice sounded.

"Who are you?"

Hearing the black-robed man's words, Mo Yu frowned slightly.

The black-robed man should have also sensed his abnormality and knew that he was not an ordinary person.

However, he did not intend to tell the black-robed man his true identity.

"A fugitive!"

Mo Yu said calmly.

"Who is chasing you?"The black-robed man continued to ask in a hoarse voice.


Mo Yu paused for a second, but still told the black-robed man the truth.

"Why are they chasing you?"

The black-robed man's tone fluctuated, and he continued to ask.

"Because I don't want to be contained!"

Mo Yu said.

"Who are you?"

The black-robed man's tone was a little surprised, and at the same time, there was a hint of curiosity.

"I won't tell you, okay, the next stop is here, no more chatting, they are here to catch me!"

Mo Yu stood up.

The next stop is here.

When the elevator door opened, he knew that the people standing outside the door would not be passengers, but task force soldiers.

"No, they are here to catch me!"

The black-robed man also stood up, and his eyes were also looking at the subway door.

Through the glass, they have seen the task force soldiers with live ammunition outside the door.

"You are so well disguised, they should not be able to find you."

Mo Yu said in surprise.

"No, they know my disguise, they are here to catch me."

The black-robed man shook his head.

Then, he tore the black robe apart.

Took off the mask and sunglasses.

And, he rubbed his face, revealing a white comedy mask.

"It is SCP-035!"

Mo Yu looked at SCP-035 next to him calmly.

The subway stopped, and the subway door opened instantly.

Countless task force soldiers with live ammunition rushed in from outside the door.

They opened fire as soon as they came in.

The white mask on the black-robed man's face suddenly disappeared.

The next second, it appeared on the face of a task force soldier.

Then, it kept moving on the faces of the task force soldiers one by one.

In this way, the white mask instantly left the subway door.

And, moving between the task force soldiers, a white mask appeared on the face of the last task force soldier.

Then, he ran madly towards the elevator next to him.

"Catch him!"

There are still many task force soldiers above the elevator.

They fired wildly and knocked down the task force soldier.

The task force soldier fell down and moved up with the elevator.

One by one, the task force soldiers approached.

"Keep two meters away!"

Someone yelled.

However, the task force soldier on the ground suddenly jumped up and rushed towards one of the task force soldiers.

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